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The Revan Novel (spoilers) and how i started worry about my Jedi story


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So there is no search function and I really want to talk about his novel, so sorry if I missed the entire discussion if it has already been had.


Personally this was the worst novel I have ever read. I actually regret rading it.

Mostly because it did not deliver what it promised.This was supposed to be the novel to explain and show what Revan found in the outer rim, show the power of the new Sith Empire and what happend.


What it did was something else. The author, who clearly just wanna write about the Sith, presented a new character and based the book about him instead of Revan, made him the main character and Revan into a side character. There was more sith philosophies debatted in the book than there were jedi, and the jedi was, as always, presented as some backward striving closeminded people.


A few examples from the book which bothered me. Spoilers ahead.


- Scourge, what was the point of this character, did we really need a sith lord in a book about Revan, and did he really need to be the main character.


- Revans inaction, what did he actually do, he fought some Mandalorians, got imprisoned, help kill a sith lord (the one cool thing he did), get caught again after a very anticlimax facedown with the emperor.


- Immersion in the story, I never get caught in the story at all, escpeially the ending whicch could have been done so well, it feels like he simply did not want to write anymore and just hurried the story.

At the end, I did not feel anything for Meetra or Revan, i just felt: Meehh.


- The sith afraid of the jedi? Ok, this one came to me as the biggest surprise ever, was teh sith actually afraid of invading the Republic, was it only the emperor who actually wanted to invade the republic, I thought all the work he did from when he actually became emperor was to prepare for this invasion. That the entire empire worked so well because they had this one goal to look forward to. They actually say this in the timelines.

He could not have done this without a few other sith who wanted to invade teh republic.

The sith in the game thinks the invasion is a really good idea, how could this have changed in such short time? Yes 300 years is a short time to change a view which had been dominated for over 1000 years.


After reading this I am even more worried about my Jedi story, i am only level 22 and at Taris, however if this is the author to my Jedi story, someone who clearly cant keep from makíng a Sith the main character in a Novel about one of the greatest Jedi ever, what will he do to the Jedi story?


Hope someone has the fortitude to read all this and come with opions.



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This was supposed to be the novel to explain and show what Revan found in the outer rim, show the power of the new Sith Empire and what happend.


Well actually the novel does show that, it includes the backstory to Lord Scourge to give some more depth to the sith empire. If it had stuck with Revan the whole time all we'd have heard about was Nathema and a small part of Dromund Kaas. To me the story showed a huge build up towards the final confrontation with the sith emperor and then showed his power by defeating Revan. Then Scourge decides to wait for the jedi from his vision (The Jedi Knight) to come and defeat the emperor.

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jedi was, as always, presented as some backward striving closeminded people.


Have to say alot of the lore points to the jedi being a bit closed minded


1 they reject emotions rather then teach how to deal with them

2 they have left millions die rather than go to war

3 they gloss over the fact that a large portion of there order has rejected the councils decision and gone to war anway


and as for the sith being afraid of the Jedi, There whole civilization was nearly wiped out by them they know if they reveal themselves and loose the jedi will hunt them down and destroy everything they can to do with them.


If you look at it from a future perspective after the Jedi win the war it looks like they erased much of the history concerning the sith, very little is know about them in the future to the point of many of the planets in the empire in swtor are unknown in bby. The whole chiss race is forgotten even

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I completely agree with the OP.. I'm lvl 40 jk now, and oh my how it sucks.. The book was bad, but the Jedi Knight story in the game is even worse. What you do from lvl 1-20 is not memorable, same goes for 20-40. I can not recall some of the "major" story points since they all seem.. well, meh. It was only at lvl 20 and 40 where you got some sort of story part that was all right, but lasted for like 10 minutes.. Wth?


The dialogue sucks too, lines like "A Jedi of the Light will always protect those in need.", in the game makes me wanna rip my ears off. Who actually says that???? Try to say it to yourself and see how dumb it sounds... The Jedi Knight is even worse written than the prequels.. So far, of the three classes i've played, (Smugg, SW and JK), it seems only the Smuggler and SW have good writing. Oh the disappointment, and this is what Star Wars is all about....

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wow really, Jedi story being uneventful?




let me remind you: You killed a Sith Lord's son and he almost restarts the war just to kill you, planting super weapons and attempting to blow up entire planets just because you are landed on them. He kills your Master, who then returns to you as a Force Ghost to help you stop the emperor. You get a new master, and alongside him fall under the emperor's control, yet only you are able to break free. You get Scourge as a companion (and after reading Revan, I have a whole new respect for him. 300 years enduring unstoppable agony). You have to hunt down and kill your second master because he is still under the dark side. Finally, you complete Scourge's vision and defeat the emperor).



I played JK in beta, and finished the entire story. I thought it was awesome. Stereotypical Star Wars, but that only helped make it more epic. The Revan book provided everything I wanted, giving so much more importance to my JK story.


You can dislike Drew K. as much as you want, but not only did he write large amounts of story in this game, he also made the Darth Bane books, and was the main writer in KoTOR. Therefor, Revan is his character to do what he wants with. I wouldn't have wanted the story to be any different.

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Well SPOILER ALERT Scrounge ends up as one of your companions around level 40 as a jedi knight and your character is in fact the jedi that Scrounge had a vision about defeating the emperor.


How is scourge still alive 300 years later?

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I actually have to agree with the OP about the Revan novel. To me it was terrible. When I first got it, I was excited to read about Revan. The Jedi/Sith/Jedi/BAMF tearing **** up.


Instead I got a useless story about a sith lord that I hated, two other characters associated with the sith that I wanted to just die in a fire, and a predictable plot device at the end of the novel. On top of that, Revan himself, was less than, less than epic, less that interesting, less than everything I had hoped for.


I was expecting to be drawn up in the story and the character like I was in the Darth Bane series, and it was a total and complete let down.

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There are some answer which I would like to comment on.


The first about the Jedi. The Jedi are portrayed as backward striving closeminded people only in the EU.

In the oroginal trilogy (the only true reference) both Obi-wan and Yoda do not at all come across as the Jedi in the EU.

Even in the prequels, and even in teh clone wars, though inferior references they are still true since Lucas was part of

therir creation.

Could you ever imagine the Jedi council with Yoda Obi and Mace actually not lifting a finger if Madalorians

ever invaded them?

This is actually the only thing which is a very big hole in Biowares storytelling, there is no logical way to explain

the Jedi councils refusal to fight the mandalorians, it has always bothered me. Bioware ahs great storytelling but in

this instance they really made a terrible job.


That the sith lord will end up as a companion is not really surprising, very obvious as is that you are the Jedi he saw,

but i hoped he would not. Iwill however never use him, hate him already. And now that he sees the invasion actually works,

is he still afraid of the emperor?

However the emperor became immortal at the cost of an entire world, thr ritual took days to finish, Scrouge just stepped

into a machine and not even a fly died, how is this logical?


I also rewatched teh timeline, the one about the Grand Moff specificly states that the new empire

would "bring about the republics destruction", how would they do that without invading? So how could it be a susprise?



To conclude, this is a very poorly written novel from what it had been anounced as, had the title been "Lord Scourge" or something and had notheing to do with Revan, I could have accepted it, but as it is now, I really hate it.

And again, I am worried about the Jedi knight class quest, tha author does not at all seem to grasp what a true Jedi should be about, he just wants to show the empire as the good guys it seems.



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There are some answer which I would like to comment on.


The first about the Jedi. The Jedi are portrayed as backward striving closeminded people only in the EU.

In the oroginal trilogy (the only true reference) both Obi-wan and Yoda do not at all come across as the Jedi in the EU.

Even in the prequels, and even in teh clone wars, though inferior references they are still true since Lucas was part of

therir creation.

Could you ever imagine the Jedi council with Yoda Obi and Mace actually not lifting a finger if Madalorians

ever invaded them?

This is actually the only thing which is a very big hole in Biowares storytelling, there is no logical way to explain

the Jedi councils refusal to fight the mandalorians, it has always bothered me. Bioware ahs great storytelling but in

this instance they really made a terrible job.


That the sith lord will end up as a companion is not really surprising, very obvious as is that you are the Jedi he saw,

but i hoped he would not. Iwill however never use him, hate him already. And now that he sees the invasion actually works,

is he still afraid of the emperor?

However the emperor became immortal at the cost of an entire world, thr ritual took days to finish, Scrouge just stepped

into a machine and not even a fly died, how is this logical?


I also rewatched teh timeline, the one about the Grand Moff specificly states that the new empire

would "bring about the republics destruction", how would they do that without invading? So how could it be a susprise?



To conclude, this is a very poorly written novel from what it had been anounced as, had the title been "Lord Scourge" or something and had notheing to do with Revan, I could have accepted it, but as it is now, I really hate it.

And again, I am worried about the Jedi knight class quest, tha author does not at all seem to grasp what a true Jedi should be about, he just wants to show the empire as the good guys it seems.




Bioware DID explain why the Jedi didn't go to war. The council at the time was afraid that many members of their order would fall to the Dark Side since they were inexperienced in the ways of warfare. Its one thing to duel someone or fight off some pirates and another thing entirely to see hundreds, if not thousands, die and potentially see entire planets destroyed. And, the council's fears were correct. Revan and Malak along with their followers fell to the Dark Side which would have never happened had they not gone to war and roamed the galaxy unsupervised. Not to mention, the Sith Emperor was behind the the Mandalorian Wars. Its very possible the council could sense the Dark Side's influence in the war and did not want to run head long into a trap. Also, your comparison to the Yoda's council doesnt have merit because those groups are four thousand years apart. Different people, different ideologies.


Scourge is immortal because of a ritual the Emperor performs, most likely transferring part of his power to Scourge. Scourge is also suffering because of the immortality meaning it was a different ritual that had an added side effect. Potentially, the Force is capable of doing anything. There were already a few rituals to prolong life before the Revan book so here's one more.


And what more do you want from the Jedi story quest? You play a generic hero who selflessly goes out of his way to help as many people as he can. Jedi are peacekeepers and guardians of the Republic; They were always like this.

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Well said indeed.


People are far too attached to Revan. He's a good character, but he isn't a god, and no matter what story was come up with for him, people would have complained.


Personally, the Revan book was well done, and added lots of story to characters who never would have gotten anything.


Revan's story in KoTOR, TOR, and TOR: Revan were all written by the same author, so don't accuse Drew of ruining his own character. It's all there for the sake of story.


When i played my JK story, i didn't really care too much for Scourge. After reading Revan, I grew to quite like the character, I have a whole new respect for him.


Honestly, Revan's story is way cooler than simply dying of old age.

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