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This is what will truly ruin the pvp


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People afking in matches, and those trying to just farm kills and not play the objectives.

I sat in a couple games where 3-4 people were just sitting in huttball in the corners moving around and occasionally taking a shot at someone.


We need to be able to kick these people. They are the bane of pvp.

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People afking in matches, and those trying to just farm kills and not play the objectives.

I sat in a couple games where 3-4 people were just sitting in huttball in the corners moving around and occasionally taking a shot at someone.


We need to be able to kick these people. They are the bane of pvp.


Here I got a prime example for you. I am playing huttball and the game is going well. I am a tank so I have the ball and I am scoring multiple times. The game ends, Republic 5, Empire 2. I scored all 5 of the goals the republic has. Because I was busy trying to score with the ball and ignoring kills I only get around 50-60 commendations.


Now I go back into Huttball and play again. This time I say screw it, I'm going to kill everyone. I don't score at all and in fact, we lose to the imperials without scoring once. I did around 150k ish damage and had good guard points and so forth. I will get around 70-80 commendations for this round.


See the problem? You don't get commendations for actually trying to win, you get them for farming. If this system remains the same, who is going to actually want to play the game to win unless they have the daily/weekly to do so. Bioware needs to give more commendations for completing objectives, plain and simple!


/rant off

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Here I got a prime example for you. I am playing huttball and the game is going well. I am a tank so I have the ball and I am scoring multiple times. The game ends, Republic 5, Empire 2. I scored all 5 of the goals the republic has. Because I was busy trying to score with the ball and ignoring kills I only get around 50-60 commendations.


Now I go back into Huttball and play again. This time I say screw it, I'm going to kill everyone. I don't score at all and in fact, we lose to the imperials without scoring once. I did around 150k ish damage and had good guard points and so forth. I will get around 70-80 commendations for this round.


See the problem? You don't get commendations for actually trying to win, you get them for farming. If this system remains the same, who is going to actually want to play the game to win unless they have the daily/weekly to do so. Bioware needs to give more commendations for completing objectives, plain and simple!


/rant off


Bioware already said medal fixes are coming this month.

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I think what the OP really meant to say was:


A dead game world and poor world PvP in addition to requiring world PvP players to semi-afk WFs they may not enjoy for the necessary PvP gear is what's going to ruin the PvP.

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@EvansSnowWolf - I'm not telling people how to play the game at all. However, I am asking that people don't come in to a huttball or any other pvp match and jerk off in a corner only to screw the entire team out of a win. Some of us are trying to get our weeklies in. Do you understand how hard it is to win 9 games in a day (some of us don't get to play 24/7)?
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Here I got a prime example for you. I am playing huttball and the game is going well. I am a tank so I have the ball and I am scoring multiple times. The game ends, Republic 5, Empire 2. I scored all 5 of the goals the republic has. Because I was busy trying to score with the ball and ignoring kills I only get around 50-60 commendations.


Now I go back into Huttball and play again. This time I say screw it, I'm going to kill everyone. I don't score at all and in fact, we lose to the imperials without scoring once. I did around 150k ish damage and had good guard points and so forth. I will get around 70-80 commendations for this round.


See the problem? You don't get commendations for actually trying to win, you get them for farming. If this system remains the same, who is going to actually want to play the game to win unless they have the daily/weekly to do so. Bioware needs to give more commendations for completing objectives, plain and simple!


/rant off

This. Scoring and fighting for objectives gives you jack ****. Proper way to play Alderaan would be to take a point and stand guard for it. You do that, you will get at best 4 four medals; two being the defender ones. If you run around aimlessly killing, guarding, AOEing stuff you get about 9-10. Same with HB. Running the ball and focusing on objective gets you ****.

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No what will ruin PVP is:


Overpowered sorc/sages

Overpowered BH/troopers

Overpowered Sentinel/Marauders

Overpowered Juggernaut/Guardians


At least according to the forums. We're all going to destroy the game with our own class's OPness.

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I'd love to see a vote kick.


On my server we've been getting a lot of "duds" in our games. Which is basically an empire player dual boxing, leaving one level 10 in our warzone matches doing nothing and communicating information to their own team.


It's really sickening and we need a votekick to remove a lot of these home grown diseases in our warzones.

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