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Employees at BW that should be let go due to budget costs


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The guy who thought it would be a good idea for random drops of gear in the epic pvp bags. ...sorry *hands pink slip.


The guy who survived the Warhammer Online purge and got rehired at Bioware and brought all the fail ideas with him about world pvp... the director called, wants you in an hour before everyone else come Friday.


The guy that thought up Ilium pvp.. Before you leave for the weekend, hand over your keys.


The guy who thought group and solo queue in the same wz was a great thing that was in WhO, why not bring it over here...Don't look for your coffee mug, we threw it out with the rest of your stuff.


Finally, the guy who green lit all these bad ideas...i dont know why that guy is sc****** your name off your door. by the way...step into my office...close the door

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Remember, the best and the biggest masterminds of PvP in the industry were hired to design PvP for SWTOR.


I loled ...


Please tell me that's not true!! No one who pvps on a regular basis would make more than one of these mistakes.

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The original people who did DAoC's RvR no longer work for Mythic. They work for Pitchblack Games making a new sci-fi three way RvR game.


I also have a feeling Mythic didn't have much say in this game. I find a hard time believing that after seeing the lack of incentive in open world pvp and the fact that musical objectives was still allowed to make it to live.

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The original people who did DAoC's RvR no longer work for Mythic. They work for Pitchblack Games making a new sci-fi three way RvR game.


I also have a feeling Mythic didn't have much say in this game. I find a hard time believing that after seeing the lack of incentive in open world pvp and the fact that musical objectives was still allowed to make it to live.


Having played Warhammer Online, I can tell you that SWTOR has similar development and management styles. Personally, I think that Mythic had a lot of control or atleast influence on the creation of SWTOR.

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I'm fairly terrified of drops on pvp death.


Are we going to see LITERAL pvp farming of people? People logging on alts and sitting them out at the medical center killing them for loot?


Maybe this is what botters will do.


Basically, it's a horrible idea. At best the drops should be merc commendations randomly or something.

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You forgot the person who approved the look of the level 50 gear.


The coloring is terribad. Maybe absent is a better word. Like they forgot to color the models. They made sure to give the story NPCs vibrant color/contrast on their gear, though. Herp Derp.

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If you dont like the game then leave. Simple as that.


Perhaps we don't dislike the game but dislike certain things in the game. By voicing the things we don't like they can fix them and make them more enjoyable thus improving the game.

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