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About this computer setup...does it pass?


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Hey fellow swtorers of the galaxy!


I Have come to you today with a plea, a request, a question...


I would love to know your comments on these two different gaming rigs


One on the cheaper side, and one on the more expensive side.


What I ask of you is to help me with price, at first I thought about the cheaper model, and I assumed it the better buy because it is cheaper, then I saw that the CPU is a Pentium...


Please tell me adjustments I should make to the cheaper one to be able to play on ULTRA!


I do not quite want to pay the full 1200 for the super duper one but the other seems a bit cheap


Cheaper gaming rig: http://www.diyallday.com/example-parts-list-the-budget-gaming-system/


Ultra Gaming rig: http://www.diyallday.com/example-parts-list-the-high-performance-gaming-system/


Thank you for your assistance and I hope you all have joy playin the Old Republic :)



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You will be fine with the cheaper rig for SWTOR.


Your CPU is at 3.0ghz which is fine for gaming, but importantly your video card and RAM are up to snuff.


My old computer had an older video card than yours (GTX 285) and it ran it mostly fine. I did experience faaaaar more slow ups and lag spikes (and stutters) at the Fleet. I still experience it with my newer (and much, much better) rig, but not as much. I should note my older computer was only running 4GB RAM.


But, I still recommend the more expensive for long term PC Gaming. :)

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No problem. :) Good luck with your computer, and welcome (or welcome back?) to PC Gaming!


Glad you are building your own. Plenty of people go for the pre-billed gaming computers and get pretty boned. :( Expensive computer with subpar parts. Plus you'll learn a thing or then whilst building your own. <:)


See you in Star Wars!

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