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Marauder PvP


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Does it get any better at level 50? I decided to roll as my first character, and the PvE doesn't seem terrible. When I decided to join PvP matches, all I do is get slaughtered. This is on a server where the character levels remain pretty much balanced. I got to the point where I rage quit a queue because I saw we had 3 marauders and 2 juggs in Huttball, switched to my assassin and got in on the other side. Needless to say, my assassin managed to get more kills in that time than their highest scorer. Marauders seem like they can do pretty decent 1v1, when half their kit doesn't bug up and it's not my being CC'd and tossed everywhere all the time with no real ways of defending myself.
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As a balance shadow I generally try to avoid a 1v1 with a Maurader. If I sit there and try to duke it out with them using only sabers it is a losing proposition. Just have to change up my skill rotation for this engagement. Win some lose some.


While that does not answer your question there are some classes I worry more about than others and this would be one of them. Just figured I'd let you know someone else's perspective when battling this class.

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Marauders and sentinels shred anything they can keep contact with. Just pick your targets according to that.


Only if they arn't being attacked. Marauders and sentinels are weak compared to the other classes and can't beat assassins on dps charts even though the devs said they are supposed to do more damage than them.

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My problem with them is almost every class has some method of making sure I can't keep contact with them. Charge is almost always on CD when I need it since I have to save it for knock backs, but every class seems to have multiple forms of knock backs/snares/stuns outside of marauders lack of useful CC.
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Only if they arn't being attacked. Marauders and sentinels are weak compared to the other classes and can't beat assassins on dps charts even though the devs said they are supposed to do more damage than them.


Which dps charts would these be? Did I miss where they said they bought recount into the game?

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Only if they arn't being attacked. Marauders and sentinels are weak compared to the other classes and can't beat assassins on dps charts even though the devs said they are supposed to do more damage than them.


Maybe if you keep this up long enough, the devs will remember what they said, since they've clearly forgotten. -FACEPALM-

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Marauders wreck face in PVP at 50, there are quite a few good ones that I face in PVP (myself being 50 and lvl 46 valor) they definately do good damage as well as being annoying as hell with their force leap and choke abilities.
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Only if they arn't being attacked. Marauders and sentinels are weak compared to the other classes and can't beat assassins on dps charts even though the devs said they are supposed to do more damage than them.


My Sentinel does top damage every warzone, get better.


Go Watchman, SPEC INTO 100% REDUCED DAMAGE FORCE CAMO - I don't care if the specs people post don't include it. GET IT. Also any PvP spec that isn't Watchman with the 6 second interrupt is bad anyway...this lets you own up BHs/Troopers.


Force Charge -> Overcharge Saber (WHILE IN AIR) -> Zealous Strike -> Leg Slash -> Cauterize -> You are well on your way to victory my friend.


Rebuke is a 1 minute CD, and will almost always have 30 second uptime, so if you are in combat, more often than not it should be up. If you REALLY get in trouble, and you can get transcendence, do that, than pop it and Force Camo, if you can't you may have to pop Saber Ward after the Force Camo ends in order to get to a teammate/health or speed powerup.


If there is one thing Sentinels are good at, its running from a fight, pick your fights carefully, don't just spam random abilities, use that opening rotation I showed, and than watch your focus/CDs carefully.


A well played Sentinel shreds anything except for Juggs (and Snipers at max range, and Ops who blow all their CDs....but ONLY if your stunbreaker is on CD...if it isn't pop that and 100% dmg resist Force Camo and he is literally useless, as you mitigate all of his bleeds and burst) as far as I'm concerned...I DEMOLISH Sorcs/Sages, ANY healer, BHs/Troopers Assassins/Shadows, other Sentinels/Marauders (Most I see are TERRIBLE, or are just not Watchman).


Like I said Guardians/Juggs give me trouble..but they should, I'm not a particularly bursty class, and they are tanks, I shouldn't be able to beat them reliably 1v1...Ops/Scoundrels it is basically whether or not I have either stunbreaker or force camo (preferably both, but I can manage - though it'd be close - if I only have one...having neither basically means bad news bears, but again, not impossible, in this situation I pop a pot or saber ward, or hope I have Valorous Call/30 stacks of centering so I can pop transcendence...), but I don't rambo I usually stick with a teammate or 2, so Ops/Scoundrels rarely bother with me. And Snipers at max range...I bark at a range to take care of them....however if I get on top of one it dies.


As far as I'm concerned, the only class in the game which is "weak" at 50, is the Juggernaut/Guardian archetype.


Mercs/Commandos are too easy, but they aren't OP, they just can do everything with Tracer, but interrupting them is funny cause they don't know what to do, so I say don't nerf them.


Ops/Scoundrels? Only OP if your are a road warrior, or don't have a proper companion out (for world PvP..having a decked out healing companion is lol vs an Operative...because you can almost always break their stun in an Open world situation), after their burst, they suck....if anything I'd say nerf their busrt and buff them elsewhere, but thats another story.


Juggs and Guardians, are only really good at carrying the Huttball, their only good dps spec (Focus I think in PvP) relies on Smash crits, and is basically a one trick pnoy...even moreso than Ops..but they don't do enough damage out of the box to warrent lacking sustained. Other than that, they aren't beefy enough to warrant their low damage in tank spec, they have no AoE knockback, only have a 3 second stun (channelled in 2 of the specs), and a relatively long CD single target knockback. They aren't fast, they aren't even the most mobile melee (debatable, but I'd say Marauders are simply because Force Camo, and transcendence are going to be available enough of the time, and of course Force Speed/Force Grip give assassins more utility).


TL;DR: Holy crap that turned into a wall of text fast, anyway, balance isnt as bad as people say, its just exaggeration you see because its a new game and most people haven't learned the ins and outs of their class yet. The only "weak" class is Juggernaut/Guardian in my experience as a Sentinel. Sentinels just suffer from being the class (in a new game) with the highest skill cap atm.

Edited by Grimhand
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You! I know you! ;-)


On topic: ^this


It was welcome back day what are you doing here.... LOL. ;)


Really though on the topic... spec bleeds... spec your leap to 0 distance... learn to space your interupt skills a few seconds apart... and completely decimate almost every other class, Lock there bars out and make them think the UI is melting.... well until you get focused.

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My Sentinel does top damage every warzone, get better.


Go Watchman, SPEC INTO 100% REDUCED DAMAGE FORCE CAMO - I don't care if the specs people post don't include it. GET IT. Also any PvP spec that isn't Watchman with the 6 second interrupt is bad anyway...this lets you own up BHs/Troopers.


Force Charge -> Overcharge Saber (WHILE IN AIR) -> Zealous Strike -> Leg Slash -> Cauterize -> You are well on your way to victory my friend.


Rebuke is a 1 minute CD, and will almost always have 30 second uptime, so if you are in combat, more often than not it should be up. If you REALLY get in trouble, and you can get transcendence, do that, than pop it and Force Camo, if you can't you may have to pop Saber Ward after the Force Camo ends in order to get to a teammate/health or speed powerup.


If there is one thing Sentinels are good at, its running from a fight, pick your fights carefully, don't just spam random abilities, use that opening rotation I showed, and than watch your focus/CDs carefully.


A well played Sentinel shreds anything except for Juggs (and Snipers at max range, and Ops who blow all their CDs....but ONLY if your stunbreaker is on CD...if it isn't pop that and 100% dmg resist Force Camo and he is literally useless, as you mitigate all of his bleeds and burst) as far as I'm concerned...I DEMOLISH Sorcs/Sages, ANY healer, BHs/Troopers Assassins/Shadows, other Sentinels/Marauders (Most I see are TERRIBLE, or are just not Watchman).


Like I said Guardians/Juggs give me trouble..but they should, I'm not a particularly bursty class, and they are tanks, I shouldn't be able to beat them reliably 1v1...Ops/Scoundrels it is basically whether or not I have either stunbreaker or force camo (preferably both, but I can manage - though it'd be close - if I only have one...having neither basically means bad news bears, but again, not impossible, in this situation I pop a pot or saber ward, or hope I have Valorous Call/30 stacks of centering so I can pop transcendence...), but I don't rambo I usually stick with a teammate or 2, so Ops/Scoundrels rarely bother with me. And Snipers at max range...I bark at a range to take care of them....however if I get on top of one it dies.


As far as I'm concerned, the only class in the game which is "weak" at 50, is the Juggernaut/Guardian archetype.


Mercs/Commandos are too easy, but they aren't OP, they just can do everything with Tracer, but interrupting them is funny cause they don't know what to do, so I say don't nerf them.


Ops/Scoundrels? Only OP if your are a road warrior, or don't have a proper companion out (for world PvP..having a decked out healing companion is lol vs an Operative...because you can almost always break their stun in an Open world situation), after their burst, they suck....if anything I'd say nerf their busrt and buff them elsewhere, but thats another story.


Juggs and Guardians, are only really good at carrying the Huttball, their only good dps spec (Focus I think in PvP) relies on Smash crits, and is basically a one trick pnoy...even moreso than Ops..but they don't do enough damage out of the box to warrent lacking sustained. Other than that, they aren't beefy enough to warrant their low damage in tank spec, they have no AoE knockback, only have a 3 second stun (channelled in 2 of the specs), and a relatively long CD single target knockback. They aren't fast, they aren't even the most mobile melee (debatable, but I'd say Marauders are simply because Force Camo, and transcendence are going to be available enough of the time, and of course Force Speed/Force Grip give assassins more utility).


TL;DR: Holy crap that turned into a wall of text fast, anyway, balance isnt as bad as people say, its just exaggeration you see because its a new game and most people haven't learned the ins and outs of their class yet. The only "weak" class is Juggernaut/Guardian in my experience as a Sentinel. Sentinels just suffer from being the class (in a new game) with the highest skill cap atm.



Damnit you're going to get us Sents nerfed!

Nothing to see here folks, nothing to see... ;)


Edit: The trick to playing Sentinel is that you can choose your fights, it's very easy to weave in and out of combat, especially since doing this a couple of times means you will have your powerups ready as we get stronger over time, then it's just a matter of unleashing terrifying damage and then just disappearing ;)

Edited by Ceneko
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Marauders yield extremely poor results against anyone who has a clue about what he's doing. You just have to neutralize a couple key moves to shut down the class completely - and on top of that, keeping the distance is very easy: you only have to make them use their force charge and they are done. Carnage marauders can root you with a saber throw, but only if they are within 10 meters - and carnage marauders don't have mitigation like annihilation marauders, so they go down a lot more quickly.

It is true that marauders are passable in 1vs1, but warzones are not designed for duels. The situation where the marauder will have the time to focus on only one enemy and avoid the others will be quite rare, because the marauder can not choose his fights, since he lacks reliable escape abilities and any form of concealment.

Lastly, pretty much any good ranged damage will hurt them badly. Be it tracer missile spam, lightning spam, whatever-snipers-do spam. Bonus if you can impair their movement at the same time.

Sure, if the marauder sticks he does a decent job (he's still outdamaged by a bunch of classes), but he does not have the tools to do that, if compared to operatives for example.

One last consideration goes to the gear selection and how marauders items have been neglected across the whole game. This is not good for a class which requires you to keep your stuff upgraded.

In short, the marauder's a poor class at the moment.

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Marauders are awesome in small scale encounters/duels and can do pretty solid on damage in WZ's.


Large scale fights they suffer in the same ways all melees do in large scale fights.


As far as objectives are concerned, they are the worst class in the game.


If this game had small scale arenas, marauders would be pretty awesome probably. With the way it is now though, they are brutal, even if you can have a solid overall damage total. Every other class is more useful and most can do as much or more damage.

Edited by cwatz
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The fact that the majority of the time you will be forced to play huttball, is enough to make the marauder what you should consider underpowered.


Huttball is EXTREMLY punishing toward melee's but even more so for marauders since we lack any real cc, and you cant avoid being hit from all sides by ranged players in huttball since the warzone is so small.


Hell the design of the warzone is even built in a way that awards ranged players.


Going solo into pvp as a marauder is a absolutely nightmare.


Make marauders less of a pain to play in huttball, or let us at the very least avoid it, forcing us to fight in a warzone that basicly punishes us, benefits no one.


PS: Yes I am well aware marauder can make sick ball runners with predation spec, but you know damn well you won't get any medals / Valor / xp / credit / commendations for that, so don't even try that comeback ;).

Edited by Munx
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Marauder is tough until about lvl 30. As stated numerous times they got REALLY screwed in the ability department, but in the 30-35 range is when your Annihilation Tree starts to really buff your bleed (Assuming you choose Annihilation).


Now that my bleed has been effective I've been FAR more successful in PvP. At level 35, I went 32-0 and 24-0 (Kill/Death) in my last 2 game of Huttball. Granted I had some good healers watching out for me.


Granted, as some have said above, the hardest part is targeting your opponent after Force Charge (Although the speed decrease can aid you, again in your skill tree). Unfortunately, enemies spam the "WASD" keys, and coupled with lag, it makes targeting enemies VERY difficult. Hopefully Bioware remedies this, as someone flailing around with their directional controls should not dictate the battle.


So just tough it out. Eventually, even if it doesn't feel like it, it will all pay off!

Edited by QuietGoneJinn
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I average 300k damage on my marauder, although my highest is only 350k.


Which is depressing when you see a tanking BH do 500,000.


But, alas, I digress. I do fairly well against most classes as a marauder. Remember to use all your tools.

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I average 300k damage on my marauder, although my highest is only 350k.


Which is depressing when you see a tanking BH do 500,000.


But, alas, I digress. I do fairly well against most classes as a marauder. Remember to use all your tools.


A Powertech doing 500k isn't tank spec. He also gets less actual kills than you.

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A Powertech doing 500k isn't tank spec. He also gets less actual kills than you.


The difference is if ignored marauders do good damage. Powertechs/republic equivalent can be being attacked by 6 people and do good DPS. With or without tanking spec.

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The difference is if ignored marauders do good damage. Powertechs/republic equivalent can be being attacked by 6 people and do good DPS. With or without tanking spec.


You really believe this? A DPS spec Marauder/Sentinel is significantly more tanky than a DPS spec Powertech or Vanguard.

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You really believe this? A DPS spec Marauder/Sentinel is significantly more tanky than a DPS spec Powertech or Vanguard.


Are you kidding me? We're squishy as hell, especially if we dont have either of our absorption abilities. And undying rage is only good for 5 seconds.

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