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Thana Vesh as a companion


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Ugh, doubt I'd take her, she is so arrogantly full of herself it pisses me off, she lived on my sorc and BH but my Juggernaut killed her and it felt SO good to do that, I already hate Skadge, why would I want someone worse than Skadge on my BH's ship?
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I like this would be great if a choice you made in the game paid off or did not depending on what you did .

This way the ones that hated her are happy and can still kill her and the ones that liked her can add her

at the cost of one they have at the time they complete the mission chain .

You have to have the cost in this that will cut down on the QQ adding something like this would cause.

This is a chance for them to live up to the decisions matter statement and stop caving in to the cry babies


I Killed her with my bounty hunter and let her go with my agent it all came down to how I see who I am playing reacting to her. Over all I think she was a great one made you hate her or like her. made you feel so mission compleat. Good Job writer that did the work on this mission line !

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I like this would be great if a choice you made in the game paid off or did not depending on what you did .

This way the ones that hated her are happy and can still kill her and the ones that liked her can add her

at the cost of one they have at the time they complete the mission chain .

You have to have the cost in this that will cut down on the QQ adding something like this would cause.

This is a chance for them to live up to the decisions matter statement and stop caving in to the cry babies


I Killed her with my bounty hunter and let her go with my agent it all came down to how I see who I am playing reacting to her. Over all I think she was a great one made you hate her or like her. made you feel so mission compleat. Good Job writer that did the work on this mission line !


I like this solution. One of the reasons I play a SI is that almost all of the companions bore me (Khem Val excepted - I have used no other save when I wasn't given a choice), and I needn't worry about spoiling the character on a pointless romance arc. Making her one of the hinted-at but likely-not-forthcoming same-gender romances would solve that problem quite tidily (or create a host of interesting new ones).


I would swap her out for Ashara or Andronikus in a heartbeat. My SI let her live (and I massively disagree with getting a LS point) because now Thana has to live with the knowledge that she is a vastly inferior example of what it means to be Sith, and that she's now alive only because some ex-slave got it into her head to allow Thana to live with the shame of failure, and can now hold it over her head, for taunting's sake if nothing else.



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I was really happy I could finally kill her, as she annoyed the hell out of me. However, I was very disappointed I couldn't loot her amour after the kill! Does anyone know which armour Thana's wearing? I really would love it for one of my characters or companions :) Edited by Sauska
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I was really happy I could finally kill her, as she annoyed the hell out of me. However, I was very disappointed I couldn't loot her amour after the kill! Does anyone know which armour Thana's wearing? I really would love it for one of my characters or companions :)


It was removed in beta during the beta armor overhaul if you want something like it you need a sith marauder at level 50 since their pvp gear is pretty much thana's armor with spikes and a hood attached.

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It was removed in beta during the beta armor overhaul if you want something like it you need a sith marauder at level 50 since their pvp gear is pretty much thana's armor with spikes and a hood attached.


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just my opinion

I agree it would be nice but since you do not win or lose alignment points with it or that he put a neutral option and that players who already will stay for the potion quest somehow redo it or something



sorry for my english

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  • 2 weeks later...

Signed. This thread is full of exactly what I said when I finished Taris for the first time. I loved the banter and competition between my character and Thana, heck I'm on the Thana Vesh server!


BW, make this happen.

Edited by StarSquirrel
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The way she just leaves at the end of the quest series, it was like Mass Effect 3 all over again. :(

I'd love for her to make a comeback at some point, if not as a companion, then at least another quest line on some future planet. And to those who killed her off - well, sucks to be you. :p


Of course the potential problem is, if you add Thana as a companion for all empire classes, you have to add a similar companion for all republic classes... and who would that be? I can't think of anyone awesome enough. :confused:

Edited by Naphariel
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Of course the potential problem is, if you add Thana as a companion for all empire classes, you have to add a similar companion for all republic classes... and who would that be? I can't think of anyone awesome enough. :confused:


Also signed.



As for a republic companion, I'd be happy with Cole Cantarus the CorSec guy who helps on Corellia and with Malgus. He always seemed like he'd make a great companion.

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Oh HELL no! Thana was (to me at least) the singlemost unlikeable character in the game (half a step away from Skadge). She's arrogant, disrespectful and literaly ALL TALK! Every single time you meet her in a mission, she's in the process of getting her sorry *** kicked (or actively trying to hinder you), or even captured (twice!) Her response to you every time you save her from these situations? "I had it under control, worm! Stop getting in my way!"


Why in the hell would I want someone like that in my party?

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Of course the potential problem is, if you add Thana as a companion for all empire classes, you have to add a similar companion for all republic classes... and who would that be? I can't think of anyone awesome enough. :confused:


satele that would do :D

Edited by Kaisernick
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  • 2 weeks later...
I'd love to get Thana as a companion but, sadly, BW seems too set against characters who can

be killed as a result of the story choices. Sergeant Jaxo is a similar character for Troopers. I know a lot of people who would have loved to have had her as a companion but BW wouldn't consider it.

Maybe someday they'll prove me wrong and allow it. I hope so. Thana's one of the best NPCs in the game.

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My sorc killed her because although annoying her was fun at first, her constant popping up and getting in the middle of things got old real fast and Thana eventually served her purpose in the end. There was no need to keep her around.


That said, she would be fun as a companion, if a bit dangerous to keep around. But by that, Thana would fit in just fine with pretty much all the companions.

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I think this is a great idea.


When first playing my SI becoming an Assassin I actually thought she would be an interesting person to have around. We antagonised each other but it was done in more of a playful way with some resentment mixed in due to the fact that she saw herself as the superior one yet I seemed to be outperforming her on the missions and even seeing when she was trapped in a cell in one of the missions and I left her in there to think about things I still felt she would have been a great option to have as a continuing person to hang around. Then came the option to kill her and knowing she wasn't a companion I felt the only fitting end was to kill her. If there had been an option to force her to submit to my authority I would have preferred that option.


It would add an interesting element for the SI story arc because you could hopefully use Thana as a way to tell Ashara that she needs to be a bit more like Thana as I'd like to see Ashara take on more of a dark side personality but not to the extreme that Dark Side Jaesa becomes, even though her personality suits my Marauder that I'm currently playing through.

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