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Fahros I - Lightning Sorcerer PvP


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Not sure if serious...You know how the PvP works in this game yet? The current Warzone bracket is 10-50. The lower levels in the warzone stats are scaled up to that of the highest level in the warzone. Two easy to see examples of this, are if you look at the HP of my enemies, it's just as high as mine; even if the players are much lower level. If you watch the combat text for incoming damage, they're also doing just as much damage as I am...The disadvantage they're faced with is not having all their talents and abilities, like other posters have been talking about. But they do just as much damage with the abilities they do have, and have just as much health as us 50s. (This of course gets widened further when the 50s get loaded in PvP expertise gear, but I didn't have much during the clips of this video.)


Does that take away from the video? You may think so, I personally do not.



I think you did a good job creating your video and you seem like a nice enough guy.


Just saying: if you want your skills to show, use equal levels in the video.


I certainly do know exactly how PvP works in this game. And if the bolster system was so equalizing, then having a team of eight 50s would not be steamrolling teams of 10-30s...and anyone who plays a lot of warzones knows the low lvl teams get totally destroyed.


Nobody who does a lot of PvP thinks the bolster system makes it equal. Higher levels have a large and distinct advantage in the fight, and the higher the level difference, the more advantage they have.


BUT my point is...just show the clips of you fighting equal levels if you want your skills to show. Don't show you against a 13 or a 16, where you just chase them down and zap them and their health bar evaporates quickly. That's to be expected.


They don't have the escapes and talented spells that they could use to soften/stop your damage.

Edited by Laserstrike
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Well, this sure is a level 50 standing still and doing a pve damage rotation on low level players. I laughed really hard when you legitimately showed a 2v2 against a level 40 and level 28 where you just stand still spamming spells, making 0 effort to avoid damage and barely survive. Like what? That wouldn't even be worth showing 1v2, let alone 2v2.


You'd pretty much get destroyed playing like you do against any half decent 50 who actually attacks you which is why you hardly see any 50's in this video.

Edited by CHRISGG
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Well, this sure is a level 50 standing still and doing a pve damage rotation on low level players. I laughed really hard when you legitimately showed a 2v2 against a level 40 and level 28 where you just stand still spamming spells, making 0 effort to avoid damage and barely survive. Like what? That wouldn't even be worth showing 1v2, let alone 2v2.


You'd pretty much get destroyed playing like you do against any half decent 50 who actually attacks you which is why you hardly see any 50's in this video.


Why make a comment like this? Is it forbidden for anyone who isn't amazing at PvPing to make a PvP vid? It was a pretty cool vid and the guy isn't half bad... Comments like yours aren't constructive in any way and just make you look like a complete *****.

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Why make a comment like this? Is it forbidden for anyone who isn't amazing at PvPing to make a PvP vid? It was a pretty cool vid and the guy isn't half bad... Comments like yours aren't constructive in any way and just make you look like a complete *****.


Someone who makes a video with music and zooms in on what they think is "skill" every 2 seconds (like casting Whirlwind??) most definitely doesn't think they aren't amazing at PvP, Relenttless.

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Someone who makes a video with music and zooms in on what they think is "skill" every 2 seconds (like casting Whirlwind??) most definitely doesn't think they aren't amazing at PvP, Relenttless.


It was still a douchey comment which was written just to bring the guy down a peg...

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It was still a douchey comment which was written just to bring the guy down a peg...


It's valid criticism. The player legitimately DOES just stand still and chain cast making 0 effort to avoid damage or kite, and this video IS 90% nothing but beating up on lowbies, usually in situations where he isn't even at a disadvantage numbers wise. Infact so much of it is attacking oblivious people in their 30's from the Huttball catwalks.


The internet isn't all gardens of roses where everyone has to love everything regardless of whatever valid reasons they may have not to.

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Well, this sure is a level 50 standing still and doing a pve damage rotation on low level players. I laughed really hard when you legitimately showed a 2v2 against a level 40 and level 28 where you just stand still spamming spells, making 0 effort to avoid damage and barely survive. Like what? That wouldn't even be worth showing 1v2, let alone 2v2.


You'd pretty much get destroyed playing like you do against any half decent 50 who actually attacks you which is why you hardly see any 50's in this video.


I honestly don't understand this comment...This kind of stuff really makes me /scratchhead.


I destroyed 50s in this video. This has got to be a troll.


The shadow I caught out of stealth was a 50, and he went down just as fast as any lower level. You seem to think low levels go down faster than 50s? The only way a 50 lives longer than a lower level player is if he is decked out in expertise gear (which actually makes you take less damage) or has more escapes than a low level class, but most classes have their escapes and crucial abilities by 30-40...


If you think I would get destroyed by a half decent 50 then you need to rewatch my video. The last clip in particular has three level 50s.


But the person above me has literally no understanding of how my class, spec, or pvp in this game seems to work, so I'm going to leave it at that. ;)




I don't know why I even try, if you guys watch a PvP video from this game, and you know that warzones are the primary form of pvp right now, and you know how warzones work...you shouldn't complain when you see a level spread.




Also, can I /popcorn in my own thread?

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It's valid criticism. The player legitimately DOES just stand still and chain cast making 0 effort to avoid damage or kite, and this video IS 90% nothing but beating up on lowbies, usually in situations where he isn't even at a disadvantage numbers wise. Infact so much of it is attacking oblivious people in their 30's from the Huttball catwalks.


This coming from the guy who posted a commentary of him playing a Huttball match where at least half his kills were from picking on lowbies with low health...


The internet isn't all gardens of roses where everyone has to love everything regardless of whatever valid reasons they may have not to.


No one said you did. If you don't like something then don't comment. Or at least if you do comment try to make it constructive. Not just "You suck why didn't you do this? Get off of youtube."

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This coming from the guy who posted a commentary of him playing a Huttball match where at least half his kills were from picking on lowbies with low health...




No one said you did. If you don't like something then don't comment. Or at least if you do comment try to make it constructive. Not just "You suck why didn't you do this? Get off of youtube."


I have literally never posted a Huttball match. Every single video I have posted since release has been nothing but level 50 opponents, aside from one video, which was a 1v4 against 4 lowbies. This is because I


-Realize that killing low levels is not even a challenge, considering the ease at which I can 1v3/1v4 them

-Have absolutely no trouble getting footage of me killing 50's


Perhaps the OP struggles with #2? He definitely struggles with #1.


Also i'm sorry for offending you, guy who plays his class to about 20% of its potential, but all my criticisms are 100% valid. You show a total of 1 1v1 against a level 50 in a 9 minute video. Every other fight involving a 50 is in a group. Most of the footage, infact, is made up of group fights against low levels. You hardly ever move for any reason and just stand there turreting damage spells.


I've played quite a few games as 31 Telekinetics which is Lightning, and I most definitely did not stand there only turreting damage, never even trying to kite/avoid dmg like you. I did not need help to take out small groups of low levels. You clearly think you're great otherwise you wouldn't be making a video and zooming in on completely standard stuff which you clearly think is special, so I don't expect you to relent here with how humans generally are.


You really should've made a Commando.

Edited by CHRISGG
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Thanks for the words by the way, Relentless. Thanks to everyone else who has left feedback in the comments.


Now, I don't encourage trolling, (lol) but I do sincerely appreciate all the feedback. I could have sworn I came in to this rather modestly...I wasn't trying to act like I was hot ****, or some world class PvP'er. I think I'm decent at the game, and I made a video I found to be entertaining. I was only posting it here to share it with others. Not to show off any incredible skill, but for entertainment. That's why I try to do on Youtube, entertain and provide commentary, as well as insight on how I play the games I do.


Again, I apologize if warzone's aren't your guys's cup of tea. Warzones are flooded with lower levels right now guys, there's nothing I can do about it. I do fine against 50s, I have live commentated games on my channel, as well as 50s in this video that I pop like anybody else. At this stage of the game, seeing low levels in warzones in inevitable though. Sorry if the video wasn't to your liking, but thankfully a lot of people are able to appreciate it for what it is.


Stay classy guys, and as always, I hope people continue to enjoy the video.

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I have literally never posted a Huttball match. Every single video I have posted since release has been nothing but level 50 opponents, aside from one video, which was a 1v4 against 4 lowbies. This is because I


-Realize that killing low levels is not even a challenge, considering the ease at which I can 1v3/1v4 them

-Have absolutely no trouble getting footage of me killing 50's


Perhaps the OP struggles with #2? He definitely struggles with #1.


Also i'm sorry for offending you, guy who plays his class to about 20% of its potential, but all my criticisms are 100% valid. You show a total of 1 1v1 against a level 50 in a 9 minute video. Every other fight involving a 50 is in a group. Most of the footage, infact, is made up of group fights against low levels. You hardly ever move for any reason and just stand there turreting damage spells.


You really should've made a Commando.


Sorry I didn't realize this warzone was actually Alderann, not Huttball. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haZ7FtWXpQc&feature=channel_video_title

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Sorry I didn't realize this warzone was actually Alderann, not Huttball. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haZ7FtWXpQc&feature=channel_video_title


A video from beta, on a premade character, made to show people the playstyle of the class in an enviroment where high level opponents were actually rare. Not the case at all on live. 50's are everywhere - the only reason you can't get footage of 1v1/1v2's against 50's easily is if you can't 1v1 or 1v2 them easily.


Here are my videos since launch:








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Also i'm sorry for offending you, guy who plays his class to about 20% of its potential, but all my criticisms are 100% valid. You show a total of 1 1v1 against a level 50 in a 9 minute video. Every other fight involving a 50 is in a group. Most of the footage, infact, is made up of group fights against low levels. You hardly ever move for any reason and just stand there turreting damage spells.


I've played quite a few games as 31 Telekinetics which is Lightning, and I most definitely did not stand there only turreting damage, never even trying to kite/avoid dmg like you. I did not need help to take out small groups of low levels. You clearly think you're great otherwise you wouldn't be making a video and zooming in on completely standard stuff which you clearly think is special, so I don't expect you to relent here with how humans generally are.


Since your adamant in your posting, I'll wrap up my last post addressing your concerns one by one. Since you seem to want some explanations. Clearly my presence here has angered you in some way, but I'll try and explain where I'm coming from here.


As far as my clips being "in a group", these clips are, as you know, from warzones. Which is, as you know, group pvp. It's not easy to get clips of yourself vs many in warzones, especially vs many higher levels. Not to mention that a lot of my clips you're counting as me being "in a group" are my teamates either: spam clicking an objective not actually fighting, running an objective not actually fighting, or dropping dead as the clip starts. There are hardly no clips where a teamate is effectively helping me kill my enemies. So make it seem as if I wasn't doing any work all you want, but that's plain and simply not the case.


Secondly, as far as "standing still" goes, this makes me think you simply have no idea how Lightning works. You have to stand still in order to cast, and Lightning is heavily dependent on casting. That being said, as far as not kiting, you're an out and out liar. In almost every single clip I stun/sprint/knockback kite my enemies. You're just full of it on that point man, and you really should retract that statement. It's not true.


And I edited this video...because people enjoy editing. You clearly do not, that's fine.


Sorry the video pissed you off man, but you're really not getting what it was for. A lot of this seems to have went right over your head. You've expressed your opinion adequately, and I can respect that, but I'm going to ask that you stop flaming in this thread. We clearly have a difference of tastes in videos, and a different attitude towards PvP videos in general.

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Not true at all, it's incredibly easy to find lopsided fights in Warzones. Attack a point alone, any 50 should have an easy time of 1v3ing or 1v4ing lowbies, and in many cases even with some 50's mixed in there.


Then you won't need to show footage of you knocking level 30's into the acid or fire on Huttball while zooming in on it for half of your videos.

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Not true at all, it's incredibly easy to find lopsided fights in Warzones. Attack a point alone, any 50 should have an easy time of 1v3ing or 1v4ing lowbies, and in many cases even with some 50's mixed in there.


Then you won't need to show footage of you knocking level 30's into the acid or fire on Huttball while zooming in on it for half of your videos.


You would have me comprise a video of 90% Alderaan Civil War warzone, and still ***** about lack of 50s at the end of the day. By that logic, anyway.


I'm watching your videos, and they're not half bad. I think you get an overwhelming amount of dislikes because of your attitude though. Maybe a couple because you don't speak that clearly, but most probably because your overwhelmingly egotistical attitude. I know having that attitude doesn't bother you, but it does effect you.


For instance, you think I'm just "one of those guys" who doesn't care about his performance or play, facerolls, is oblivious to everything other than myself, and thinks I'm "pro" for putting this video up on the internet. But your ego has pegged me all wrong, and gotten yourself in to a losing flame war argument, on the internet, congratulations.


As you have nothing productive left to say, please stop commenting, go back to 1v4'ing lowbies on youtube, and then go ***** at somebody else when they do the same thing.





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Well, this sure is a level 50 standing still and doing a pve damage rotation on low level players. I laughed really hard when you legitimately showed a 2v2 against a level 40 and level 28 where you just stand still spamming spells, making 0 effort to avoid damage and barely survive. Like what? That wouldn't even be worth showing 1v2, let alone 2v2.


You'd pretty much get destroyed playing like you do against any half decent 50 who actually attacks you which is why you hardly see any 50's in this video.


The guy made a vid for his first time, never bragged like you do, and now people are wanting to see more from him.


What's so hard to understand CHRISGG, not everyone cares about skills and fighting odds like you do.


Matter fact no one fights like you do, or cares to fight like you do.


No one wants to be you, and nobody cares about you to be like you.


Your arrogance is disgusting, you even admit it in your videos that you are harsh with people over your own standards.


My question to you is since you make videos for others to see,


Why do you care if people like other vids, and why do you have to rain on someone's parade when they make a vid?


Are you jealous or something, or do you think your poop don't stink?

Edited by Caeliux
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But the person above me has literally no understanding of how my class, spec, or pvp in this game seems to work, so I'm going to leave it at that. ;)



Also, can I /popcorn in my own thread?


oh you mean lightning, lightning, lightning, and everything dies?

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Wait so people have to be 50 to know something about the game, or is that your theory or your egotistical stand point?


How bought you stop tooting your own horn and allow people to talk among themselves like adults without a e-peen check won't ya.


Oh, I have a level 50 as well does that make me better than anyone else?


No it don't its a video game, you internet tough guy.


On topic: Nice vid Fahro, you seem like a nice guy and wish you nothing but the best mate on making more vids. :)


Lol someone raged.


I'm saying that if you haven't experienced top level pvp, that you don't need to make assumptions. Chill bro its cool.

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I play a 35 sorc- great vid man. Excellent work- specially for a first time. Favorite part was your force storm on that cloaked assasin far off b/c you noticed that xp node being taken- that was pvp gold. Good job bro, looking forward to seeing more and sharing this with others!
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I play a 35 sorc- great vid man. Excellent work- specially for a first time. Favorite part was your force storm on that cloaked assasin far off b/c you noticed that xp node being taken- that was pvp gold. Good job bro, looking forward to seeing more and sharing this with others!


Thanks! Glad you liked it. ;)

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Presentation was good, but the content could use some work. Here are some general rules to follow that should help to avoid some of the criticism you got for this movie.



  • 1vNs should include at least one equal or higher level enemy. For a 1vN you can relax the standards on how well they played.



  • 1v1s should be against equal or higher level enemies that play well and put pressure on you (unless you are trying to demonstrate a move, series of moves, or make some kind of point).



  • Avoid clips where the people you are damaging aren't fighting you or can't due to terrain.



  • Avoid clips with a friendly player in it unless you are both outnumbered or facing an equal number of extraordinary opponents (enemies who are well-geared and working together)



To collect clips of this nature requires a bit of patience and practice. Learn how the warzones "flow" and how and where people move as conditions change in the score and capture points to increase your chance of finding 1v1s and 1vNs.

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