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Scoundrel OP


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ok so on my server in warzones there is this lvl 50 premade i run into a few times a day with 2 scoundrels. they totally dominate and its kinda rediculous. 1 scoundrel literally 1v4ed us at a capture point we were defending.


His highest hit was 7.2k and he hit me for 6.6k. I am a lvl 50 with 13.5k health. This is crazy. He literally 2 shots 2 people than vanishes then does it again. I'm enjoying the game but please do something about this. Also his premade keeps him guarded and heals him so he is unkillable basically. He also usually triples the next highest damage.


Thank you.

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Scoundrels are incredibly brittle. They have great burst, but they get taken down easily if you focus them with any sort of coordinated effort.


Sounds to me like the other team just had you on lockdown.

Edited by PhinixPhire
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