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Can the republic actually win warzones?


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I've now played for 3 hours trying to do the pvp daily win a wazone. I've lost EVERY game. I play as a trooper level 35. Im sick of it and its obvious why around 70% plays on the empire side which makes i.e it impossible for my republic characters to find groups for flashpoints. Im pretty sure its the sith inquisitor thats overrolled. I've played several games now against a full enemy team of inquisitors. Nerf them make balance, make the classes the exact equal of the mirrored class on the other faction. This is a balaceproblem that has to be fixed. I dont wanna pay for a game with this handicap. Nerf down classes till theres a balance where theres a 50/50 chance for any team to win (now not counting level and gear). If this continues wont there be a republic, everyone will reroll as a imperial. Its already dead on the republic side on my server. Please fix it. Im sure I aint the only one thinking this.
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I have both Empire and Republic characters on my server, including a Sorcerer and a Shadow. The classes do mirror their cross faction counterparts, and Sorc/SI in general doesn't need a nerf. Nerfing a class because it's overplayed is dumb.


With that said though, take a look at the SI armor appearance, ability animations, and story. Then compare it to the Jedi Consular. You'll see why everyone is playing SI. My Shadow literally has been wearing floral patterns pm crappy looking wizard robes from level 14-50. My SI looked awesome ever since level 12. The Consular story is the most absolutely terribly boring story in the game... and the SI is one of the best. Considering the playstyle is appealin to a wide variety of people, which do you think people are going to want to play more?!


And yes, Republic is absolutely terrible at PvP, in general, on my server. Very few exceptions. Honestly I don't even bother with solo queues on my Republic character anymore. But the answer is not nerfing classes.

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Another 4 games lost. If you say empire dont need nerfs you are wrong read the forum dude. There are big threads that calculates dmg output cast timers and all. If you cant see it ingame... nerf them hard. Nerf them now. Its obvious when someone looses 30 warzones in a row as republic that emipre got something overpower... disagree if you want but im 100% sure this game will die if they dont fix it cause 100% will play empire in 6 months pvp-wise.
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On The Swiftsure server, we used to lose EVERY GAME. It took over 10 hours to complete the weekly 9 wins. But now, since about 2 days ago, we've won almost every game. It seems it's based on server, but it doesn't help that Sith are not even close in comparison to mirrors of Republic. There is a big post about the unfair comparison regarding animations and different moves. It seems republic have to stand still for our moves to go off but the sith don't. Anyone that says different is either lying or hasn't played a Lvl 50 sorc and lvl 50 sage.
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I've now played for 3 hours trying to do the pvp daily win a wazone. I've lost EVERY game. I play as a trooper level 35. Im sick of it and its obvious why around 70% plays on the empire side which makes i.e it impossible for my republic characters to find groups for flashpoints. Im pretty sure its the sith inquisitor thats overrolled. I've played several games now against a full enemy team of inquisitors. Nerf them make balance, make the classes the exact equal of the mirrored class on the other faction. This is a balaceproblem that has to be fixed. I dont wanna pay for a game with this handicap. Nerf down classes till theres a balance where theres a 50/50 chance for any team to win (now not counting level and gear). If this continues wont there be a republic, everyone will reroll as a imperial. Its already dead on the republic side on my server. Please fix it. Im sure I aint the only one thinking this.


As an primarly Imperial player I would say it sucks to be you, but the fact is that I have lost lots of matches to the Republic, I play on Thana Vash. The Republic seems to win more of the Void Star matches than others. So it might just be the sever that you play on, Thana Vash seems to me to be pretty equal R:I.

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Another 4 games lost. If you say empire dont need nerfs you are wrong read the forum dude. There are big threads that calculates dmg output cast timers and all. If you cant see it ingame... nerf them hard. Nerf them now. Its obvious when someone looses 30 warzones in a row as republic that emipre got something overpower... disagree if you want but im 100% sure this game will die if they dont fix it cause 100% will play empire in 6 months pvp-wise.


You know nothing, Jon Snow.


The classes have IDENTICAL skills. Let us reiterate that a bit more. Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior are identical classes. The skills have different names and different particle effects, but they are 100% the same in actual calculation. Mirrored classes. The same is true for all classes and advanced classes.


If you doubt this, go look at the abilities, and then go look at the skill trees. Please don't speak from ignorance, you just end up passing false information to others.

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I've now played for 3 hours trying to do the pvp daily win a wazone. I've lost EVERY game. I play as a trooper level 35. Im sick of it and its obvious why around 70% plays on the empire side which makes i.e it impossible for my republic characters to find groups for flashpoints. Im pretty sure its the sith inquisitor thats overrolled. I've played several games now against a full enemy team of inquisitors. Nerf them make balance, make the classes the exact equal of the mirrored class on the other faction. This is a balaceproblem that has to be fixed. I dont wanna pay for a game with this handicap. Nerf down classes till theres a balance where theres a 50/50 chance for any team to win (now not counting level and gear). If this continues wont there be a republic, everyone will reroll as a imperial. Its already dead on the republic side on my server. Please fix it. Im sure I aint the only one thinking this.




Do you keybind?

Do you play your character to the best of your ability?

How do you play your warzones?

Do you actually help the WZ by giving productive and helpful tips/strategies?



Voidstar Offense: Stealthers to one side while Non - stealthers go to the other.

Voidstar Defense: Fight on the doors, never leave a door unguarded.


Civil War: 1-2 people go left or right, and everyone else go mid. The first push is the most important in this meta cause once you break up the first pack everyone just runs in 1by1 to get slaughtered. Whichever side wins the first big fight will most likely win.


Huttball: There is no one liner that you can say to help your team. This WZ takes the most on the fly critical thinking out of the others. You need to be aware of the ball and pretty much all the classes and what they can do, but as a trooper, which is one of the most useful base classes for the WZ, you'll still need to be on top of your game to win.




Do you play as a lemming and try to 1v1 every enemy you see?


Its really easy to blame your side and factors other than yourself, because if you're improving yourself constantly then you're apart of the problem.

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You know nothing, Jon Snow.


The classes have IDENTICAL skills. Let us reiterate that a bit more. Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior are identical classes. The skills have different names and different particle effects, but they are 100% the same in actual calculation. Mirrored classes. The same is true for all classes and advanced classes.


If you doubt this, go look at the abilities, and then go look at the skill trees. Please don't speak from ignorance, you just end up passing false information to others.


Not...entirely true. The spirit is there!


Sage/Shadow Project takes longer than Assassin/Sorc Shock.


Scoundrels have a 90 second CD vs the Ops 60 on that AoE Mez.


Scoundrels have less healing than an Operative in a talent, 15% vs 30%.


Scoundrels must root while Ops can run on their Stun.


Mortar fires slower and executes slower than Death From Above.


There's others, but those are the classes I know.

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While i do agree, that some empire skills are simply better than republic counterparts (mostly due to the way animations work), and though my server has 70% empire players, the republic has slightly more wins than losses (according to stastistics, not just my personal experience).
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While i do agree, that some empire skills are simply better than republic counterparts (mostly due to the way animations work), and though my server has 70% empire players, the republic has slightly more wins than losses (according to stastistics, not just my personal experience).


:eek:Is there a website that pulls these stats from EA? I'd like to see my servers stats too.

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See link below, on ice breaker the pop is low but the republic stomps face. I've had 4 to 5the losses to empire and im valor 27. It may be that there are only 2 level 50's pvping or a quirk. I have been queuing soloand empire seems as clueless of objectives as anyone else.
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I've now played for 3 hours trying to do the pvp daily win a wazone. I've lost EVERY game. I play as a trooper level 35. Im sick of it and its obvious why around 70% plays on the empire side which makes i.e it impossible for my republic characters to find groups for flashpoints. Im pretty sure its the sith inquisitor thats overrolled. I've played several games now against a full enemy team of inquisitors. Nerf them make balance, make the classes the exact equal of the mirrored class on the other faction. This is a balaceproblem that has to be fixed. I dont wanna pay for a game with this handicap. Nerf down classes till theres a balance where theres a 50/50 chance for any team to win (now not counting level and gear). If this continues wont there be a republic, everyone will reroll as a imperial. Its already dead on the republic side on my server. Please fix it. Im sure I aint the only one thinking this.


Firstly, WZs are for Carebears. If you want real PvP, find some OPvP action.


Secondly, yes I cave and do WZs for the carebear rewards. I'm a hypocrite, but I can't help myself. I like pixel rewards as much as everyone else. However, I don't have to play them much because when I do roll a WZ, my team wins and I blow my daily out almost instantly. Last night...1 WZ...1 Win. Night before, 1 WZ...1 Win. Have thankfully only had to hit 2 WZs in 2 days. Get the daily out of the way and then go find some fun OPvP fights. I don't think it's a coincidence that the same peeps are stuck in a loser WZ rotation.


Thirdly, hit level cap before calling for a nerf on anything. All of these QQers complaining about balance need to level up. Surprisingly, as you level you acquire skills and abilities that aid you in negating some of the skills and abilities that your opposition is using to wreck your toon.


Fourthly, use the skills you have. When was the last time you used an interrupt against a foe that was not targeting you (to help your teammate out). When was the last time you healed another player, protected another player, buffed them up? Let me guess...you're a dps specced RAWR faceroller that tries to medal through kills...LRN2PLY. WZs are a team game. Play as a team-player instead of as a selfish baddie and you will win more.

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Not...entirely true. The spirit is there!


Sage/Shadow Project takes longer than Assassin/Sorc Shock.


Scoundrels have a 90 second CD vs the Ops 60 on that AoE Mez.


Scoundrels have less healing than an Operative in a talent, 15% vs 30%.


Scoundrels must root while Ops can run on their Stun.


Mortar fires slower and executes slower than Death From Above.


There's others, but those are the classes I know.


I don't understand why Bioware would favor the Empire this much - it's flabbergasting to me. I just don't see how these huge differences can survive years of beta... Oh, right, they didn't have a public beta at all....... THIS IS WHY PEOPLE WERE QQing ABOUT NOT HAVING A PUBLIC BETA, BIOWARE - GET WITH THE PROGRAM. If they had a larger, longer lasting public beta, maybe they would have caught things like this and the thousands of other things that are wrong about this game. It's really heartbreaking to me, because their are so many awesome things about this game - some of the class mechanics are just mind-blowingly good, but they had to go and screw it all up by throwing in game responsiveness that is comparable to a 600 ping dial-up modem connection. And don't get me started about the GTN...


But, yes, Republic seems to win about 15-20% of the time on my server as well.



Edited by Neo_
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According to Bioware's own published statistics, the Empire has won 53% of all warzones across all servers (not including Huttball, of course).


That's really not a huge lead, it just means that they win slightly over half and the Republic wins slightly under half. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if those numbers vary on a server-to-server basis, with Republic leading some and Empire leading others. Don't let those numbers get to anybody, though - the last thing I want to see happen in this game is a repeat of the Horde superiority complex. That crap made me switch factions back in vanilla WoW. I'd much rather play on the side that loses than the side that's full of itself over a video game.


Mechanically, however, they are identical. Though I do wonder how certain little differences might impact the game, mainly in the form of the agent vs the smuggler and the bounty hunter vs the trooper. Are vibrodaggers comparable to scatterguns? Do dual pistols compare to the power of a sniper rifle?


Likewise, the trooper will always use a rifle or assault cannon, where the bounty hunter will use either one pistol and a flamethrower, or two pistols. Do these things compare?

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Not...entirely true. The spirit is there!


Sage/Shadow Project takes longer than Assassin/Sorc Shock.


Scoundrels have a 90 second CD vs the Ops 60 on that AoE Mez.


Scoundrels have less healing than an Operative in a talent, 15% vs 30%.


Scoundrels must root while Ops can run on their Stun.


Mortar fires slower and executes slower than Death From Above.


There's others, but those are the classes I know.


Point taken. There are some minor difference in cooldown time and a few other things, yes. But all of the base damage calculations are the same. These are minor things that you're talking about, they're not what he was suggesting. Also, I don't think altering any of these minor differences would have an dramatic effect on the class, anyway.

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