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Are the majority playing as Empire


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Hi I was going to play as Sith warrior, but then I saw alot of post from the forum where people said that they was going to play Empire.:mad:


So my quesion is:

Is it better to play as republic now because I think it will be more balanced if i joined their side instead but I can't really decide at the moment.


Second is:

Will it be easier to join raids/quest etc.. as republic than as empire because it's less people as republic?


And yes I will be playing PvP server.

Edited by ixhumariz
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In reference to the Empire, yes, it's the more popular side (almost overwhelmingly so on many PvP servers).


However, it should be pointed out that I'm a Trooper who is leaning Dark Side... but still part of the Republic. I just threaten to kill people infront of orphans.

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The republic storylines are really boring, especially the jedi ones. I had more fun playing a few hours of Bounty Hunter then I did playing a day of jedi and smuggler, and I hear the imperial agent storyline is good too. Might explain why some people choose empire.
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My take: DC Universe is my inspiration. Release and continuing to now, from what I can tell.....wait hold that thought..... for all the trolls out there, no hard evidence, this is just going by my friends and I observations of DC Universe up until this point k? OK..........now where was I....Oh ya. Anyways Villains on DC Universe appear to vastly outnumber the Heroes especially in PvP combat (arena's and legends). With that in mind, Republic was my first choice by far as I don't feel it necessary to add to the already advantage nerd love for the Sith people have developed. Will I role a Sith? Eventually, simply for storyline reasons. Otherwise, I'll enjoy destroying all the terrible Sith PvPers who have no idea how to fight because they fight in numbers and without knowing how the game actually works :p
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Hi I was going to play as Sith warrior, but then I saw alot of post from the forum where people said that they was going to play Sith.:mad:


So my quesion is:

Is it better to play as republic now because I think it will be more balanced if i joined their side instead but I can't really decide at the moment.


Second is:

Will it be easier to join raids/quest etc.. as republic than as empire because it's less people as republic?


And yes I will be playing PvP server.


Exactly my concern. I want' to roll Empire agent on PVP server but I dont' want' to join the side with overwhelminhg majority of players. I guess trooper it will be then :)


Balance Must Be Preserved!!!

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The republic storylines are really boring, especially the jedi ones. I had more fun playing a few hours of Bounty Hunter then I did playing a day of jedi and smuggler, and I hear the imperial agent storyline is good too. Might explain why some people choose empire.


I loved my Agent in beta - made me want to roll Empire. =)


And I agree w/ you about the Jedi storylines, they're a little, preachy.


Unfortunately, I'm playing w/ a 'group' and I lost the coin toss, so Jedi it is....

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Every poll shows Empire will be more populated.


I'm rolling Republic because I want shorter PvP queue times and I like being the underdog.


However, I am concerned about the mechanics of Ilum and Thieve's Den and the impact of population. The devs have said they are designing Ilum to eliminate pop imbalance issues but I didn't get far enough into beta to see how it actually works.


Guess we're going to have to see how it goes.

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The republic storylines are really boring, especially the jedi ones. I had more fun playing a few hours of Bounty Hunter then I did playing a day of jedi and smuggler, and I hear the imperial agent storyline is good too. Might explain why some people choose empire.


I agree on that too the jedi storylines are boring, tested to play as jedi knight to lvl 10 on the beta and It wasen't that fun, then i changed to sith warrior to lvl 11 and that was alot more fun stroy than playing as jedi.


What happends if you get alot of dark points as jedi ??? will it affect you more negative?

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I have to disagree with the whole the Empire has good points to it.

They are ran by the Sith. And the Sith are nothing but evil. We are talking about a group that kills there own to move up the ladder so to speak.

The way i see it is, you are with them cause you want things to be ran that way, IE not the nicest of people, or you are to afraid to stand up and fight them.


The game system of light and dark seems off to me from a story pov. If a jedi goes to the dark side, he sorta gets kicked out of the jedi club.


meh...game play over story. And if people want to pretend that they are playing a "gray" side thats not bad or good. Have fun!! But i will see the sith as baddies, and the jedi as goodie goodies, the smugglers and bounty hunters as hey they pay us for this..ok! and the trooper and agent as the we are only taking orders.

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  • 2 months later...
I have to disagree with the whole the Empire has good points to it.

They are ran by the Sith. And the Sith are nothing but evil. We are talking about a group that kills there own to move up the ladder so to speak.


There are different kinds of evil. When you become a jedi, you are not allowed to love. So if you fall in love with someone you have to destroy that relationship. Is that good?


Jedi should feel no emotions. You are not allowed to be happy then. On Tython you start with a quest to look up some holocrons. Apparently mercy is not a jedi thing either.


So these Jedi are cold, unfeeling and merciless. And this is supposed to be the good side?

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I came to the Empire because I specifically wanted a power hungry lightning slinging sorcerer.


I'm staying with the Empire because I prefer my characters with British accents. There is nothing, nothing that beats meeting a welsh quest giver when you weren't expecting it.

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