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The game isn't the problem


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The problem is that we have all been completely spoiled by another game engine that has had 7 years and over 100 million dollars every month in subscriptions at its peak to become finely tuned and polished.


Before we got so spoiled, the current condition of SW:ToR was more than acceptable for a newly released MMO. Back when WoW and EQ2 were first released, this was standard. We expected it. In either of those games, there were plenty of bugs, and when they released a new patch to fix 3 things, they usually broke 5 other things. Did we care back then? Nope. Sure it was annoying, but there wasn't anything out there that didn't have the same thing going on, so we just accepted it and had fun playing.


Now, we have become used to a nearly flawless game engine that is the product of years of work and a ridiculous amount of money. I'm simply referring to the game engine, not your opinion of the game content or design. I know we all like to hate on WoW. If we didn't, that's where we would still be. But lets face it, it IS the standard when it comes to MMO's, and it makes any new MMO look bad in comparison simply because no other newly released MMO could possibly launch with all the features and polish that the game engine has. That takes time and money.


Any MMO could reach that level of polish and stability. It's just up to the player base to stick with it and fund it. I think SW:ToR is a great game for just being released, and I think it has great potential to become even better... but only if we give it the time and the money to allow it to do so.

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No, the developers are the problem.


No target of target

No threat system

No threat meter

No damage meter

No macros

No combat logs


We are not spoiled if we would have these, these are a few of the ingredients to creating a successful MMO.


These things among others are a necessity.


Without key things being in a MMO, launched in 2011 with 6+ years of work put into it, why would people fund it? Makes no sense.

Edited by zolthie
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i dunno, i remember wow's combat/gameplay being way more fun at launch than this game's


gameplay is what keeps people playing them for 10+ years





halo 2



wow's budget 40 to 60mil?

swtor 100 to ??300??

Edited by Corwingeorge
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No, the developers are the problem.


No target of target

No threat system

No threat meter

No damage meter

No macros


We are not spoiled if we would have these, these are a few of the ingredients to creating a successful MMO.


These things among others are a necessity.


You got space combat instead of those.

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No, the developers are the problem.


No target of target

No threat system

No threat meter

No damage meter

No macros


We are not spoiled if we would have these, these are a few of the ingredients to creating a successful MMO.


These things among others are a necessity.


Target of Target was not released with WoW.

Neither was the integrated threat system.(Was 3rd party addon.)

See above.

Damage meter was also 3rd party.

Macros? Really? I've pretty sure there was a point in time that rogues could make a macro and just spam it and pull 10k dps at one point in time.


WoW was successful because it was polished and adhered to the masses. Not because of these addons.

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No, the developers are the problem.


No target of target

No threat system

No threat meter

No damage meter

No macros

No combat logs


We are not spoiled if we would have these, these are a few of the ingredients to creating a successful MMO.


These things among others are a necessity.


Without key things being in a MMO, launched in 2011 with 6+ years of work put into it, why would people fund it? Makes no sense.

How can they be necessities?


I'm playing the game without them and everything is functioning A-O-K.

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No, the developers are the problem.


No target of target

No threat system

No threat meter

No damage meter

No macros

No combat logs


We are not spoiled if we would have these, these are a few of the ingredients to creating a successful MMO.


These things among others are a necessity.


Without key things being in a MMO, launched in 2011 with 6+ years of work put into it, why would people fund it? Makes no sense.



you keep saying the same thing over and over again.


I have a feeling that even if these things WERE implemented right now, you would find yet more to gripe about. Stop playing if you hate it so much.

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Target of Target was not released with WoW.

Neither was the integrated threat system.(Was 3rd party addon.)

See above.

Damage meter was also 3rd party.

Macros? Really? I've pretty sure there was a point in time that rogues could make a macro and just spam it and pull 10k dps at one point in time.


WoW was successful because it was polished and adhered to the masses. Not because of these addons.


What does WoW have to do with anything?

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No, the developers are the problem.


No target of target

No threat system

No threat meter

No damage meter

No macros

No combat logs


We are not spoiled if we would have these, these are a few of the ingredients to creating a successful MMO.


These things among others are a necessity.


Without key things being in a MMO, launched in 2011 with 6+ years of work put into it, why would people fund it? Makes no sense.


Exactly. You are spoiled and expect everything you want at launch. You WILL get all of these things. But new games cannot launch with every single feature you have become accustomed to you. They never have, they never will.

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The problem is that we have all been completely spoiled by another game engine that has had 7 years and over 100 million dollars every month in subscriptions at its peak to become finely tuned and polished.

Except that technology isn't linear. That's why every new smartphone line that comes out doesn't have to look like a brick phone from the 80's until they refine it.

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Dunno about you, but I never even touched WoW so I am not expecting its game play.

As a MMOer, I look for 1 thing, and 1 thing only, Endgame. If there is no End game, I leave. At first, this was looking like a crappy Endgame with only Warzones and No reward Open PvP, it is good to see BW fixing that huge gap in their game.

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Exactly. You are spoiled and expect everything you want at launch. You WILL get all of these things. But new games cannot launch with every single feature you have become accustomed to you. They never have, they never will.


These are some of the first things they shouldve put into the game, one would think.

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No, the developers are the problem.


No target of target

No threat system

No threat meter

No damage meter

No macros

No combat logs


We are not spoiled if we would have these, these are a few of the ingredients to creating a successful MMO.


These things among others are a necessity.


Without key things being in a MMO, launched in 2011 with 6+ years of work put into it, why would people fund it? Makes no sense.



BOOHOO, i can't play a game without 500+ addons to show you how to play. Its not hard just learn to play and be good at it. Learn when to dps and not to dps. Learn when to CC and not to break CC.


I have never seen so many people cry over stupid addons/macros what WOW allowed them to use because they were incapable of actually playing.


If you are just going to rant and rave of these thing just go back we can do without all the wining/trolling on the forums for now.

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The WoW engine hardly seems different from Vanilla when it comes to smoothness, and especially responsiveness. Being that is always felt pretty nice.

The difference here is the Hero Engine is a bunch of bada bing poopie doopie. And Bioware is gonna have to give a bunch dollar bills to the Hero Engine guys.

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No, the developers are the problem.


No target of target

No threat system

No threat meter

No damage meter

No macros

No combat logs


This. I'm not sure how they managed to copy another game without including half of the convenient features of aforementioned game. It's like they chose to copy something, but stripped it to its bare bones first.

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Try end game, try pvp, then come back and say that.
I have PVP'd.


What the hell I need a threat meter for? If the level 50 is beating on me I apparently have his aggro. This works with NPC's as well. If you're fighting a mob and it's attacking you, your internal threat meter should say, "I have aggro".


If I'm dead and someone else is alive at 500 hp, I need to do more damage or get a heal.


If I'm dead and someone else is alive at 5000 hp, I need more than a little extra damage or a spot heal.


I don't need target of target. I can tell who my teammate is attacking by looking at the screen.

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Except that technology isn't linear. That's why every new smartphone line that comes out doesn't have to look like a brick phone from the 80's until they refine it.


So you're saying Bioware could have just used Blizzard's game engine?


Game testing and implementing features is linear. You have to start from the ground up and refine it as you go. And you will never be able to fully refine it until it is release and you dump a million players on it and see what is appropriate to add and fix and adapt.

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No, the developers are the problem.


No target of target

No threat system

No threat meter

No damage meter

No macros

No combat logs


We are not spoiled if we would have these, these are a few of the ingredients to creating a successful MMO.


These things among others are a necessity.


Without key things being in a MMO, launched in 2011 with 6+ years of work put into it, why would people fund it? Makes no sense.









Your list wasn't a "necessity" until roughly 2 years ago.


And necessity is a loose term. I don't need macros to play my game. Nor do I need an excel spreadsheet to figure out if my rotation is good or not.

Edited by Sykologist
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Try end game, try pvp, then come back and say that.

I am doing endgame, and I am pvping. What am i supposed to come back and say? That i don't need 3rd party addons? Need a threat meter? Stop sucking and let the take do his job. Need a dps meter? For what? I've refined my rotation and optimized it pretty well, never running out of energy. Could it be better? Sure, does it need to be? No. And macros are useless and are fancied by the lazy. Too hard to click buttons?

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