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Video Of OP OP Agent.Enjoy.


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Doesn't look OP to me at all.


1. They were well geared, and you are not. Derp.

2. They are level 50, you are level 13. Derp Derp.

3. You played like a freaking moron. Derp Derp Derp.


Learn to play, kthxbye.



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LOL thats nothing.


Wait until you deal with a geared one. I've literally been hit for 7k, not exaggerating, by an operative... but thats not the problem.


The problem is that I'm in full champion gear as a sentinel with over 10% expertise, and i still got hit for 7k.


Broken class is broken, i love how some people try to deny it but its just blatantly obvious... you don't hit someone in full pvp gear for 7k and proceed to think that its working as intended... Thats just delusional. All of the good operatives/scoundrels on my server openly admit that its just broken.



I like how the basis for your entire argument is that you got crit for 7k this one time. As an Op with full champion gear, I can tell you that that's total BS, my average Hidden Strike crit on a geared target is 4.5-5k. The only way a 7k would be possible AT ALL is if he had the expertise buff+adrenal+trinket rolling. Even then I find it rather had to believe because I've had all those buffs and only managed to crit a lvl 11 for 6.8k.


As for your "All the good Ops" comment, yeah, those guys aren't that good if they gauge their OPness on their ability to kill sub-50 players. Come play on Fatman sometime and see how effective an Op is against a coordinated four man group. All it takes is one stun/shield/taunt/knockback/guard from an ally and my entire opener is gone, now I get to pop a two minute cooldown or die. Because that's all an Op is, opening burst, you do anything to interfere with that on a regular basis and you might as well erase me from the warzone.


But please, feel free to continue living in your fantasy land because you got crit for 7k (supposedly) under extremely specific conditions this one time.

Edited by Rasui
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I can't believe how this has flown over the heads of everyone......


I would love to believe this is a joke, but sadly there's a 60 page thread on the front page full of clueless people who got wrecked by an Op in 1v1 and are now crying endlessly.

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All the smart people must be at school.


I have a lvl 50 commando with some exp gear that is almost Valor rank 5 blabla

I know what all of those things do.But i will not try to explain it any more

when some of you clearly lack the IQ to understand the most basic things.


Yes, and a commando is a noob class and my Agent had valor rank 5 at level 11 as did my SA.


So, lets examine your video "evidence":


We see the sorc take off 850 x 2 before the Agent strikes, then we see 4090 by the agent, then 1225 that I can't see the source for, it could look like the Sorc using Force slow, then a couple of sub 2000 hits. Now in addition to that, I did notice that you have a visual bug causing a third player who attacks you at roughly the same time as the IA to be invisible. Such things would be easy to sort out using a combat log, but from what I could tell from running the video in slow motion.


If we look at the video in its entirety, you get attacked by the sorc at 00.00.07, the agent opens at 00.00.10 and you get the respawn window at 00.00.12. So with a global CD of 1.5 seconds that means he or she could at the very least only have done 2 attacks.


You claim to have 12000 hp (mousing over your HP at some point at 100% would help) but if you have 12000 HP and we know the sorc took out 550 x 3 after that first lightning, that leaves you with 10350 HP. We assume the 4090 is the opener from the Operative, leaving you with 6260 after the opener. You then take 1225 damage from the glitched 3rd player, leaving you with 5035.


The Sorc at this point starts casting a second lightning, so assuming the same 550x3 for that leaves you with 3385 HP left. The Operative at this point does a second knife attack, I can't tell the full damage number for sure due to overlap but it does look like 1925, leaving you with 1460 HP and a 1460 hit that I can't account for but due to the sorc and Operative having used their globals its likely from the third player.


Its hard to see much considering the respawn window obscure the last global worth of incoming damage. This is really why we need combat logs because then we could see who did what hit.


For a guy who insults other people's IQ, you sure did very little to check your own "evidence" before posting it on youtube and making claims that fail to be substantiated by your "evidence". In essence the only thing you find evidence in favor of in this thread is research on the concept of confirmation bias.


P.S I hope this is a joke thread, but given the average amount of nerf posts on this board, I'm posting this just to be on the safe side.

Edited by Scelerant
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All the smart people must be at school.


I have a lvl 50 commando with some exp gear that is almost Valor rank 5 blabla

I know what all of those things do.But i will not try to explain it any more

when some of you clearly lack the IQ to understand the most basic things.




Valor rank FIVE?! How's you get to 5 so fast?!?!?!?!?!

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I saw the Agent and i knew she would strike so fraps was ready.

Look at the damage numbers she does. Even thou my health is at 90%

after the attack from the SI.



Made a Smuggler alt and the class is btw the most fun PvP class

i have played and i have played them all.




Any class in the game could kill that level 13 in the video in 3seconds.

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lvl a hybrid for pvp don't lvl pure dps classes of which there is only 2 on each side anyways.


It's simple MMO pvp basics


Bioware stated there is only between a 2 and 5% dps change between a hybrid and a pure dps class

So u lose 2 to 5% but gain Shields/Defensive cds/heals pvp translation this is the spec you want to pick because it means survival in pvp. Since from a dmg perspective your pretty much doing the same dmg anyways.


Remember kids if you see someone dual wielding or behind a cover shield there a free kill and the first target to go for outside of a healer.




I dunno about gunslinger/snipers but sentinels have a crapton of defensive cooldowns. The higher I get the more fun escape toys I get. Fifty may be a different animal but I doubt it.

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I like how the basis for your entire argument is that you got crit for 7k this one time. As an Op with full champion gear, I can tell you that that's total BS, my average Hidden Strike crit on a geared target is 4.5-5k. The only way a 7k would be possible AT ALL is if he had the expertise buff+adrenal+trinket rolling. Even then I find it rather had to believe because I've had all those buffs and only managed to crit a lvl 11 for 6.8k.


As for your "All the good Ops" comment, yeah, those guys aren't that good if they gauge their OPness on their ability to kill sub-50 players. Come play on Fatman sometime and see how effective an Op is against a coordinated four man group. All it takes is one stun/shield/taunt/knockback/guard from an ally and my entire opener is gone, now I get to pop a two minute cooldown or die. Because that's all an Op is, opening burst, you do anything to interfere with that on a regular basis and you might as well erase me from the warzone.


But please, feel free to continue living in your fantasy land because you got crit for 7k (supposedly) under extremely specific conditions this one time.


So delusional, its hilarious :p

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LOL thats nothing.


Wait until you deal with a geared one. I've literally been hit for 7k, not exaggerating, by an operative... but thats not the problem.


The problem is that I'm in full champion gear as a sentinel with over 10% expertise, and i still got hit for 7k.


Broken class is broken, i love how some people try to deny it but its just blatantly obvious... you don't hit someone in full pvp gear for 7k and proceed to think that its working as intended... Thats just delusional. All of the good operatives/scoundrels on my server openly admit that its just broken.


HAHA... why does everyone call for nerf on classes when the real problem is biochem. With the surge stim your crits hit for 70-90% more because surge scales so largely at high levels. Ive seen a sith warrior do an aoe and crit 5 people for 6k damage thats 30k in one hit. Stims + expertise buffs = high crit damage.

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Don't you guys get that this is the only thing they have? Yea, i get also killed very often with my Sage by an Operative. But you know what? If i have Guard buffed on my they aren't bad. I survive the Burst. What can they deliver after that? NOTHING.


EDIT: Also lol lvl 13. Every Class can kill you like that with that gear.

Edited by Teabaker
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