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The ANTI LFD and LFR tool thread!


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LFD tools are just easy bottons that breed lazyness and takes challenge out of the game.


I know some people think challenge should be found in the flashpoints themselves and not in the tedious process of getting a group together and then traveling to the instance but seriously people, keep that noob WOW nonsense out of this game.

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LFD tools are just easy bottons that breed lazyness and takes challenge out of the game.


I know some people think challenge should be found in the flashpoints themselves and not in the tedious process of getting a group together and then traveling to the instance but seriously people, keep that noob WOW nonsense out of this game.


So the challenge in an MMO revolves around finding people to play with? Man, I have been doing it wrong. I thought it was about proper gearing, rotations, strategies, etc. Thanks for clarifying that for me.

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This is a thread meant to show Bioware that the majority of players DO NOT want LFD or LFR tools even if they arent cross server because it has a huge impact on the community not only server but as a whole.


I srsly do not get why people started whining so much about this lately? Its not something that if you don't have you can't play the game properly.


I found groups and started groups for heroics 2/4 and flashpoint myself asking in the general chat .


Word of advice : DONT BE LAZY! And ask in the general chat and you will find people, sure it might take awhile sometimes but at least the spirit of the community will be kept alive.


Look what happened to WoW because of it ( again, the no cross server argument is invalid) - no more wpvp ( yes ganking at summoning stones was still considered pvp on pvp servers) and people turning jerks.


GET A GROUP YOURSELF and the satisfaction for finishing a flashpoint will be higher, you will get to know those players and eventually add them to your friends list.




I agree 100% Everything stated here is a fact. Keep spreading the truth OP. Even if folks are to afraid to face it.

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I'm happy with the existing LFG tagging available in the social interface. I would like the 'comment' section to be larger than it is. For me, this has worked well and I get to know players.


The biggest issue I've seen with the existing LFG system is that players don't know that it even exists or that they can add comments as to what they want to group for. They should add a tutorial quest in the newbie area so that players use it more.


I'm not in favor of adding a new LFD/LFG system. Just tweak the existing one a little.

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LFD tools are just easy bottons that breed lazyness and takes challenge out of the game.


I know some people think challenge should be found in the flashpoints themselves and not in the tedious process of getting a group together and then traveling to the instance but seriously people, keep that noob WOW nonsense out of this game.


What? I don't even....

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So the challenge in an MMO revolves around finding people to play with? Man, I have been doing it wrong. I thought it was about proper gearing, rotations, strategies, etc. Thanks for clarifying that for me.


Any time ; ).


Also, Duel Specs are for sissys. People without the stones to reroll their entire characer if they want to duel two rolls consistently are lazy babies.

Edited by Moricthian
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They didn't. They gave children an option to make their grinding faster, and they ate it up like candy. The LFG tool that WoW implemented is an abomination. Yes it has purpose, but that purpose could have been fulfilled without killing the massive questing zones they spent years creating. Anyone still using trade chat to form groups is falling behind the proverbial pack, and since WoW is all about gearing out as fast as you can, well.. you fall behind if you stick to what works best for the realm. WoW went from MMO to basically a FPS with groups. It's like Xbox live. It sucks for the people that cherish building meaningful relationships with people of the same realm. MMO's go beyond the gaming world. They bring people of like interests together, and we should be embracing that fact instead of trying to zip through content that took 5 years to make.




How does allowing people to use those massive quest zones while looking for a group instead of forcing them to stand in a capital city and ignore those quest zones to form a group somehow kill those quest zones?


You have it COMPLETELY backwards.

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I'm indifferent on having a LFD tool implemented; I'll continue to play the game either way. I do see both sides of the argument though and it would help if both sides listened to each other instead of spewing venom.


People have bad memories of the way WoW's LFD tool worked so they naturally have hesitations of putting it in SWTOR. On the other hand, there are those who don't like spamming for groups in general and would like a quicker way to get groups formed.


One side wants to keep the community intact. One side wants a streamlined way to group with their peers. Neither side wants to destroy the game :) So let's leave it up to Bioware to find a happy medium and satisfy as many people as they can.

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You may have been on a terrible server where people were already sitting in capitals spamming LFG before the LFD channels.


Some of us came from servers with much nicer communities that literally collapsed under the weight of anonymity that LFD tools allowed.


Back in the day on Shadow Council (my old WoW server), if you ninja looted you got straight up black listed because we had a strong enough community to do this.


Once LFD came along it was a lot harder to black list a guy who can just keep requeuing until he hits a group who's never heard of him.


In an LFG tool (not LFD queue) system, if the guy was like "LFG for "Dungeon"" then someone who knew he was a ninja looter could type in the LFG tool "That guy stole "this time" from "this dungeon"" and now the guy can't get a group.


Anonymity breeds douchebaggery.

Glad that what you describe as happening never really happened, and would never really happen. Given what I've seen from the community campaigning to keep the LFD tool out of SWTOR, it would just be a way for elitists and such to execute petty vendettas against anyone that crossed them in any way. Edited by Umbral
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A very small number of a player base uses the forums, so realm forums still don't allow that level of community.


I agree we should have realm forums, but we also need to ensure the community remains strong and connected in game by creating community building tools, not queues.


Why does a queue mean you talk to people less? "LF1M Strath mount run" being spammed isn't a conversation. You can chat while you queue, surely?


Not trolling, I'm genuinely curious to know why having a system that does nothing but take the "/2 LFG" macro off your hands for you innately means less server-wide interaction on other things.

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Glad that what you describe as happening never really happened, and would never really happen. Given what I've seen from the community campaigning to keep the LFD tool out of SWTOR, it would just be a tool for elitists and such to execute petty vendettas against anyone that crossed them in any way.


You don't think it happened?


Go find any ex player of the server Shadow Council, pre TBC, and ask them about Packhunter.


He's internet famous to old ShC players for being driven off the server.


Rarely have I met a man who became hated by EVERYONE on a server.

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Why does a queue mean you talk to people less? "LF1M Strath mount run" being spammed isn't a conversation. You can chat while you queue, surely?


Not trolling, I'm genuinely curious to know why having a system that does nothing but take the "/2 LFG" macro off your hands for you innately means less server-wide interaction on other things.


Because the initiation of conversation is what keeps people talking. If you can click a button, and 10 seconds later you're in a group, inside the instance, there is no need to talk. People allow their anti social behavior to take center stage in circumstances like that, and only talk when absolutely necessary. When was the last time you talked to a taxi driver? When was the last time you got a ride from a friend? Which one did you talk to more? Same principle.


Having to communicate to get the group, however, helps break people out of their shells, if only for a little bit, and vocalize with players of like interests, like minds, and have some fun doing it. It's monotonous and boring without the interaction of others. It's an MMO, not a single player queue game. The social points in this game, and the group dialogue, are prime examples that Bioware completely agree's with my point of view on at least 1 level. They're trying to get people on the same realm, doing the same things. This is contrary to WoW's design and people are preparing for the end of the world.

Edited by mattdell
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Because the initiation of conversation is what keeps people talking. If you can click a button, and 10 seconds later you're in a group, inside the instance, there is no need to talk. People allow their anti social behavior to take center stage in circumstances like that, and only talk when absolutely necessary. When was the last time you talked to a taxi driver? When was the last time you got a ride from a friend? Which one did you talk to more? Same principle.


Having to communicate to get the group, however, helps break people out of their shells, if only for a little bit, and vocalize with players of like interests, like minds, and have some fun doing it. It's monotonous and boring without the interaction of others. It's an MMO, not a single player queue game.


I'm going to have to say, stop being lazy and be more social. You may want to look at yourself rather than the system if you have to be recruited through a chat channel to initiate conversation.


Every time I got into a group I asked how everyone was doing. Sometimes we would chit chat during the instance, sometimes not. But it was never any different then when I got a group through spamming chat.

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I'm all for a LFD tool.


I've used it in WoW, RIFT, and Lord of the Rings Online.


It works great.


And none of them destroyed the game's community.


I still don't know where people get that idea.


If LFD ruined WoW's community, how do people explain the fact that WoW's community was awful two years before the feature was even implemented? Some sort of voodoo magic, reaching back through time to preemptively ruin the community?


Is the issue not that LFD ruins communities, but that LFD is some sort of occult dark force whose tentacles of corruption can rip through the fabric of reality?


If you want to talk to your group, talk. If you don't want to talk, don't talk.


Spamming in a chat channel does not improve the odds of having a social, chatterbox group.


I've had plenty of absolutely silent groups while channel-spamming in TOR, and I had plenty of chatty groups when using LFG systems in other games.

Edited by carnac_fett
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This is a thread meant to show Bioware that the majority of players DO NOT want LFD or LFR tools even if they arent cross server because it has a huge impact on the community not only server but as a whole.


I srsly do not get why people started whining so much about this lately? Its not something that if you don't have you can't play the game properly.


I found groups and started groups for heroics 2/4 and flashpoint myself asking in the general chat .


Word of advice : DONT BE LAZY! And ask in the general chat and you will find people, sure it might take awhile sometimes but at least the spirit of the community will be kept alive.


Look what happened to WoW because of it ( again, the no cross server argument is invalid) - no more wpvp ( yes ganking at summoning stones was still considered pvp on pvp servers) and people turning jerks.


GET A GROUP YOURSELF and the satisfaction for finishing a flashpoint will be higher, you will get to know those players and eventually add them to your friends list.





You need to make things not so cut and dry, you also need to not speak for everyone.


I for instance am not against LFG tools so long as they only work in the confines of the server, I AM against cross-server warzones and LFG tools because they are more trouble than they are worth and make the individual server communities impersonal.


Asking for a more efficient method to finding a group, especially when zones are empty or sharded isn't a bad idea or request. It also is no different than getting on a chat channel and spamming "Tank/dps/heals LFG for X" except that it can reach a much larger portion of the playerbase.


Blocking these things like LFG tools, Addons (with restriction), and so on will do much more to hurt this game in the long run than it will help.


Some of you guys need to very seriously stop with the all or none mentality.


Also the forums are NOT an accurate representation of ANY player base in ANY MMO.

Edited by HavenAE
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I'm going to have to say, stop being lazy and be more social. You may want to look at yourself rather than the system if you have to be recruited through a chat channel to initiate conversation.


Every time I got into a group I asked how everyone was doing. Sometimes we would chit chat during the instance, sometimes not. But it was never any different then when I got a group through spamming chat.


You should stop reading my posts as if I'm crying about personal experiences. I'm not lazy, nor am I anti social. I'm the tank that marks targets, makes funny jokes about the surroundings, and performs his role, while maintaining a feeling of fun within my groups. My purpose here is not for my own advancement. I personally won't need an LFD option, ever. My WoW guild followed me here, and I haven't looked back. I simply seek the betterment of this games features, whilst preserving the MMO aspect of this game. MMO doesn't mean line up in a que, it means get out there and find a few of the thousands of people currently online to do things with. You don't need a queue system to achieve this.

Edited by mattdell
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I'm all for a LFD tool.


I've used it in WoW, RIFT, and Lord of the Rings Online.


It works great.


And none of them destroyed the game's community.


I still don't know where people get that idea.


If LFD ruined WoW's community, how do people explain the fact that WoW's community was awful two years before the feature was even implemented? Some sort of voodoo magic, reaching back through time to preemptively ruin the community?


Is the issue not that LFD ruins communities, but that LFD is some sort of occult dark force whose tentacles of corruption can rip through the fabric of reality?


Yup, and the best part is they can still spam chat and look for a group that way if they don't like the tool.

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You should stop reading my posts as if I'm crying about personal experiences. I'm not lazy, nor am I anti social. I'm the tank that marks targets, makes funny jokes about the surroundings, and performs his role, while maintaining a feeling of fun within my groups. My purpose here is not for my own advancement. I seek the betterment of this games features, whilst preserving the MMO aspect of this game. MMO doesn't mean line up in a que, it means get out there and find a few of the thousands of people currently online to do things with.


I still don't get why it's so important for people like you to spam chat channels instead of hit a button and be placed into a queue.


What is so important about typing "LF2M for Athiss, need healer?".

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I'm going to have to say, stop being lazy and be more social. You may want to look at yourself rather than the system if you have to be recruited through a chat channel to initiate conversation.


What's so social about staying 2h on the fleet and spamming: "LFG HM Black Talon"???


A LFD tool is badly needed. A cross server LFD tool ... i pray to god they will NEVER do it. That's where the anonymity comes from.

Edited by LaurV
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You should stop reading my posts as if I'm crying about personal experiences. I'm not lazy, nor am I anti social. I'm the tank that marks targets, makes funny jokes about the surroundings, and performs his role, while maintaining a feeling of fun within my groups. My purpose here is not for my own advancement. I seek the betterment of this games features, whilst preserving the MMO aspect of this game. MMO doesn't mean line up in a que, it means get out there and find a few of the thousands of people currently online to do things with.


MMO also doesn't mean sit in fleet and spam looking for a group either.


Also, if your experiences aren't what you described, why are you even here? How do you know what is good for the community? You have no experience to talk from and are just discussing your gut feeling.

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I'm all for a LFD tool.


I've used it in WoW, RIFT, and Lord of the Rings Online.


It works great.


And none of them destroyed the game's community.


I still don't know where people get that idea.


If LFD ruined WoW's community, how do people explain the fact that WoW's community was awful two years before the feature was even implemented? Some sort of voodoo magic, reaching back through time to preemptively ruin the community?


Is the issue not that LFD ruins communities, but that LFD is some sort of occult dark force whose tentacles of corruption can rip through the fabric of reality?


It's more that the LFD tool caters the kind of people I tend to avoid when playing mmo's. And when everybody uses it as the main source for a group, I'm kinda forced to use it too, hence running into the same people I'm trying to avoid.


After having read the posts in this thread I believe they should polish the current LFG tool and make it more accessible. I bet most people don't even know it exists. One of the things I'd like to see implemented is that if you finish a certain flashpoint, you're LFG flag disappears. I keep forgetting to remove it. And furthermore, a better filter in it, so you can sort by flashpoint name and perhaps role.

Edited by hushia
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