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The ANTI LFD and LFR tool thread!


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1) you are wrong the jerks arent being kicked or doing the kicking, the group leader does the kicking, don't group with a jerk as the group leader. If you find out the leader is a jerk, put him on ignore and never group with him again.


2) If you are a ninja looter then you are a ninja looter, and I will kick you from my group, If you need an item a player needs for your pet then i consider you a ninja looter, i will kick you and ignore you. If you think I am wrong, well don't worry after i kick you and put you on ignore you won't ever have to group with me again.


So basically what you are saying is that Bioware promotes ninja-looting. Is that right?


I'm beginning to see a new definition to the word "jerk" to put up in urban dictionary "Khoranth". You are definitively the kind of player this community doesn't need. But I will let others come to that conclusion on their own just by reading the garbage you can actually come up with.

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Thank you Mr. armchair psychiatrist.


your level of anti-social/shy behavior clearly isnt an issue for you. This does not have any relation to anyone else in the world.


Surprisingly, when you force a shy person to become social, they usually become less shy and a better person for it.


Ever heard the term "forcing someone out of their shell"?


I think MMOs are actually a really nice tool for people who are anti-social to learn some of the intricacy of human interaction in a more controlled environment.


Think of this, when I was in kindergarten, I feared going out for recess because I had a deep fear of interaction with other people.


22 years later, I could stand and have a conversation with you while I'm completely naked and it wouldn't bother me... thought it would bother you, I am ugly as sin.


Online gaming, and old MMOs where I HAD to interact with others is one of the things that allowed me to lose my fear of human interaction.


Though, specifically, it was the old NWN PW servers.

Edited by Yfelsung
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Senseless comments? What world do you live in where punching a bully in the face is the equivalent of wife abuse.


Do you know what happens when you just "tell on" a bully? They just learn not to get caught. They learn to corner you when the teacher's not looking and to give you body shots because they don't leave marks.


Do you know what happens when you ignore a bully? You get punched while you're not looking.


Do you know what stops a bully? Blind siding him with a rock and kicking him the head for a while while he's down.


I know we're taught to live in this wonderful world where turning the other cheek and loving each other is how things get done, but that's not the world we live in.


In the world we live in, you fight fear with better fear. You fight fire with more fire. You fight a bully by using his own tools against him.


When you slap 1000 people in the face, expect to feel 1000 punches at the same time.



The day we start taking the justice on our won hands is the day civilization as a whole is over. There is a reason why we call our selves a civilized nation and that is because we don't live any more in the wild west.


The community should never be allowed to police themselves.

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Surprisingly, when you force a shy person to become social, they usually become less shy and a better person for it.


What if someone has absolutely no fear of social interaction at all and still prefers a robust, automated LFD? I have absolutely no problem talking to people, strangers or otherwise, and I'd still prefer an LFD tool as opposed to spamming a chat channel.


Sometimes its more about results. I like the results I get better with LFD.

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Surprisingly, when you force a shy person to become social, they usually become less shy and a better person for it.


Ever heard the term "forcing someone out of their shell"?


I think MMOs are actually a really nice tool for people who are anti-social to learn some of the intricacy of human interaction in a more controlled environment.


Think of this, when I was in kindergarten, I feared going out for recess because I had a deep fear of interaction with other people.


22 years later, I could stand and have a conversation with you while I'm completely naked and it wouldn't bother me... thought it would bother you, I am ugly as sin.


Online gaming, and old MMOs where I HAD to interact with others is one of the things that allowed me to lose my fear of human interaction.


Though, specifically, it was the old NWN PW servers.


Hey look at that, you must have an advanced degree in armchair psychiatry


Read this - http://www.cracked.com/blog/6-misleading-assumptions-you-make-about-quiet-people/. Read #1

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That's weird, see I want players with the gonads to stand up to bullies like the guy we drove off the server.


I have no use for people who'd let a guy like that walk all over them and continue his abuses.


Different people I guess, I prefer strength over weakness.


No. That is not correct. What you prefer is violence. Violence only breeds more violence.


There are legal ways of making those abusing you pay for their crime but involves trusting our police and judicial systems to do what we pay them to do.

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The day we start taking the justice on our won hands is the day civilization as a whole is over. There is a reason why we call our selves a civilized nation and that is because we don't live any more in the wild west.


The community should never be allowed to police themselves.


We should never be allowed to police ourselves?


You realize cops are humans, right?


That those cops are members of our community.


They enforce laws that we, as a community, helped form and change from time to time.\


Self enforcement can lead to lynch mobs, but police enforcement has lead to lynch mobs. Need we remember the South in the 60s and all other situations where cops have done wrong (and situations where CSRs have done wrong in games).


A community always polices itself, it's just a matter of what tools they use.


Justice is justice as long as it's fair, whether dispensed by a police officer or a citizen, by a player or by a CSR.


The player in question free-loaded to the highest rank in a PvP system that was grueling. He insulted his faction, he insulted the opposite faction, he insulted people in game and on the forums.


That behaviour is unacceptable, I think we can agree, no? He harassed thousands of players. He got temp bans and warnings from CSRs, but he just learned how to walk the line while still doing the same insulting stuff.


So we drove him off the server. The only player, in fact, to ever be driven off the server in that manner while I was there.


Do you disagree that his behaviour was not deplorable?


Do you disagree that some people sometimes manage to break rules without being punished or caught?


Do you disagree that the community on that server was strengthened and improved by his removal?


It's not like we drove off some guy for a minor offence. The guy exploited a game system before it became popular to do so, so Blizzard didn't really do anything about it. He insulted people daily. He upset an entire server. If anyone is worthy of driven off a server, it was him.


Until CSR's are perfect, self enforcement is no worse.

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Bioware said its ok for you roll for and take gear for your pets that didnt even help kill the boss? No they didnt. By your argument I guess its ok to just roll need on everthing ... i mean Bioware lets you do it didnt they? Why would they let a smuggler roll need on Heavy Trooper gear if they werent 100% ok with it. Hell, my 5 companions pretty much cover all stats and gear types ... I have rights to it all! Me ME ME!


... youre a ninja and nobody likes you, get over it. No, youre worse than a ninja, at least they dont try to justify their b/s. In fact, if youre an Imp in Juyo id appreciate you PM me your toons name so I can add you to my "friend list." Thanks :rolleyes:


As always when someone doesn't have a foot to stand on you are comparing apples to pears.


Why would a smuggler roll on heavy gear for themselves? They clearly can not equip it. However Bioware made a game with companions and guess what? Those companions need gear and guess what Bioware made that gear drop from creatures and guess what? those creatures are in dungeons and outside dungeons.........


So are you saying that Bioware promotes ninja-looters by designing the game as they did? Why are you victimizing a demonizing me for playing the game as the developers intended?


Is it because you're afraid I'm not playing the game as you want me to play it. Think hard.

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Hey look at that, you must have an advanced degree in armchair psychiatry


Read this - http://www.cracked.com/blog/6-misleading-assumptions-you-make-about-quiet-people/. Read #1


You could try refuting points...


Or you can go right to the passive aggressive insults.


Alright dude, if you don't want to act like a human being, then we don't have to talk anymore.

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We should never be allowed to police ourselves?


You realize cops are humans, right?


That those cops are members of our community.


They enforce laws that we, as a community, helped form and change from time to time.\


Self enforcement can lead to lynch mobs, but police enforcement has lead to lynch mobs. Need we remember the South in the 60s and all other situations where cops have done wrong (and situations where CSRs have done wrong in games).


A community always polices itself, it's just a matter of what tools they use.


Justice is justice as long as it's fair, whether dispensed by a police officer or a citizen, by a player or by a CSR.


The player in question free-loaded to the highest rank in a PvP system that was grueling. He insulted his faction, he insulted the opposite faction, he insulted people in game and on the forums.


That behaviour is unacceptable, I think we can agree, no? He harassed thousands of players. He got temp bans and warnings from CSRs, but he just learned how to walk the line while still doing the same insulting stuff.


So we drove him off the server. The only player, in fact, to ever be driven off the server in that manner while I was there.


Do you disagree that his behaviour was not deplorable?


Do you disagree that some people sometimes manage to break rules without being punished or caught?


Do you disagree that the community on that server was strengthened and improved by his removal?


It's not like we drove off some guy for a minor offence. The guy exploited a game system before it became popular to do so, so Blizzard didn't really do anything about it. He insulted people daily. He upset an entire server. If anyone is worthy of driven off a server, it was him.


Until CSR's are perfect, self enforcement is no worse.


The police in our case is Bioware. They should be the ones administering justice, not the community. That is what I'm saying.


This players behavior was not perfect but it should have been Blizzard doing the banning and not the community.

Edited by Spareplug
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You could try refuting points...


Or you can go right to the passive aggressive insults.


Alright dude, if you don't want to act like a human being, then we don't have to talk anymore.


Actually armchair physcology is referencing that you are saying that we should "help along" anti social people. This is backed by no medical knowledge or training, and is thus the exact definition of armchair psychologist. Its not an insult, its a label for your actions.


Your "point" that no LFD increases some kind of social community has been refuted several times ad nauseum. I want to play with people, not sit around looking for people.

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I played WoW from late February of '05 and, minus some breaks, right up until about 3 months ago. My server, Azjol-Nerub, had a pretty good community for about the first 3 years. The first thing that started damaging the community was the rapid influx of new players a few months after Burning Crusade launched. But the thing that did the most damage was definitely the introduction of cross-server LFG.


Once people no longer had to worry about collaborating with people on the same server, all manners just went right out the window, and trolling became the normal, everyday, every-hour activity instead of something that popped up every now and then.


I think an advanced LFG tool will be a good thing, but for goodness sake, never let it be cross-server.

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The police in our case is Bioware. They should be the ones administering justice, not the community. That is what I'm saying.


This players behavior was not perfect but it should have been Blizzard doing the banning and not the community.


And we disagree, because cops and CSRs aren't perfect. They are just as likely to mess up as we are.


Actually, in many casses, authority figures go on power trips and abuse more than we would.


Since both us and them are as prone to abuse as each other, all that matters is justice.


Justice goes beyond authority, law, cops, CSRS and all that.


Justice is a concept beyond rules.


As long as justice is served and is fair, it doesn't matter who dispensed.


In the case of my server, we dispensed justice. No one would argue that he didn't deserve, at least no one who witnessed it.


Had we ever driven someone off the server who didn't deserve it, I'd be as shocked and chagrined as you are.

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Surprisingly, when you force a shy person to become social, they usually become less shy and a better person for it.


Ever heard the term "forcing someone out of their shell"?


I think MMOs are actually a really nice tool for people who are anti-social to learn some of the intricacy of human interaction in a more controlled environment.


Think of this, when I was in kindergarten, I feared going out for recess because I had a deep fear of interaction with other people.


22 years later, I could stand and have a conversation with you while I'm completely naked and it wouldn't bother me... thought it would bother you, I am ugly as sin.


Online gaming, and old MMOs where I HAD to interact with others is one of the things that allowed me to lose my fear of human interaction.


Though, specifically, it was the old NWN PW servers.

1. Not everyone is like you

2. It's very debatable whether the absence of a LFG tool would promote anti-social people become more social. Also, I don't get that "forcing shy people out of their shell". When you force a shy person out of his shell, HE BECOMES SHY.

3. Why are you instisting on using a MMO as a therapeutic tool for anti-social people when that's not its intented use?

Edited by Olzmo
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I believe implementing a looking for group system similar to World of Warcrafts Dungeon finder would benefit the game Star Wars: The Old Republic more than it would harm it.


I base this opinion on the recent experiences I’ve had trying to find groups for the Flashpoints Athiss and Mandalorian Raiders. In most of my attempts to find a group, using the tools like /who and /1 General chat I have had no luck finding groups and ended up wasting an hour of my day trying.


Why don’t you just ask your guild?


I am in a guild that usually has anywhere from as little as three people online to as much as nine or ten. One issue I’ve had running Flashpoints with them is that I’m about two weeks behind them in game, aka level gap. They are interested in getting their characters to 50 and geared, so they can experience end game content, while I want to level up doing all the dungeons in addition to questing at a more leisurely pace. The bottom line is our interest’s conflict, so I cannot rely on them for help when making groups for Flashpoints.

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And we disagree, because cops and CSRs aren't perfect. They are just as likely to mess up as we are.


Actually, in many casses, authority figures go on power trips and abuse more than we would.


Since both us and them are as prone to abuse as each other, all that matters is justice.


Justice goes beyond authority, law, cops, CSRS and all that.


Justice is a concept beyond rules.


As long as justice is served and is fair, it doesn't matter who dispensed.


In the case of my server, we dispensed justice. No one would argue that he didn't deserve, at least no one who witnessed it.


Had we ever driven someone off the server who didn't deserve it, I'd be as shocked and chagrined as you are.


Then, we'll just have to agree to disagree as I can see that we're both entrenched in our views as to how an MMO community should be policed and not ready to budge one way or th eother. Hopefully you won't blacklist me because I don't agree with your comments or won't run me out of a server. ;)

Edited by Spareplug
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It seems to me that more (probably most) people are opposed to cross-server rather than the actual tool itself. I don't think they recognize that cross-server and a LFG tool are not inclusive of each other.
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As said, a LFG "TAB" would be fine. However, if you want to queue up to them like warzones simply think about this thought. How many friends have you made in a warzone, and how many have you made in a player built group flashpoint?


Zero in both cases thus disproving your implied hypothesis.

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