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Why are so many people saying this game is bad?


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Real gamers received these faulty game mechanics as slaps in the face. Super scrub weekend gamers don't even know what we are talking about.


So anyone who doesn't play the way you play Chomag isn't a real gamer?

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I am amazed at how badly any sort of criticism is taken on these forums. The fanboys are out of for blood here. The fact of the matter the game has HUGE amount of issues, gamebreaking or not, the sheer quantity of them is nearly overwhelming. Majority of the fanboys who come out and say well i am enjoying it get lost, are blind as bats. No one is arguing that this game provides a good, possibly VERY good leveling experience.

The problem is MMO lives and dies by its ENDGAME. K thx bye. It is a fact. People pay 15$/month for years due to end game not due to fun leveling. (ok there are a few altoholicks who will have a blast leveling 16 characters good for them, there aren't enough of them).

As it stands right now end game is in pretty sad place. Once your class quest runs out it feels very empty.

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I would like to see another gaming company trying the all voiced approach that Bioware made, it certainly adds loads of flavor to otherwise sometimes tedious questing. There's bugs and stuff but i'm still having fun. i can't seriously remember the last mmo where i've had so much fun questing and levelling... maybe never ! I don't get why you have to complain so much over a game if you don't like it, just stop playing?


Don't you think that if there's a bug in the game the developers know about it, and it's probably somewhere on there priority list, it's not like code writes itself or gets fixed easy... the bigger the source code the longer it takes to fix issues and you have to prioritize.

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I am amazed at how badly any sort of criticism is taken on these forums. The fanboys are out of for blood here. The fact of the matter the game has HUGE amount of issues, gamebreaking or not, the sheer quantity of them is nearly overwhelming. Majority of the fanboys who come out and say well i am enjoying it get lost, are blind as bats. No one is arguing that this game provides a good, possibly VERY good leveling experience.

The problem is MMO lives and dies by its ENDGAME. K thx bye. It is a fact. People pay 15$/month for years due to end game not due to fun leveling. (ok there are a few altoholicks who will have a blast leveling 16 characters good for them, there aren't enough of them).

As it stands right now end game is in pretty sad place. Once your class quest runs out it feels very empty.


While I agree with this the problem here is not necessarily the endgame content AT THIS TIME but people not having anything better to do than to already be maximum level at this point.


The LotRO community runs into the same problem frequently. 2 days after a new epic raid encounter has been released people are crying for new content. A game development company can't keep up with how fast people who apparently have no jobs or life can blaze through their content. Even if BioWare worked it's employees 12 hour days that wouldn't be enough to produce content fast enough because apparently alot of MMO players have 12 hours a day to play the game.


Right now my schedule is as lax as it has ever been in my 15 years of employment. I have a lvl 31 and a lvl 26 and a couple of like lvl 10 alots to try out each basic class. I've done some minor crafting, and been side tracked by space combat a little bit, etc. I haven't touched my xbox since the headstart for SWtOR.


If people are blowing through the content to be the first to get to lvl 50 it's THEIR fault the game has no endgame content. Anyone who thinks every sitting at an MMO should be another session spent elongating their e-weiner is going to be sadly disappointed in any gaming genre. ANY.


Personally I'm sick of this small select group being the loudest minority and trying to drive every MMO into the hole with a constant barrage of endgame epic raid content. GET A LIFE PEOPLE. Most of the development time should be going to correcting bugs and glitches, enhancing the entire journey to max level, etc. Not creating new content just so a bunch of gamer "jocks" have one more raid to claim they were the first to beat.


IMO the leveling process in these games needs to be doubled or trippled. There were no max level characters in EQ or DAoC 4 days after release. If the actual game lasted longer then people wouldn't need a new raid every week.


Don't like the leveling process? If all you are into is PvsP then you're probably in the wrong genre. PvsP is always my ultimate goal in the end as well but I do get entertainment out of the leveling process so I don't loathe PvsE. But that's because I know what the genre is and what to expect from it.


Besides, WTH is the difference between spending 50 hours grinding a raid to get a purple helmet for your toon and spending extra hours getting to 50? Are people so dysfunctional that they actually feel insecure the entire time they aren't maximum level?

Edited by Criosdh
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They are playing it wrong.


^ this. A lot of people who've been playing MMOs for a long time have gotten into this mentality of racing to the end of the game and being one of the first to defeat the big end of game bosses. From what I've heard there's not much in endgame at the moment since this game isn't yet at an end, it's only just beginning. So they in turn say the game sucks or complain there's nothing left to do while in the meantime they haven't given any time into appreciating the detail of the stories, the artwork, or looking for hidden easter eggs like datacrons because they're too darned lazy.

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I am amazed at how badly any sort of criticism is taken on these forums. The fanboys are out of for blood here. The fact of the matter the game has HUGE amount of issues, gamebreaking or not, the sheer quantity of them is nearly overwhelming. Majority of the fanboys who come out and say well i am enjoying it get lost, are blind as bats. No one is arguing that this game provides a good, possibly VERY good leveling experience.

The problem is MMO lives and dies by its ENDGAME. K thx bye. It is a fact. People pay 15$/month for years due to end game not due to fun leveling. (ok there are a few altoholicks who will have a blast leveling 16 characters good for them, there aren't enough of them).

As it stands right now end game is in pretty sad place. Once your class quest runs out it feels very empty.


%100 agree

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Well it had a bad release but hopefully SWTOR can pull itself out of the release.


Its been ok for some, bad for some etc etc.



Atleast it isnt gonna be some korean take of medieval fantasy MMO that is effectively 10% multiplayer and 90% singleplayer dungeon with cash shops in it. *cough cough GW2*




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Well it had a bad release but hopefully SWTOR can pull itself out of the release.


Its been ok for some, bad for some etc etc.



Atleast it isnt gonna be some korean take of medieval fantasy MMO that is effectively 10% multiplayer and 90% singleplayer dungeon with cash shops in it. *cough cough GW2*





Uh it's been great for most. 1 million players putting in millions of hours says so.


The bugs and glitches have been few and far between.


SWtoR makes the 2nd AAA MMO title (Age of Conan being the other) that I literally have to stop and think to come up with one even half important glitch I experienced on 2 different machine set ups as well.


Some people have bad experiences at MMO launches because they don't know squat about maintaining a healthy rig. Oh and some people don't seem to understand that not being able to play Gears of War 3 on your Atari means you probaly won't be able to play SWtoR on a PC that came out around the same time as the Atari.

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Game breaking? As in, you cannot play the game because of them?


List them for me please.


Lmao...go to the Customer Service forums sunshine and read the posts from hundreds and hundreds of players who cannot even log in due to the faulty patching system.

Edited by Jahl
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Well it had a bad release but hopefully SWTOR can pull itself out of the release.


Its been ok for some, bad for some etc etc.



Atleast it isnt gonna be some korean take of medieval fantasy MMO that is effectively 10% multiplayer and 90% singleplayer dungeon with cash shops in it. *cough cough GW2*





I dont know where this Bad Release BS is coming from this was one of the best releases of any MMO I have seen!


However, this game is a fun single player RPG not an MMO.... And as I was looking for an MMO I will not be resubbing....

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Uh it's been great for most. 1 million players putting in millions of hours says so.


The bugs and glitches have been few and far between.


SWtoR makes the 2nd AAA MMO title (Age of Conan being the other) that I literally have to stop and think to come up with one even half important glitch I experienced on 2 different machine set ups as well.


Some people have bad experiences at MMO launches because they don't know squat about maintaining a healthy rig. Oh and some people don't seem to understand that not being able to play Gears of War 3 on your Atari means you probaly won't be able to play SWtoR on a PC that came out around the same time as the Atari.


Condescending much? FYI people with top of the line rigs are having the same issues, you just got lucky enough not to connect to the CDN's handing out corrupted files. I've been playing MMO's since 99 starting with EQ , and this release ranks fairly close to the bottom as far as in game bugs that werent found/fixed during beta. Now I'm not blaming Bioware for that, it seems a mjority of their beta testers were more interested in leveling to 50 than finding the bugs and getting them fixed.

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You can't make a shimmer.. oh nevermind, the real census of opinion will be clearer in about 3 weeks when those who no longer wish to play the game are gone and the regular player base is left, until then the posts on this forum have to be taken with a pinch of salt.. that is not to say that issues people are raising are not genuine.


I think its clear the game is good. It's obvious that it needs more work. I think the game will end up with a shinyness from BW polish. I like the MMO genre and right now theres nothing else I'd rather be playing.

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Because people don't understand the concept of being patient, the game just released not long ago and people can't just wait for the problems to be solved. Thats like taking a half done car, driving it for a while and then going back to the dealership and complaining to them when BEFORE they said that it was only half done and they said for you to wait.
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Condescending much? FYI people with top of the line rigs are having the same issues, you just got lucky enough not to connect to the CDN's handing out corrupted files. I've been playing MMO's since 99 starting with EQ , and this release ranks fairly close to the bottom as far as in game bugs that werent found/fixed during beta. Now I'm not blaming Bioware for that, it seems a mjority of their beta testers were more interested in leveling to 50 than finding the bugs and getting them fixed.



There are very few bugs in this game just like there was very few bugs in Age of Conan despite people claiming it was unplayable.


If you're having problems with lots of glitches/bugs then there is definitely something wrong with your install.


have you done a full repair?

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because while many things about the game are good, three weeks into this experiment, several game breaking bugs have not been addressed.

Its usually people like this who dont how an MMO is made and think little bugs are game killers lol.


There is not one game breaking bug in TOR and this is one of the smoothest launches an MMO has ever had.

You also get the peeps who have really bad PC's and like to blame the game before they blame there hardware.

Edited by Kanharn
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Because people don't understand the concept of being patient, the game just released not long ago and people can't just wait for the problems to be solved. Thats like taking a half done car, driving it for a while and then going back to the dealership and complaining to them when BEFORE they said that it was only half done and they said for you to wait.


but in this case, the dealer has told you its done, and taken your downpayment and expects you to keep paying the monthly.


see the problem ;) or do you want to admit your analogy is horribly flawed.

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The pvp content is poorly designed and implemented.


There are severe UI bugs that hamper gameplay.


There are character skill/animation glitches that make using certain skills in combination not work at all. (Charge > Ravage)


The endgame raids are at best buggy/unfinished and at worst totally broken.


The flashpoints get old fast. And the rewards are hardly worth the amount of runs required, especially when you consider raiding is near pointless in its current state.


The crew skills are mostly useless. (except Biochem)


There are still no details on the "legacy system" or information on when it will be implemented at all.


There is poor customer service.


There is almost no communication or acknowledgement of any of these issues from the developers.

Edited by clench
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The quiz is: I've been playing for a week


From level 30 you'll begin to see the bugs.


MAY begin to see the bugs, not WILL begin to see bugs.


I'm level 42 now and nothing more serious than having to reset the odd mission here and there. And by here and there I mean I've had to reset 2 missions in the entirely of my leveling.

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