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Why are so many people saying this game is bad?


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I am curious to know why all the hate for this game in this forum? I been playing for about a week now, and this is the most fun I have had with an mmo since I quit playing WoW.


Because what is good and bad is entirely an opinion. What one person likes is not always the same as what you like. I however see no reason for all the hate. You tried it, it didnt like it so why not quietly move on and maybe post a small post of constructive criticism.

I love this game and am very glad I got it if I wasnt enjoying it I would have just uninstalled it and gone to do something different, as I did with rift and warhammer. I have played wow in the past and eventually got sick of it lotro too. Again I didnt feel the need to post huge posts of spam and vitrol and then troll anyone else who doesnt agree with me. I uninstalled after saying goodbye to friends in game.

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The only complaint I have is my compaion, Kailyo, is supposed to be a ranged tank and yet her guard stance only gives her 100% threat generation and a 20% more chance to activate her shield.


They took away the 60% mitigation of her skill and thus she's more like a ranged target than a tank, which pretty much forces me to go medicine tree just to progress through the game as she takes too much damage to even survive.


Why even give her a guard mode if it does nothing but get her killed, then the enemies turn on me and blast me to meat.


It may be fine in lower levels but from nar shadda on, where everything seems to either have a strong enemy, be an entire spawn of strong enemies, or be an elite, it's starting to really annoy me.

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Arrive at 50 and try to do some PvE action and you'll see where the hate comes from. And trust me, it's due.


Once again, you played the game wrong. You raced to 50, missed all the content, then are complaining that the content is bad.


It is not their fault that you played the game wrong.

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you will find these type of people in every single MMO most of the time they play for the first week or two then stop playing proclaim the game is garbage then spend the next 5 years constantly dissing the game over and over. and if you say anything they declare you a blind fan boi (or whatever the terminology is)


Surprisingly you will find the majority of players never actually visit the forums of most games and are quite happily actually playing the game they are paying money.


Just put them into the "troll" box and either do what you with caged animals feel pitty for them or poke them with a stick to see if they bite


(disclaimer : dont put animals in boxes and poke with sticks because i know i will eventually see it on youtube)

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because while many things about the game are good, three weeks into this experiment, several game breaking bugs have not been addressed.


I havent personally met a single game-breaking bug so I have to disagree. Lvl 40 here.


The most annoying ones:

- missing map marker for personal shuttle to elysium, inquisitor class quest in alderaan

- 5-inch tall Satele Shan in jedi knight early game cutscenes

- non working keybinds for targeting

- repeatedly falling on the ground and attempting to rise animation, when knocked on the ground by a grenade/mine and using an attack instead of movement button to rise. Affects companion too and the only solution is to dismiss/recall companion.


None of these have been big enough to mess my enjoyment of the game though

Edited by Karkais
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I havent personally met a single game-breaking bug so I have to disagree. Lvl 40 here.


The most annoying ones:

- missing map marker for personal shuttle to elysium, inquisitor class quest in alderaan

- 5-inch tall Satele Shan in jedi knight early game cutscenes

- non working keybinds for targeting

- repeatedly falling on the ground and attempting to rise animation, when knocked on the ground by a grenade/mine and using an attack instead of movement button to rise. Affects companion too and the only solution is to dismiss/recall companion.


None of these have been big enough to mess my enjoyment of the game though


Dude. Please stop. Stop being rational, logical, reasonable.


This is not the place for that. ;p

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Because the absolute majority of players don't use the forums? There's about 1000th of the people who play posting on the forums, maybe less, and there are a tonne of people who don't even play posting. The majority of forum users aren't enjoying the game because the people who are enjoying it are playing it.


This is true. I never read the forums in the evening coz I'm busy playing, I read through the forums during the day when I can, while at work. Forums for new and established mmo's are always riddled with pointless postings that nobody cares about. SWTOR was always going to be in the firing line for the army of man babies with there retarded opinions that nobody cares about at all. Some really make me lol though.


I'm really enjoying SWTOR. I'm level 44 and looking forward to making a new character after level 50, if im stuck for things to do..

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Arrive at 50 and try to do some PvE action and you'll see where the hate comes from. And trust me, it's due.


I'm already experiencing this at 34 in PVP/Flash Points/ Any type of MMO situation. I don't have to be 50 to know crap programming when i see it. Thankfully the game is so 'dumbed down' that an monkey with a mouse and keyboard can play it. So the onslaught of glitches/bugs/etc can be overcome with some keyboard spamming and just watching the quickslot bar.


Thankfully the quests are engaging enough to keep my interest, otherwise I'd be out of here.

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A) That's what the general area of the forums are for.


B) These are the people that would never be happy with anythng.


C) For 1% the game really wasn't for them, and they feel compelled to post about it. Seldom constructively, however.


Edit: A legitimate complaint is if there system isn't good enough to run it. Although the specs aren't that high for this game, they are significantly higher than say...WoW. If you have to play on low res, the game doesn't even look like the same game.

Edited by Varcan
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Dude. Please stop. Stop being rational, logical, reasonable.


This is not the place for that. ;p


Seems he forgot to check his sanity at the door before entering the General Forums.


As for the game, I haven't progressed far, because I like to try things out and usually start over a few times. But from what I have experienced it's been fun, and the bugs I have seen are minor annoyances.

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Once again, you played the game wrong. You raced to 50, missed all the content, then are complaining that the content is bad.


It is not their fault that you played the game wrong.


There is no wrong. People play how they want to play. You must understand in the MMO community it is quite common for folks to care solely about endgame. Leveling is a chore to them.


It may not be your cup of tea but to a lot of people it is.

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There is no wrong. People play how they want to play. You must understand in the MMO community it is quite common for folks to care solely about endgame. Leveling is a chore to them.


It may not be your cup of tea but to a lot of people it is.


In those people's cases, they bought the wrong game.


You don't buy a game that is marketted on story and then skip the story and go for endgame.


It'd be like buying WoW because you want hardcore PvP and then complaining because WoW doesn't have hardcore PvP.

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I am curious to know why all the hate for this game in this forum? I been playing for about a week now, and this is the most fun I have had with an mmo since I quit playing WoW.


There ain't a lot of hate for this game. There is a vocal minority who hang out on these forums who do nothing but spout doom and gloom rather than either A: Play it. ot B: Go away.


Ignore it, man. If you're having fun, then you're having fun. I've yet to see one person in game complain about anything other than that green light\wall bug, even on Taris!

Edited by LilPika
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I just wonder why having a shred of patience is so difficult. I could understand the sentiment that the game is terrible because of bugs if Bioware was just ignoring them. They're actively working on fixing bugs. You'll see more of the minor bugs being fixed first because the minor bugs are easier to fix.


Most of the long-living MMOs were't perfect and shiny out of the box. The players enjoyed what the game provided, offered suggestions as to what would make it better, and gave the designers enough time to implement it how they liked it.


The constant need for instant gratification just leads to disappointment.

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Once again, you played the game wrong. You raced to 50, missed all the content, then are complaining that the content is bad.


It is not their fault that you played the game wrong.


He can't have played it wrong...he would have been banned.

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In those people's cases, they bought the wrong game.


You don't buy a game that is marketted on story and then skip the story and go for endgame.


It'd be like buying WoW because you want hardcore PvP and then complaining because WoW doesn't have hardcore PvP.


It was marketed as an MMO though and therein the confusion may lie. A persistent world by design is going to require a robust endgame to keep people engaged. Also, nowhere did I see the game marketed as one that would not have a robust endgame.

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Once again, you played the game wrong. You raced to 50, missed all the content, then are complaining that the content is bad.


It is not their fault that you played the game wrong.


I don't think you understand whats going on at all, let me try to explain it for you.


People that are complaining aren't really saying 'ZOMG GIVE ME CONTENT NOW NOW NOW', its more of a 'Hey, there is nothing to do at 50 and there a lot of bugs preventing competitive gameplay which drives subscriptions. If this doesn't get fixed by the time the mass of casuals(YOU) hit 50, this game is dunzo'.


Thats it. Its really that simple. People that are complaining are smart enough to know what makes an MMO 'stick'. After you invest 3 months casually leveling your perfect little jedi into being you are going to be pretty dissapointed to find out theres nothing you can actually do with him that is meaningful.

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I am curious to know why all the hate for this game in this forum? I been playing for about a week now, and this is the most fun I have had with an mmo since I quit playing WoW.


I am still enjoying the game, but there are a TON of bugs in it, and I can easily see how they could drive people crazy, especially those that have been playing for a long time in the betas and have been reporting the bugs over and over again.


Also, the game does push players into a single player mode with forcing you to do the class quests in order to advance your character, which is another issue I can see players having trouble with.


And PvP...well, that's another thorn in the side of many.



Yes, it's a good game, but it DOES have features that will draw ire.

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It was marketed as an MMO though and therein the confusion may lie. A persistent world by design is going to require a robust endgame to keep people engaged. Also, nowhere did I see the game marketed as one that would not have a robust endgame.


So you've saw all eight class storylines? You bought a BW game and thought it would be all about PvP and Dungeons? No, story has always been BWs strong point. Go see what another classes story is. That should keep you entertained.

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I don't think you understand whats going on at all, let me try to explain it for you.


People that are complaining aren't really saying 'ZOMG GIVE ME CONTENT NOW NOW NOW', its more of a 'Hey, there is nothing to do at 50 and there a lot of bugs preventing competitive gameplay which drives subscriptions. If this doesn't get fixed by the time the mass of casuals(YOU) hit 50, this game is dunzo'.


Thats it. Its really that simple. People that are complaining are smart enough to know what makes an MMO 'stick'. After you invest 3 months casually leveling your perfect little jedi into being you are going to be pretty dissapointed to find out theres nothing you can actually do with him that is meaningful.


After three months i'm 100% certain there will be PLENTY of stuff to do...

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I don't think you understand whats going on at all, let me try to explain it for you.


People that are complaining aren't really saying 'ZOMG GIVE ME CONTENT NOW NOW NOW', its more of a 'Hey, there is nothing to do at 50 and there a lot of bugs preventing competitive gameplay which drives subscriptions. If this doesn't get fixed by the time the mass of casuals(YOU) hit 50, this game is dunzo'.


Thats it. Its really that simple. People that are complaining are smart enough to know what makes an MMO 'stick'. After you invest 3 months casually leveling your perfect little jedi into being you are going to be pretty dissapointed to find out theres nothing you can actually do with him that is meaningful.


Despite the trollish name I totally agree with you. If the 'way to play' is to constantly reroll in order to 'experience' storylines that isn't going to be enough of a hook for quite a lot of people. Retention rates would plummet.

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So you've saw all eight class storylines? You bought a BW game and thought it would be all about PvP and Dungeons? No, story has always been BWs strong point. Go see what another classes story is. That should keep you entertained.


This isn't a single player game. (Ok, to some it is). For MMOs to be successful, to get people to keep paying the sub, there has to some sort of attachment to their character. A reason to grow and build them. If the design goal is to play them all you'll have a tough time creating that attachment that keeps people coming back.

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If you're a competitive gamer there are issues. If you're some carebear casual you won't even notice the problems. If the game feels really responsive and you never encounter ability lag etc then you are likely in the latter group.:p


Wait.. wut? So if I don't agree it is because I'm 'some carebear casual'?

There is a name for trying to win an argument by disqualifying the person instead of going into the arguments used. Unfortunately I don't know it since English isn't my main language, but perhaps someone else can enlighten me ;)

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I am curious to know why all the hate for this game in this forum? I been playing for about a week now, and this is the most fun I have had with an mmo since I quit playing WoW.


From what I've seen it's mainly the 'MMO' orientated players complaining about certain popular MMO features being missing, the 'RPG' orientated players seem quite content.

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