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Why are so many people saying this game is bad?


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I am curious to know why all the hate for this game in this forum? I been playing for about a week now, and this is the most fun I have had with an mmo since I quit playing WoW.


I agree totally.


I am very impressed with how they managed to make story in an MMO work. Initially I thought it would be like a personal RPG that I'm playing, only in a world with others. But they made it possible to experience story with others with a synergy that makes sense.


They do it by making it possible to hear how other players speak, and chip in with their own decisions in cutscenes. It's really nice to hear how other classes speak, and is a non-rerolling method to experience dialogue of other classes.

One time I did this 4-man quest, and when all 4 of us were standing before the quest giver upon completion, it made us feel like real heroes. It led to someone chipping in "yay we're heroes". It really did feel like it.


They also reward you with social points for grouping up together.


I much prefer this story to operations. I've stated many times that I do want to do operations, but not for the loot. I want to do it because my companion wants to save his friend who was captured by the evil Sith in so-and-so operation. Raiding should never have been about the loot. It should be about the adventure.


I think people like me who like story are a dying breed, and the majority of gamers have been brainwashed by WoW that the only fun you should have is loot, loot and more loot. Grind dungeons and raids for loot. Grind reputation for loot.

They have forgotten the magical experience they had when they played WoW for the first time and level from 1 to 60. You can't blame them, it was so long ago.


I hope that this game survives. I really like it. It has a lot of potential.

Edited by ConradLionhart
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I agree totally.


I am very impressed with how they managed to make story in an MMO work. Initially I thought it would be like a personal RPG that I'm playing, only in a world with others. But they made it possible to experience story with others with a synergy that makes sense.


They do it by making it possible to hear how other players speak, and chip in with their own decisions in cutscenes. It's really nice to hear how other classes speak, and is a non-rerolling method to experience dialogue of other classes.

One time I did this 4-man quest, and when all 4 of us were standing before the quest giver upon completion, it made us feel like real heroes. It led to someone chipping in "yay we're heroes". It really did feel like it.


They also reward you with social points for grouping up together.


I much prefer this story to operations. I've stated many times that I do want to do operations, but not for the loot. I want to do it because my companion wants to save his friend who was captured by the evil Sith in so-and-so operation. Raiding should never have been about the loot. It should be about the adventure.


I think people like me who like story are a dying breed, and the majority of gamers have been brainwashed by WoW that the only fun you should have is loot, loot and more loot. Grind dungeons and raids for loot. Grind reputation for loot.

They have forgotten the magical experience they had when they played WoW for the first time and level from 1 to 60. You can't blame them, it was so long ago.


I hope that this game survives. I really like it. It has a lot of potential.



Well said...well said.

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I like the game well enough and I have gotten my moneys worth out of it for sure. However there are a few things I don't like.


1) There are too many jedi and sith. When I play one, I don't feel unique. When I don't, I don't fear them.

2) It doesn't really matter what you answer in the quests except for ds/ls points or not doing the quest.

3) No exploration.


I always read these posts and have to ask are they playing the same game. I think your 3 points are invalid. These are just my veiws, you may agree or disagree but another way of looking at it.


1. You have to look at the time frame, the game is set before "Order 66" and the Jedi got wiped out and before the "Rule of 2" so there is a lot of Sith. Maybe read the history it is very interesting :-



I don't think the Jedi were ever really feared, look at Jaba in the OT, and General Grievous and the amount of light sabres he had. The madalores hunted jedi, respected maybe not feared. It is more like magic versus technology as Han says "give me a good blaster kid......"


2. You forgot, it affects your companions affection, the better your affection with them the quicker their quests open up. There is also a number of conversations you can choose to fight the person or talk your way out of it. If you are a force user you can persuade some of them.


I like the way they are maybe your answers could lead to another different quest, but than I can see that being a lot more work for the programmers. There is a lot of people that play togetther do all the quests together and level together, the programers would have to make sure that the new quest made sense to everyone, and that the new trail didn't take them to far off the main quest. Easier just to have basically the same answer with a few minor differences.


3. Exploration, probably not as much as some other games, but just as fun, have you gone looking for datacroms ? I take my little camera, that came with the CE and go to the unmaped sections after I have finished a planet, and take a look. On Tatooine I got wiped out by the Empire when I went to close to their post. Flying that bird to the datacron on Alderan is pretty cool. I have my screen saver photo gallery linked to the screenshot folder for SWTOR and have taken some great pictures with my little camera.

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What I like about this game:


-) Levelling to lvl 50. This is the best experience I've had levelling in an MMO. I've never felt the urge to grind more XP out of my playtime because I was simply enjoying myself.

Only in the last few lvls I grew a bit restless because some of my friends were already lvl 50 and I wanted to do flashpoints with them.


-) Level of difficulty of dungeons. While many may say that this game is too easy in that area, I must say that I like it that way. I'm not the kind of person that likes playing games like "I wanna be the guy" and has fun with them. Those games I try for 15 minutes and after not advancing further than the first screen I trash them :) I know that many people are different but tastes are different. To me a game should not be frustratingly hard.

However, the balancing of the opponents is somewhat off in this game. E.g.: Kaon HM: The one "boss" where these endless waves of creeps come is a challenging and fun experience. While our gear was too bad to beat the bonus boss which is for sure the hardest boss I've yet encountered in this game, I must say that I was somewhat dissapointed by the endbosses of the instance. There was absolutely nothing to this fight. Any trash-pack in the dungeon was harder. That's something I find odd.


What I don't like about this game:


-) A gear based PVP-System. PVP should be made in a way that everybody has the same gear (e.g. no gear progression in PVP). Only skill and situational factors like being outnumbered or better usage of the surroundings should determine the winner. I hate such PVP-Systems like here were I just see the opponents HP and/or his oddly red glowing lightsabers and immediately know that I won't stand a chance if I don't get help by a few friends. PVP should not be about gear in my opinion.


-) while the time it takes to find a group at lvl 50 is bearable for me (I'm on a server with a healthy population on the empire side and it still takes a considerable amount of time to get a pug going) I certainly feel that a better tool to find groups is needed.

Especially before lvl 50. I haven't done any of the instances after cademimu because I just found it boring that I had to go to the fleet and spam the general chat for an hour and still don't find enough players to team up with. At lvl 50 it's okay for me to spend my time at the fleet looking for a group for some time, but before that I want to quest while I'm looking for a group. A tool that allows you to be wherever you want in the world and still be able to look for a group would be dearly needed


-) levelling to 50 the second time on the same faction

This task proved unsolvable to me yet. While I generally like the story mode (see above), I simply can't bring myself to level another toon of the same faction. My highest alt is lvl 26 or 27. I just can't bring myself to level further because it's basically the same as the first time except the class quests. And even they bring you to exactly the same areas most of the time. There is absolutely no diversity in where I can level (zonewise).

I should probably add that I'm an absolute altoholic in these games. I once hit the overall maximum of characters in WoW per account (49 fyi, that was in vanilla though, so I don't know if that's still true).

Being able to choose in which area you level is very important to me when it comes to replayability.

As it is now Tor has only one replay for me: Factionswitch.

I don't think I'll ever manage to level through the same quests again on the same faction. But maybe I'm too critical of this aspect and remember the zone choice of WoW too rosy. There was repetition too, of course. But here it feels like the rail shooter the space combat is.

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Those who think the game sucks cause every thing should be perfect barley past 3 months after release, should stop into your local Hospital or Dr office and ask for an enema, that will clean them off foolish things like the game is bad and then some. lol


Ladies and gentlemen, your SWTOR fanboy community in a nutshell.

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Lots of tldr here. I find this game pretty average. It's like they didn't know they were making an mmo. You're left with people pressuring you to space bar content whenever you group. Unsubbed.


Dude you read my mind

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Imho the lvl curve is to shallow. The quests and voicovers are very well done, but it is all accessed to easily. There is plenty of room for sandbox type elements to be added in between the storylines if everything was slowed down, and hardened up, a bit.


While it is nice to have content that can be soloed, the complete removal of depth to cater to soloers ruins the immersion that is needed for mmo addicts such as myself. Fast lvl'ing should require groups, solo lvl'ing should require a grind. Otherwise it is not an mmo.


Pesonally, I would prefer that while solo each planet would be a struggle to finish, and that I would have to use my determination, or find a group, to access and complete the quests there. The heroics and fp's are very well done, but these seem like multiplayer options added to a single player game.

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Lots of tldr here. I find this game pretty average. It's like they didn't know they were making an mmo. You're left with people pressuring you to space bar content whenever you group. Unsubbed.


It's not the game that's the problem, it's the people who think this is WOW 2.0.


Frankly I'd prefer less bitter jaded hardcores, and more folks who are new to MMOs.

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And WoW was just an Everquest clone.


But everquest had a real biological father and a mother called Ever and Quest. And when Ever and Quest joined in holy matrimony Everquest was born. But then the Evil scientist called Snowstrom captured and cloned Everquest and gave birth to a monster called Atrocious the Cruel, who slaved 10 million people into thinking that he was Everquest. But every now and then Everquest would come out of his hiding hole and wag his tail to free the people.


But Atrocious the Cruel didn't take into account the brother of Everquest The Old Republic. The old republic was so powerful that no amount of computer specs could run it. And so The Old Republic killed Atrocious the Cruel and became the champion of the people. But Everquest was jealous to The Old Republic and cloned himself and Became Everquest II. But then Atrocious the Cruel was resurrected by the power of The Old Republic, because he felt sad about what he had done to Atrocious and together they killed Everquest and Everquest II.


But then this beautiful lady called Tera came before Atrocious and The Old Republic and they started fighting who would get to marry her. And fighting still continues to this day although eons have passed from that day forward...

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And WoW was just an Everquest clone.


...and nothing is bad with a "clone", if you copy well, especially basic features like a working and scaling UI...


All MMOs have a simple pattern -> increase the ingame power of your character - at best with some items/skill/abilities [insert function], not everybody has (all MMOplayers want to be somewhat special, even roleplayers)- and create the path to power in such way, that time effort and motivation balance each other. The flavor of the month is "cinema"-questing.


I agree somewhat, if people say that SWTOR is a raw diamond, there are lots of features (dark/light side system, companion crafting, creating your own epic recipes by reconstructing, atmospheric questing, social ranks, space travel + space fight), which are really promising, but need more detail work and development.


...but releasing a pretty unfinished and untested game in the year 15 after UO wasn't a good move from BW, really. People are with good reason angry about the beta state of the game at release. In my case it's not the game itself, it's the technical state of the game.


The argument "WoW needed years to provide all the utility and stableness as it has now", is getting old and it's wrong. Nowadays such bugs like HK47 in the factory or this shame of an UI must not be in a MMO game on release, simple at that.

People aren't amazed about half a year fixing bugs and design flaws and then waiting another half year for fixing and evaluating class balance and class mechanics in PvE and PvP (one of the biggest and most time intensive topic in MMOs) and besides that, BW has to come up with new content (tested and as bugfree as possible, please...)


In my case...I am still here, but my patience isn't endless.

Edited by Midichlorien
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Imho the lvl curve is to shallow. The quests and voicovers are very well done, but it is all accessed to easily. There is plenty of room for sandbox type elements to be added in between the storylines if everything was slowed down, and hardened up, a bit.


While it is nice to have content that can be soloed, the complete removal of depth to cater to soloers ruins the immersion that is needed for mmo addicts such as myself. Fast lvl'ing should require groups, solo lvl'ing should require a grind. Otherwise it is not an mmo.


Pesonally, I would prefer that while solo each planet would be a struggle to finish, and that I would have to use my determination, or find a group, to access and complete the quests there. The heroics and fp's are very well done, but these seem like multiplayer options added to a single player game.


Oh man you must be one of the guys who loves most asian mmo's. Where if your not in a group...it takes a day of grinding the same mob to get one lvl.


Plus your the first person I have ever seen complain about quest be to easily accessed. Figure its better then wondering around for hours trying to figure out were to go next, or no quests till you level up 5 or 10 more times.


But I guess some people like to be lost, frustrated, and bored....

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I agree totally.


I am very impressed with how they managed to make story in an MMO work. Initially I thought it would be like a personal RPG that I'm playing, only in a world with others. But they made it possible to experience story with others with a synergy that makes sense.


They do it by making it possible to hear how other players speak, and chip in with their own decisions in cutscenes. It's really nice to hear how other classes speak, and is a non-rerolling method to experience dialogue of other classes.

One time I did this 4-man quest, and when all 4 of us were standing before the quest giver upon completion, it made us feel like real heroes. It led to someone chipping in "yay we're heroes". It really did feel like it.


They also reward you with social points for grouping up together.


I much prefer this story to operations. I've stated many times that I do want to do operations, but not for the loot. I want to do it because my companion wants to save his friend who was captured by the evil Sith in so-and-so operation. Raiding should never have been about the loot. It should be about the adventure.


I think people like me who like story are a dying breed, and the majority of gamers have been brainwashed by WoW that the only fun you should have is loot, loot and more loot. Grind dungeons and raids for loot. Grind reputation for loot.

They have forgotten the magical experience they had when they played WoW for the first time and level from 1 to 60. You can't blame them, it was so long ago.


I hope that this game survives. I really like it. It has a lot of potential.


I like the the story, the voice overs and all the other fluff, but not at the sacrifice of gameplay, mechanics, bugs (ability delay), design laziness (all the tier armor looks the same just re-colored). I can go on...


But if you need a story to like or have fun in a game then maybe your not a gamer. I mean do you need a story to play Monopoly or cards? When people say they need a good story to play... lets say a FPS i just laugh and think to my self he/she is not a true gamer.

Edited by Toweleeeie
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I am curious to know why all the hate for this game in this forum? I been playing for about a week now, and this is the most fun I have had with an mmo since I quit playing WoW.


There are people who spout hate on the forums because they failed and they need to make themselves feel better by trying to get everyone to join their fail side

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It's not the game that's the problem, it's the people who think this is WOW 2.0.


Frankly I'd prefer less bitter jaded hardcores, and more folks who are new to MMOs.


Mirrors my feeling, but I think it may be part of the emerging MMO player genre. I remember during early vanilla WoW the forums and general chat being full of complaining, hate and former EQrs.


Later during Vanguard beta general chat was filled with WoW hate and EQ nut huggers. I played Eve for a while and there were so many WoW references in general chat it got boring.


Seems not much has changed, but the game titles.

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I like the the story, the voice overs and all the other fluff, but not at the sacrifice of gameplay, mechanics, bugs (ability delay), design laziness (all the tier armor looks the same just re-colored). I can go on...


But if you need a story to like or have fun in a game then maybe your not a gamer. I mean do you need a story to play Monopoly or cards? When people say they need a good story to play... lets say a FPS i just laugh and think to my self he/she is not a true gamer.


Who decides who's a true gamer? What does that even mean? Are you a true reader if you don't enjoy certain types of books, only different types?


And role-playing games do need a good story. And even in strategy games it enhances my experience to know what I'm supposed to be fighting for.

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