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Why are so many people saying this game is bad?


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Dude, this is just wrong.


It works just the opposite. EVERYTHING should be assumed to be an opinion unless it is specifically stated to be a fact. Having to qualify everything you say with "IMO," or "I think" is just lame. What's even lamer is responding to every obvious opinion by telling the poster "well that's your opinion." I mean, derp!!


So when I declare "This is a bad game" that is obviously an opinion?


I didn't take Internet 201 so I guess I missed that lesson.

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You're right you do have a right to criticism. Except for the fact that criticism is an opinion. Saying something "IS" is not criticism. Saying you THINK something IS is criticism.



Not Criticism: "The game is bad"

Criticism: "I think the game is bad" or "I don't like the game"


Unless you stat it as an opinion then you are stating it as fact when it is not a fact. Al Franken said it best: "You're entitled to your own opinions, not your own facts"


Very true I am glad we agree... and for giving me the opportunity to clarify


My Opinion = the game is bad...


My Criticism = the game is bad because of input lag, bugged out q's, poor support, lazy coding and resource utilisation, pointless crafting, repeatative kill x number of y quests, rather than restate these I referenced a previous posters valid and correct criticisms.


Like I said if they fix it I will reroll and give it another chance. Rabid support of low standard code is an acceptance of mediocrity. Why accept something that is hyped to be a paradigm shift in the genre (then the developer releases something below par) without at least using the forum the game developer created to pass feeback.


If you do not want a diametrically opposed view which you can choose to frame as either criticism or opinion go start up a fan site and moderate it to be aligned with your view. if you want to see the opinions and constructuive criticism of a wide selection of people then carry on reading.

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It's most likely just young kids who want something the game doesn't have. They feel like it should be handed to them, so they cry on the forum.


They also love to pretend to be smart and pretend they know anything about game development. They obviously don't.

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I am curious to know why all the hate for this game in this forum? I been playing for about a week now, and this is the most fun I have had with an mmo since I quit playing WoW.


Because you really start noticing the bugs after you hit about level 25 or so.


All the areas are filled with graphics bugs. Tatooine is really filled with graphics bugs and some parts you can barely see due to all the green, flashing emitter bugs (like the Anchorhead speeder pad). I've had two DX11 crashes (that were both caused by errors in the BioWare code).


The noob areas are filled with broken nodes because BioWare doesn't have a 'clean-up' code for nodes that have been activated, but not harvested. There may be other reasons for broken nodes, but I've broken nodes because, somehow, the mats didn't get harvested by my helper. Essentially, it left a 'node chest' keyed to solely to me in the game. I came back hours later and cleared it, which is how I figured out at least one cause of the broken node bug....


Important quests are broken. Too long to list.


The more abilities your character gets, the more they seem to lag. At times skills don't fire or they fire with a huge delay. At times, though you're properly executing/positioning/still you get error messages saying you not.


I've moved things in my ship inventory and they've just disappeared. I've had credits and items disappear through the mail bug.


They obviously had some processing error with the smuggler male voice and when they re-engineered the track, they got the values way off. He sounds like he's talking into a tin-can from 30-feet away...


Classes are unbalanced, never mind the PvP imbalance, but even for PvE. When doing common quests, with multiple classes in your stable, you will really see how under-powered some classes are with respect to other classes.


There are memory leaks on multiple planets. Tython has had two memory leaks patched. I've run into memory leaks on Tatooine.


High-res textures are broken. They re-labeled the 'medium res' to High res and are pretending. This is 2012. Surely they could have hired a video-engineer to get it right. Especially on something that's using the equivalent of a 2008 engine.


There are bonus quests that are forced on you when you're doing a required story-line quest, and some side quests, but you can't abandon them if you fail (or choose not) to complete them. Which makes them mandatory as they fill up your 25-slots with uncancellable quests.


That bug caused my trooper to be down to just one quest until I went back all the way to Ord Mantell, Corusant and then Tatooine and started to clear them... I couldn't clear the one from Tavis' ship because the ship no longer exists so I've got one (until it's fixed in the patch) that is uncanccellable on my list.


Until the last patch, none of your UI settings remained between area-transitions. Your companion's setting constantly reset t default. For some companions, this can be a major issue.


PvP is broken. There, in the short of it, are two viable pvp classes per side.


Slicing, even post nerf, is over-powered. Slicers become wealthy beyond belief. Crafters in all other professions become poor.


Crafting resources and schematics are not well balanced for craft progression or character level. There are too many, too large gaps in the schematics. For example, it costs too much money and too many resources to get your green Level 17 boots to be viable Level 17 purple gear that you can use at level 25.


If you want to see a good crafting system, try LOTRO. It is somewhat grinding, but it has one of the best (i.e. viable) crafting systems in an MMO. Neither OP or UP.


The game itself lacks MMO features and is more like a co-op CRPG than a true MMO. They spent too much money on eye-candy, not enough on getting the long-term MMO viability down.


And they certainly didn't address many of the important issues and bugs the beta testers hammered them for during 11 months of beta testing, like the crappy UI, broken quests, etc...



So, I'll agree the story is great. I love the stories. But I don't see this as a long-term MMO. Which is a shame. Shoulda, woulda, coulda... But they didn't.

Edited by Blackfriar
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because while many things about the game are good, three weeks into this experiment, several game breaking bugs have not been addressed.


Hysterical rantings such as this one, OP.


Each and ever "game is broken" thread that I've read has been from someone that is trying to play the game differently then was intended. Others have been from people that rushed to 50 only to find the content not ready yet (standard for a MMO). Others yet demand a completed game at release, again, never the standard for an MMO.


There are no "game breaking" bugs. There are only those demanding the game be something different then it is. There are less issues with this game then I've seen in any release thus far. The game is great.

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This is not really a bad game. IMO it's just a bad MMO. Swtor is Mass Effect online. Planets are more like levels where you can team up with friends and play co-op. Swtor dosn't feel like MMO. Every planet and city are closed areas where you travel with your spaceship and while in there, you are lucky if you see five other players in whole planet. Also grouping for flashpoint can take several hours.


For me this feels more like a single player game rather than MMO.


Classic example.


The game is exactly what an MMORPG is suppose to be, and is. The game ships with the basic necessities, then grows from there. The area will expand, the minor bugs will be worked out and corrected, content will be added.


....and its never taken me more then 10 minutes to get to a flash point, even when in the middle of something else.

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Most folks going on about the game being bad seem to have come from WoW looking for a new and better WoW. They're finding that it's a new game with new-game-bugs and that it doesn't have years of polish, expansions, feature-set provisions, balance tweaks and three expansions worth of additional endgame and crying about it.


That's basically it. As soon as they stop looking through their WoW-colored lenses (or whatever game they came from), they might get over themselves and get on with enjoying a very good game that promises to get even better over time.


Until then, expect the haters to just keep hating 'cause it isn't WoW 2.0.


your absolutely correct it is not wow 2.0 its not even close....




Fact Broken game mechanics if you view it as an MMO (almost all crafting becomes pointless at level 50)


Fact its badly tested... How on earth did the "get down" exploit get through in this day and age of "V type" model based testing...


The performance issues people were having in certain areas due to memory leaks seriously wake up!


Yes I am sure wow had all these and if memory serves me correctly quite a few more besides but the difference is that the we are 7 years down the road, wow was a evolution of what came before (it took the best bits and discarded the worst of its progenitors) this is not, it is a retrograde step. Do you really think the lack of features is due to concious descisions not to put them in because people don't want them, or is it just possible that it has been rushed and pushed out half baked?


All MMO's need tweaking balancing and refining and all need time but you need to look at what they are trying to achieve. This game will keep a lot of people very entertained but it is not comparable to wow. the whole voice acting approach shows that this is going to be a much more casual less grind focussed approach and you know what that might be a good thing, JUST DO IT RIGHT enough day one to keep your player base.


When viewed as an MMO this game is a turkey when put up against other MMO's. As a single player game it is entertaining and the levelling up to 30 is a lot of fun.... IT IS NOT CURRENTLY A VIABLE LONG TERM COMMITMENT MMO....because the end game is not well enough developed and it WILL need serious investment from the devs to improve it....

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So when I declare "This is a bad game" that is obviously an opinion?


I didn't take Internet 201 so I guess I missed that lesson.


Its got nothing to do with the internet. When you say something is bad, like "Burger King is terrible," of course it's just an opinion. It's just become this thing on forums lately to keep telling people their opinions are just opinions.

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your absolutely correct it is not wow 2.0 its not even close....




Fact Broken game mechanics if you view it as an MMO (almost all crafting becomes pointless at level 50)


Fact its badly tested... How on earth did the "get down" exploit get through in this day and age of "V type" model based testing...


The performance issues people were having in certain areas due to memory leaks seriously wake up!


Yes I am sure wow had all these and if memory serves me correctly quite a few more besides but the difference is that the we are 7 years down the road, wow was a evolution of what came before (it took the best bits and discarded the worst of its progenitors) this is not, it is a retrograde step. Do you really think the lack of features is due to concious descisions not to put them in because people don't want them, or is it just possible that it has been rushed and pushed out half baked?


All MMO's need tweaking balancing and refining and all need time but you need to look at what they are trying to achieve. This game will keep a lot of people very entertained but it is not comparable to wow. the whole voice acting approach shows that this is going to be a much more casual less grind focussed approach and you know what that might be a good thing, JUST DO IT RIGHT enough day one to keep your player base.


When viewed as an MMO this game is a turkey when put up against other MMO's. As a single player game it is entertaining and the levelling up to 30 is a lot of fun.... IT IS NOT CURRENTLY A VIABLE LONG TERM COMMITMENT MMO....because the end game is not well enough developed and it WILL need serious investment from the devs to improve it....


Again, hyperbole and conjecture, based on personal belief, not fact.


All these arguments were made comparing Wow and Everquest when the hysterical few clogged up the Wow boards just a few weeks after release. Now we see Wow held up as the Icon when declaring this game "bad" just two weeks after release. In 7 or 8 years there will be a new group, clogging up the next boards with, "SW was never like this".


If you've been around this genre long enough, you will see this pattern game after game after game.


Just like wow in its day, this is a great, great game. There are no "game breaking" bugs, just the little nagging things that happen with a new MMORPG. The rest of the 2 million players are enjoying it.

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I am curious to know why all the hate for this game in this forum? I been playing for about a week now, and this is the most fun I have had with an mmo since I quit playing WoW.


Because when the story / voices novelty factor fades you'll realize that what you're left with is just wow in a different setting but without very important features/conveniences.


The game itself is good, the problem is it's like a nice looking car but with no engine, wheels, or air conditioning.

Edited by AzKnc
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These are the same people who can't wait a whole minute for the microwave to heat up a cup of coffee. Forget them. They are never going to be happy or satisfied with anything that isn't delivered to them on a silver platter.


They don't want to actually play the game. They want special treatment. Just forget them. Yes, the game has bugs and issues and they need to be addressed. But just forget these moaners.

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While I don't think this is the utopia of MMO Id have to say Ive had the most fun to this point then I did in WAR AION WOW RIFT basically nothing has captured the fun factor as much as SWTOR since DAOC. Now It may fade once I hit max and am done with the story lines but at this point in all those others I was just ignoring the journey by this time (lvl 27) and just hitting max lvl ASAP to get to end game and PVP grind. With every game I have played since UO there is always a vocal group online bashing the game same as I see on any forum. Go to blabbermouth.net and watch every post for any band and you see the same thing BASH BASH BASH You would think all metal bands suck after a few minutes of reading that.

Its just the brave anon world of the internet I guess.

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Again, hyperbole and conjecture, based on personal belief, not fact.


All these arguments were made comparing Wow and Everquest when the hysterical few clogged up the Wow boards just a few weeks after release. Now we see Wow held up as the Icon when declaring this game "bad" just two weeks after release. In 7 or 8 years there will be a new group, clogging up the next boards with, "SW was never like this".


If you've been around this genre long enough, you will see this pattern game after game after game.


Just like wow in its day, this is a great, great game. There are no "game breaking" bugs, just the little nagging things that happen with a new MMORPG. The rest of the 2 million players are enjoying it.


LOL OK yep there are no lag issues there is no ability lag there is no broken crafting all the end content is there and these are not the droids you are looking for.... MEH!.


If you had bothered to read my post you would see that indeed I agree that all these bugs and probably more were in wow at launch. what I am saying is that the fundemental game CANNOT BE COMPARED TO WOW as SW:TOR is a different type of game... SW:TOR is a Sharded highly instanced, single player game with some MMO functionality tacked on...


Yawn yes 2 million people have bought the game... how many people will subscribe after the 21st? anyway its a moot point. if you dont like hearing the truth just ignore it... and enjoy playing the game in the way you want to.....

Edited by septusmortis
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Because when the story / voices novelty factor fades you'll realize that what you're left with is just wow in a different setting but without very important features/conveniences.


The game itself is good, the problem is it's like a nice looking car but with no engine, wheels, or air conditioning.


9000+ agree well said exactly the point...

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Log into WoW. You see BGs / Instances pop up in 30sec for any level.

Here you need to LFG spam for 2 hours to have a chance finding a group.


Also you will never feel alone like in this game.

SWTOR caused no harm to WoW and after those 30 days passed, they will go back where they came from.


Right now, at 12:35 PM there are ~100 ppl in front of the auction house on my server. Many hundreds more over the world. If you /who the zones, you will cry in SWTOR. WoW Player limit per server ~10k, in SWTOR max 2k.


Let's remember that SWTOR only launched less than 30 days ago... Of course queue's will be faster for Warzones and Raids... simple logic should tell you that. Most of the QQing is ridiculous at this point, people haven't even give BioWare a chance to fail before people start saying SWTOR fails... Of course there are bugs that need to be fixed...all of life is like that, not perfect... anyone who expects perfection in this life should have a short talk with a 9mm because you may as well save yourself alot of disappointment... If people can stop QQing for just 1 day, step back and appreciate what we have in SWTOR so soon after launch, you will see the potential here is great.

Edited by Kyle_Jax
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Because it is 2012 and it released itself is if it was early 2000s. There is many prime examples as to what not to launch like and it didnt do it.


Sure it has some warzones, ops, flashpoints etc. There is no polish in this game though, besides origin planets.

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It is bad for an MMO. Would be a great single player game with more into the story lines.


Why it is bad?


Bugs! This game has more issues and even EQ at launch.


Voice Acting doesn't belong in a MMO. Waste time that means nothing.


Graphics are horde for this gen.


No customization! Everyone is a clone at 50.


Crafting is only good 1-49.


Moddable gear is only good 1-49.


Ablity delay.


All instance! Every zone every dungeon is instance and even that the servers can't handle the load. This use to be the bane of a MMO now this game it is accepted.


Look at DDO all instance, failed because of this, but thier dungeons are far more indepth than what we have from BW.


They half assed every part of this game!

Edited by Thorbrand
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Reading the umpteenth complaint thread makes me realize it's too much effort typing up something constructive. Everyone's mind is already made up. I just hope the over-achievers will go back to where they came from.


P.S. Send me your lewt on the way out. :D

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there are many people who have grown up, and came to identify themselves with wow and all it entails. or everquest, or any of their clones.


What utter rubbish.


This game has serious failings and we paid handsomely for it so we are voicing our displeasure.


Nothing to do with other games, this game sucks for its $60 plus subscription, it is that simple.

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Again, hyperbole and conjecture, based on personal belief, not fact.


All these arguments were made comparing Wow and Everquest when the hysterical few clogged up the Wow boards just a few weeks after release. Now we see Wow held up as the Icon when declaring this game "bad" just two weeks after release. In 7 or 8 years there will be a new group, clogging up the next boards with, "SW was never like this".


If you've been around this genre long enough, you will see this pattern game after game after game.


Just like wow in its day, this is a great, great game. There are no "game breaking" bugs, just the little nagging things that happen with a new MMORPG. The rest of the 2 million players are enjoying it.


This game sucks my friend. The two million players expected an oasis and discovered a dried up puddle. Maybe in a year's time and with many patches it will get better, maybe not.


Until then, it is your money, your subscription.

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