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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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One issue I seen today which might be related to this was...


I used my bounty hunter spell, shoot 5-6 bolts really fast? forget the name..


Anyways my Avatar did the animation completely but no blaster bullets came out and the target never took any damage. The next spell it did take damage.


This was strange. I had 24 MS and no lag.




This is exactly what I am talking about. It also puts on the GCD too!:(


Edit: The spell is called "Unload" by the way.

Edited by BountyHunterLol
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I think that the delay is a serious issue, but i am still having tons of fun. but to show my support for improvement ill give the thread another (i think uneeded due to biowares responses) bump.


Good luck with the improvements bioware!

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Range: 10m

Interrupts the target's current action and prevents that ability from being used for 4 seconds.




Range: 4m

Smashes into the target, disrupting its current action and preventing that ability from being used for the next 4 seconds.




Heat: 8

Range: 4m

Interrupts the target's current action and prevents that ability from being used for the next 4 seconds.




Range: 10m

Interrupts the target's current action and prevents that ability from being used for 4 seconds.


All of those abilities are off the GCD and totally ignore cast animations. Bioware is more than capable of removing the character responsiveness issues!

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All of those abilities are off the GCD and totally ignore cast animations. Bioware is more than capable of removing the character responsiveness issues!


My incoming video will blow your mind in that case...

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My incoming video will blow your mind in that case...


Hey Xcore, when are you going to release the video?


Ive been following this whole thread everyday since the 7 page of the first thread ever made and im pretty sure the video youre making will blow my mind too ;).


Also, I wanted to thank you for all youve done :)

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Hey Xcore, when are you going to release the video?


Ive been following this whole thread everyday since the 7 page of the first thread ever made and im pretty sure the video youre making will blow my mind too ;).


Also, I wanted to thank you for all youve done :)


Thank you, all footage is there, intro sequence is complete (nearly, still needs to go through After Effects etc.) and then its the main stuff that needs to get put in sequence etc.


Not too much editing needed for the main duration of the video as it will have commentary.


Speaking of which, that has to get added afterwards as well...



I'm a bit busy tomorrow sadly but I was hoping to make some progress to get it out asap. It'll be posted here a well as in the OP. Sorry I can't be more specific but if you ever PM me on the forums here, I always answer... if you need status updates etc.

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I completed the Heroic quest War on Spice the other day as a healer.


Completely unrelated to delay, the boss bugged and kept jumping from the upper level to the lower.


When my group finally grabbed the boss alone, they were on the upper level with the boss. I was near the stairs, completely in sight of them. The fight began well. The boss hits hard and towards mid-fight, my Dark Infusion started to progressively get more delayed and actually misfire. I believe because I had to quickly tab between my tank and a DPS player caused some problems. I received a few error messages that indicated the talent wasn't available. Even though the cool down had ended. I even received messages that claimed that my targets were not in sight, even though they were fighting right in front of me.


The boss had a nasty aoe that absolutely needed static barrier up on players near him. It got a little hairy because Static Barrier is slow to respond even though it is instant. Again, my character has to wave her arms around before the barrier goes up. Technically I believe the barrier and animation should be simultaneous, but isn't.


My FPS for the game is good, never had a problem with lag. There is definitely a snafu between the animations and the gcd. They are out of sync.

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You definitely have the right idea Xcore, I would also agree that the one aspect of other mmorpgs that has totally prevented them from competing with WoW is how smoothly the game plays. It's particularly bad on the IA operative at the moment to. :o
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ability delay is not failure of an ability like riposte to register or abilities being interrupted by clicking. those are bugs and it's not a universal problem.


and stop comparing everything to wow's combat. that game uses auto attacks and animation clipping.

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and stop comparing everything to wow's combat. that game uses auto attacks and animation clipping.


And it's some of the most fluid, immediate, responsive, fast (for an MMO) combat in the entire industry. It can even utilize macros to optimize different kinds of play.


What's your point? Would you rather not clip and be trying desperately to use a different ability while your character stands there "nope sorry gotta finish casting bro"? Not sure what you're saying exactly other than you actually prefer sloppy TOR gameplay?

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there is no ability delay inherent in swtor's engine. i can mash buttons and cast every ability immediately after it has recovered. diagnose and fix your network problems if you're having genuine ability delay.


a problem like riposte being interrupted is not ability delay.


also, WoW has never been good.

Edited by supertouch
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there is no ability delay inherent in swtor's engine. i can mash buttons and cast every ability immediately after it has recovered. diagnose and fix your network problems if you're having genuine ability delay.


a problem like riposte being interrupted is not ability delay.


See signature. You're wrong.

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There, they are working on it now stop complaining and deal with it until then.


So we should just deal with it ? , i don't think so.


we paid alot of money for this game , as a paying customer you are entitled to that certain things work, if it doesn't work, why pay for a broken game ?


as a healer in warzones this annoyed me greatly and as of that i quit playing the healing spec on my BH simply because standing there not being able to press my heals annoys the f..... out of me.

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there is no ability delay inherent in swtor's engine. i can mash buttons and cast every ability immediately after it has recovered. diagnose and fix your network problems if you're having genuine ability delay.


a problem like riposte being interrupted is not ability delay.


also, WoW has never been good.



You must be here here to bump the post.

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there is no ability delay inherent in swtor's engine. i can mash buttons and cast every ability immediately after it has recovered. diagnose and fix your network problems if you're having genuine ability delay.


a problem like riposte being interrupted is not ability delay.


also, WoW has never been good.


You just suck. The issue has already been validated by the developers.

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