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Healers on WZ. We need more than that.


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Just wanted to bump this and add my name to the ranks of the frustrated. I'm actually switching back damage tomorrow until I hit rank 60, then I'll switch back. I'm 10 times as useful healing, but the idea that you should pump out damage just to get medals is absurd. Maybe in a game where you're demolishing the opponent and you've got time it's fine, but in a close game you're hurting your team if you do it. I don't want to have to sacrifice wins for valor.


Is it really that hard to press tab, and hit an instant skill such as a grenade or damage over time ability?

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Hopefully it minimizes them.


The least fun games are where noone dies and just gets healed all day.


Learn to CC. Learn to focus. Learn to interrupt. Stop being the fool that shoots the slowed down and practically harmless Juggernaut/Guardian all day. Maybe if your team used their heads more often, you wouldn't be stuck in such a situation.


That being said, healers do get screwed over. I push 200-400k a match and usually walk away with 3-4 medals. I'll be lucky if I get time to do damage to hit 6. If I have Operatives or entire teams gunning for me, there will be even less.

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You should be getting at least 4 medals from your role: 75k heals, 2.5k heal, 5k heal, 300k heals. I'm sure you can manage a KB snipe and just tap 10 guys that die for 10 kills so that's an easy 6. If you are pretty far ahead, grab the red buff, pop a trinket/adrenal, and hit a non-50 to go for the 2.5k dmg.
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I agree with the author.

I find myself "cheating" my self and my role as healer, by getting fast the healing medals (1 heal + total healing done) and then totally shifting to doing damage just to get more medals.

The funny part is that most of those people, that get the top medals for kills and damage do it because (beside their skill and gear) there are people to keep them alive. Yes we are the "true heroes" hiding in shadows.

Every role should be rewarded for doing their stuff.

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I completely agree. In fact I was just having this conversation with friends earlier in Vent while PvPing. The worst part is when you're the only healer while solo queueing and the team wins... but doesn't give you a single MVP vote. Please let's get the word out on voted too. Lots of people don't even vote.


But yes. Please Bioware give healers some love. I actually just respeced to DPS on my Merc because I was tired of getting less bonuses.

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hi. as biochem shadow tank i can get 3 healing medals (2.5k, 5k, 75k) - the system needs to change. when i was premading it up to battlemaster id be getting 12+ medals without trying whereas he would do everything he could to get medals and would only get 5-8. seems hilarious and awful really. either they need to get more healer medals or they need to stop medals being so effective for farming valor.
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as a healer you will get slim medals almost no votes, get used to it tbh...


also screw medals and screw score, I had games where my healing literally won the game and I had 0 votes even from the one or two people that I was intensively healing to cap and keep objectives.


healers must have cooties or something, noone wants near them.

healing wins the game, dps wins the fame.


meanwhile my lower level guardian has insane amount of medals and quite alot of votes because he gets tons of goldzzzz and many kills.

Edited by Ganan
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In this picture, you show the medals earned for the inquisitor, which is an assassin based off protection. yet he got a medal for healing, how you say is that, consumables count towards the meters, using medpacks grant healing done in a warzone, which shouldnt be. So is what you need to do is stop worrying about being a heal bot, cause lets face it straight healing in a pvp match with a 30% healing debuff on you isnt gonna get you very far.


Don't spec straight healing, go far enough into the tree to make your heals stronger then normal but then go into a dps tree. say as a sith sorc, go 30 points into the healing tree and put the other 11 into the madness tree to make your force lightning stronger and have no CD.

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Okay, I'm a noob in PvP, but I basically don't see the problem.


Yeah, healer is a multitasking-intensive job. You have to cast heals _and then_ also help dps some enemies, then insta-switch to healing when your partners get low on HP, so playing healer is harder than playing pure DPS.


Then again, as somoene nicely pointed out, healer's shouldn't be "pocket medics". My best comparison is the medic role in RTCW/Enemy Territory. There, healers were mostly used to raise fallen teammates - but they could dish out quite a bit DPS as support, too. Sure, not as much as dedicated "fighter classes", since they didn't have the AOE damage that other classes had, but still they were quite crucial (and similarly to SWTOR, they could offset their low amount of offensive output by self-healing, being really annoying in 1v1 situations).


Also, some people here said that AOE healing is trash. Those people clearly don't get the idea of positional warfare. If there's a fight over a bomb spot and I place an AOE healing effect there, it's huge - basically, 5 teammates instantly get health regeneration, so 3-4k of opposing damage _per person_ gets offset. Which is also a great way to get your healing medals up _and_ help the team in a meaningful way. Plus, after you place the AOE healing effect, you can go help DPS a bit :>

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Ok, so you posted a pic of your obviously imbalanced butt kicking of a pathetic team. I mean, look at your damage dealers compared to theirs. You had one at 300k, and two over 200k and their best is at 175. Your team was leaps and bounds better than theirs, so yeah, you get to throw out some aoes and lol. Now maybe you run in a premade and don't encounter many other premades, and you can rinse and repeat this, but that would be a statistical outlier compared to most peoples' experiences.


Also, it's VS. Throw down your AoE heal and tab shield, with dot/channel/force tap as needed. You obviously had a tank guarding you as well. So, for a healer to be able to do the DPS needed to get lots of medals you need:


1. A tank guarding you throughout the match.

2. A WZ like VS where you can have 5-6 people almost standing on top of each other. AoE heals and AoE DPS ftw.

3. A completely stacked team/premade going up against a bad pug.


Well then, that should happen all the time! There is your template!

Edited by Virox
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Ok, so you posted a pic of your obviously imbalanced butt kicking of a pathetic team. I mean, look at your damage dealers compared to theirs. You had one at 300k, and two over 200k and their best is at 175. Your team was leaps and bounds better than theirs, so yeah, you get to throw out some aoes and lol. Now maybe you run in a premade and don't encounter many other premades, and you can rinse and repeat this, but that would be a statistical outlier compared to most peoples' experiences.


Also, it's VS. Throw down your AoE heal and tab shield, with dot/channel/force tap as needed. You obviously had a tank guarding you as well. So, for a healer to be able to do the DPS needed to get lots of medals you need:


1. A tank guarding you throughout the match.

2. A WZ like VS where you can have 5-6 people almost standing on top of each other. AoE heals and AoE DPS ftw.

3. A completely stacked team/premade going up against a bad pug.


Well then, that should happen all the time! There is your template!



yup. i always run in a premade. and we go against other premades now because everyone was tired of losing everytime we entered.


But, it does not matter who we face. i have over 250k healing and 100k damage most all matches. unless it is a really short match. It is not hared for healers to farm medals. I get at the very least 7 everymatch. the most i have ever gotten was 10. This is however lower than the dps'ers in my premade who always get 11 or 12. Seen them get 14 before a few times.

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I agree with this. sometimes i'll get fed up and just start killing. even spoc'd as a healer, i can get more medals by killing. i'm not asking for a huge increase, but a nudge is not to much to ask. seriously thinking about going back to DPS, getting my gear, then going back to healing
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Ok, so you posted a pic of your obviously imbalanced butt kicking of a pathetic team. I mean, look at your damage dealers compared to theirs. You had one at 300k, and two over 200k and their best is at 175. Your team was leaps and bounds better than theirs, so yeah, you get to throw out some aoes and lol. Now maybe you run in a premade and don't encounter many other premades, and you can rinse and repeat this, but that would be a statistical outlier compared to most peoples' experiences.


Also, it's VS. Throw down your AoE heal and tab shield, with dot/channel/force tap as needed. You obviously had a tank guarding you as well. So, for a healer to be able to do the DPS needed to get lots of medals you need:


1. A tank guarding you throughout the match.

2. A WZ like VS where you can have 5-6 people almost standing on top of each other. AoE heals and AoE DPS ftw.

3. A completely stacked team/premade going up against a bad pug.


Well then, that should happen all the time! There is your template!



Here is another that i just ran against another premade. It can be done. You just have to toss out damaging abilities from time to time. Dont get focuses on health bars the whole match.



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I'd be happy if they allowed us to get kills based on proximity to death of the target...or whether or not we healed the target that got the kill.


People out there sit there and say "healers can get dmg too..play smarter" are ridiculous.


If i'm out there spamming dots on everyone to get kills and let the level 50 shadow who's massacre'ing people die in the process...i'm not a smart healer..and it's bad for my team.


Just sayin'

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Unfortunatly in Pugs very few people care about healers and will not protect them. So I think it is very hard to get medals as once it is noticed I am healing, I am marked for death and get focused down everytime I come out of spawn. On the rare occasions we pug aginst another pug or a really fail opposing team I can get like 5-7 medals(This is very very rare). What is really sad to me is I will do more healing than the entire WZ combined repub and imps and can end up with 3-4 medals while the dps are walking out with 8+ medals easy.


Also, remeber your healers when you are voting for MVP at the end as I have yet to see a healer get a vote.

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On my server the healers on the republic side dominate the MVP voting for this very reason. Fixing it is easy though. Just make medals for total healing and spike heals more easily attainable.


I think the assumption when they set up the medal system was that few players would be totally healbotting and they didn't want those who healed and DPS'd to dominate the medal system. Game hasn't really played out that way and healers do need some more love.

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If you want medals just play in reverse of what a DPS class with healing abilities would do.


Aim for 300k healing + 75k healing instead of 300k damage + 75k healing.


Also more medals are coming so that should help things if you want to only heal. Though to be honest you utilizing all your abilities will help and that includes damage even as a healer.

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Here is another that i just ran against another premade. It can be done. You just have to toss out damaging abilities from time to time. Dont get focuses on health bars the whole match.




I noticed you're a sorcerer/sage. That's a pretty OP class to begin with, even morons rolling across the keyboard can break 250k heals on it. So when you put someone competent behind that class, yeah, you'll get those numbers.

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