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Who did you promote, and why?


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I promoted Jorgan. He didn't deserve the promotion at all, it was purely out of a sense for the team. I always have Dorne in the field with me, so Jorgan can see to the matters on the ship and handle the paperwork while I'm away.


I know it doesn't make any difference in-game, but that was the "story" reason I went with.


If it were a real life situation, I probably would have promoted Dorne instead, as she embodies the ideals of the Republic military much more than Jorgan. Jorgan is a loose cannon - the kind of leader that will eventually leap in a mission headfirst and get his whole squad killed or captured from acting on emotion rather than logic.

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I went with Jorgan. Dorne is earnest and responsible, but as others have said previously in the thread... she's a follower, not a leader. What Jorgan lacks in tact, he more than makes up for in his adaptability, character, and dedication. He never blamed me for what happened to him on Ord Mantell (though I would have understood if he had), and he's always put 100% into the squad, even when he's disagreed with my decisions.
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Jorgan because he had the leadership experience, even if he was a complete jerk, and if I had to listen to Dorne spout regulations at the expense of common sense, I probably would have beaten her to death with my carbine, no matter how good a healer she is.


Dorne's too hung up on regulations to be an effective leader. Too many situations in the real world the rulebooks do not cover.

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I promoted Elara. It was a tough call until I asked them why they deserved it. Aric didn't give me any reason as to why other than "Because I was before." Elara gave me her credentials and showed me her professionalism. To me, that shows more leadership and more of a commitment to the team than Aric's "it's all about me" attitude. Then he went and whined about it afterwards.
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what in the...


dorn is a HORRIBLE healer. what are you guys talking about?


I promoted Dorne, I'm playing a Vanguard, and my levelling was horrible without her.


There are many times her not being CC'd has saved my life in open world PvP against 2-3 enemy players even.


I was afk a week back, and 2 sorcerors jumped me, I had just nipped to the door to get my Pizza, I came back and saw they were on me so I was like meh, whatever, I'll be dead, so I put my wallet away, went and took my pants off, and then sat down - I was still at 50% hp, they hadn't touched her. I then proceeded to bring one down to 10% before he stealthed and ran, and then I killed the other one. Granted, they were idiots, they didn't CC her, but still.


It does also help having her geared in full Champion gear with Rakata crafted pieces and implants/earpieces from dailies.


Also, turn off her DPS and CC abilities, make sure she's in Healing Stance.


Elara ftw tbh.

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I wound up picking Jorgan. For a series of reasons:


1: Jorgan, role wise in my personal idea of the Trooper story, is handling missions (crew skills) while my Trooper and Dorne are busy sending Imperials to hell. He's someone my Trooper can count on to keep some sense of morals in the team when he's away.


2: Morals: He's a confident officer, and while my Trooper would clash with him in some moral quandaries, my Trooper feels he can count on him enough to do the right thing. Certainly there'd be issues (IE, Jorgan would rather lie to the Senate than tell them truthful answers while my Trooper would be honest with no embellishments), but Jorgan is a hell of a lot more better than Vik. He's also happy to call Vik out and would probably shoot him if Vik did something brazen enough, which is useful considering my Trooper would love to shove him out an airlock without the 50 meter head start.


3: Experience. He was an officer beforehand for a good while, and although he drives hard, that's actually what real life officers do, push you hard. He may be a jerk, but he's the jerk who's one because he's trying to do the right thing. He's also much more versatile than Dorne; if my Trooper went down (and considering how often his Vanguard self tanks lightsaber hits, that wouldn't be impossible), he'd be able to get the squad clear. And heck, he's one guy you can count on to break you out of an Imperial prison.


4: Karking beauracrats: He got shafted by the beauracrats; it's fair enough that he'd want his promotion back. They cite him going back to Ord; yeah, he could of done that, but he was less concerned about the Lt. rank than doing more for the Republic.


5: Key role. Jorgan may come across as a twit, but he actually does a very good role: he questions your orders, but he still executes them. That's an important leadership trait. He's not afraid to challenge your orders and make you think about what your doing, but he's not going to totally disobey you unless you did something really horrid. He's a man who moves for practicality often enough, but has a sense of duty too.


Now, I agree, it was a bit childish of him to make the comment about deserving the promotion, but he had a point considering the only reason he was demoted was because the politicians wanted to hang someone (proverbally). Honestly, I'd take both of them as seconds, they balance each other really well. Dorne fits my Trooper's morals really, really well except for a few minor spots. In addition, her knowledge of regulation proves useful and in combat her knowledge of Imperial tactics would help my Trooper in combat, much more than they'd help running crew missions.


In hindsight, Dorne may of been a bit better as an officer, and if I get the chance I'd give her a well-earned promotion too. The only reason I think Garza prefers Jorgan is because Jorgan is closer to Garza's mindset than Elara is. Elara actually prefers you to be honest with Jonas, while Garza chews you out over it. Elara would clash with Garza too often... though to be blunt, my Trooper would love to shove Garza down a reactor core or two and wouldn't hesitate to bring her in if she overstepped her bounds. Now, I should note that when things are serious Jorgan is also happy to tell Garza to go jump into a reactor core, such as the case with the cyborgified civilians on Coruscant. Garza wanted a kill 'em all option, but Jorgan pretty much aimed for the rule of reason: Don't kill them, and my Trooper used the bright idea of getting their ID tags and get them to the cops so they actually can be checked out.


If I could, I'd splice Elara's morals and knowledge together with Jorgan's officer experiance and you'd have an uber officer, but we leave mad science to Sith Inquisitors while we're knifing them, eh?


What I'd like is the eventualy opportunity to pick a Havoc successor. It'd be very interesting, as I think that Jorgan and Elara together form a solid core for Havoc Squad: One is extremely moral and knows regulation, but the other is much more adaptable and won't give up. And both of them are willing to call whoever their superior is out, though Jorgan is a little more in step with Garza than Dorne is.


All in all, both have their pros and cons. The main thing is what kind of Trooper you are, and what complements your leadership best. No easy answer, though I see that everyone loves Elara (if for the wrong reasons at times :p )

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I chose Jorgan, primarily because as a full Combat Medic I have never once brought out Dorne while questing. I got to know her a bit during cutscenes in Taris, then have ignored her since.


Plus, Jorgan got screwed by the bureaucrats in the first place. He did nothing wrong and still got demoted so it seemed right to give him his old rank back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I just got to this point and when I had to chose I couldn't decide, so I pushed esc and went to do all the missions that I didn't do so I could think.



The reasons that Jorgan gave maybe question his motives. Sure got the shaft back on Ord, but telling your CO that you deserve a promotion is really self centered, but on the other hand he has experience when he commanded the Dead Eyes. And he was an operations officer on Ord for years and knows how to command squads from a comms station. People say that Jorgan has been with you since the beginning but he was pretty much forced on you, and he didn't give you the respected he demanded when he was your superior. And I can't shake the feeling that he is just waiting for me to bite the dust just so he can take over Havoc, if I got into a situation where I get wounded behind the lines he would have no problem leaving me behind. Which brings me to Elara.


When I started to my Advanced class as a Commando I started s a CM cause groups are always looking for healers, so I had to bring Jorgan with me on my quests. Then I got to Taris and got Elara. And completely changed my class specs. I kept my healing specs for when I group, but now I'm going more up the Gunnery tree. Elara is the only comp I use now. She was the reason I was able to complete many of my quest, on the tougher ones I would just barely win, something probably that I would not be able to do with Jorgan.



Now it takes a lot for a person to not only betray one home and family. So it shows a lot to Elara's sense of character, and justice. To fight against and kill your once fellow brothers and sisters in arms is something one needs to take a lot of time in thinking on doing. I feel that Elara is really by the book, but she will got against orders to do the right thing. When she came to the republic she was discriminated against for obvious reasons. But she pushed through it, and became a highly decorated search and rescue squad leader. So she has experience commanding a squad. Also even though the game will force you to have Elara in your squad no matter what, her entry into Havoc was not as rough. She even offered other possible candidates for the job. It show that she is not full of herself. And if I'm down behind the lines I'm sure that she would try to get me out.


I'm still trying to decide. Who would take better care of Havoc when I'm gone?

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Why does everyone assume Jorgan is just waiting for you to die so he could take command of Havoc? He litterally says when he went career he had it split pretty squarely into two categories of promotions:

1: Fight the Empire. If it lets him get a crack at the Imperials attacking the Republic, he's in no matter what.


2: Career dressing. Everything that doesn't have to do with the above falls in here and its very expendable. Pretty much is just here to set up for number 1.


Letting you die would only fill the second one, which he doesn't really need to do anymore now that he's in Havoc Squad. So where's this conception that he's waiting for you to die coming from? :confused:


I mean, he probably would take command after you left (if you promoted him), but he's not the type who's going to leave you for dead. Heck, take a look at the Deadeye's, his class story.

Edited by LukeDanger
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Jorgan. I was in the military IRL, and Dorne is too timid to be a good leader *right now*.


Experience and professionalism win the day, and that's Aric, hands down. and being able to spout regulations is NOT necessarily the same as professionalism. Jorgan strikes me as being someone who would be a better leader of people, whereas Dorne might manage things just fine, she's a bit on the awkward side, and seems to have trouble relating to people.


Besides, i can't imagine running missions without Jorgan, he just does so much DPS. I've leveled both a commando and a vanguard, and other than really tough boss mobs, i've had the most success with him. It kinda makes me annoyed when I talk to troopers who are so tied to using Dorne because they can't survive any other way. bad players. bad!

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Jorgan, he has experience as lieutenant and then was demoted for what?… if i promote Dorn than that means i agree with demotion… that's not true


and ex-empire as lieutenant? not good for havoc squad rep we have enough problems with deserter's for what reason make it even more complicated?

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Of course Elara Dorne. Arick already was a lieutenant nad it was mainly his fault Havoc squad defected. Not to mention that I have been using Elara since I got her, she is an excellent healer abd who tells otherwise have no idea how to equip her.
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