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Every group is full of greedy ninja companion looters.


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The fix is super super simple. It has been from the start. Yet Bioware still seemingly prefers to have players at each others throats instead of doing what needs to be done.


Simply make gear dropped in Heroics and Flashpoint player character only.


Companions can wear world dropped, vendor sold, or crafted gear.


That's a stupid idea.

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I might accept the argument that your companion needs the gear if you're in a two-man group, but it holds no water when you're in a Flashpoint group consisting of four players.


In no way does it make sense that one of your possible FIVE companions should have priority to loot over the players present in the group. The fact that you helped take down the boss does not mean you are automatically entitled to the gear; if that were the case, then anyone could conceivably roll on anything because everyone contributed to the fight, regardless of whether they could actually use the equipment.


Remember: every player will eventually collect five companions that use most, if not all, of the types of loot available. The "Need" provision cannot possibly extend to them.


I have no problem with people asking if they can roll Need on a piece of loot for their companion, so long as they are willing to yield it to someone else in the group who can utilize it better. People who say nothing and automatically roll Need on gear for their companions are shameless loot ninjas, nothing more, nothing less.

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At least you are honest, but remind me NEVER to group with you :)

Taking gear away from a player for what is basically a 'pet' is just wrong.


But it's not taking gear away from a player. The companions are extensions of the player. They only don't matter in flashpoints, the majority of the time, to the player, they're important.


Honestly, the system should just change. People should all begin rolling on companion gear. If everyone does it, there's no issue.

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What's your point with "we started quite the community" ?


trying to boast that you are top-tier of the server your on and ruining everyone's reputations which in your vision is "wrong" ?


Like that other person replied some posts back, you will never succeed, and if you would , people could report you for slander




If someone indeed was a ninja looter, then it is not slander. Slander is a false statement. Like BW is just going to ban someone for a fight over gear. As long as I am not calling names and am speaking the truth and not making stuff up, then I have not broken any rules.



I could easily word my complaint so that it was not offensive.


me: "So and so" just ninja looted a bunch of gear that he couldn't even use. Unfortunately we had to boot him. Just an FYI.




Don't want the hate from the community? Don't practice the selfish behavior in groups. Simple as that.

Edited by XOrionX
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Different poop, same stink.. Just like WoW with its dual-spec entitlement.


Just make it so EVERY GROUP MEMBER gets the drop, even he/she can't use it, won't use it, even HAS HIS/HER BAG FULL for crying out loud.

So sick with these kids attitude.

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I might accept the argument that your companion needs the gear if you're in a two-man group, but it holds no water when you're in a Flashpoint group consisting of four players.


In no way does it make sense that one of your possible FIVE companions should have priority to loot over the players present in the group. The fact that you helped take down the boss does not mean you are automatically entitled to the gear; if that were the case, then anyone could conceivably roll on anything because everyone contributed to the fight, regardless of whether they could actually use the equipment.


Remember: every player will eventually collect five companions that use most, if not all, of the types of loot available. The "Need" provision cannot possibly extend to them.


I have no problem with people asking if they can roll Need on a piece of loot for their companion, so long as they are willing to yield it to someone else in the group who can utilize it better. People who say nothing and automatically roll Need on gear for their companions are shameless loot ninjas, nothing more, nothing less.


This +1



How can you justify rolling on companion gear when your companion didn't even help complete the flashpoint? You can't. And by even trying to justify it, you admit to being selfish and greedy. :p

Edited by XOrionX
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If someone indeed was a ninja looter, then it is not slander. Slander is a false statement. Like BW is just going to ban someone for a fight over gear. As long as I am not calling names and am speaking the truth and not making stuff up, then I have not broken any rules.



I could easily word my complaint so that it was not offensive.


me: "So and so" just ninja looted a bunch of gear that he couldn't even use. Unfortunately we had to boot him. Just an FYI.




Don't want the hate fromt he community? Don't practice the selfish behavior in groups. Simple as that.



It is slander ,if the person in question sets up the whole community against one person for it

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You are arguing against loot rules that have been in place for a very long time. A person may have ran the same instance 3 times in a row just for one piece of gear, and then it finally drops and someone like you comes along and need rolls on it so their companion can use it or so you can put it up on the Market. Why is that fair? By your logic, Greed is moot and worthless.



Let's just need roll on everything. Great idea.


First of all, what do you mean by 'people like me'? It reads like you are implying something about my character when you nothing about me or my gaming behaviour. Either run a few instances with me, or ask everyone I've ever grouped with. Comments such as 'you people' don't really forward the discussion in any meaningful way.


Secondly, who exactly gets to decide these loot rules? It's like they were written in some gaming bible a thousand years ago, and we must all adhere or be considered anathema and atheistic.


I communicate with every group I join, in order to learn if they have any particular desires, or rules, and in the spirit of creating a functional team, I comply. If I don't like the rules, I wish them well and depart. As a well-natured person, I want my fellow gamers to do as well as I am.


Lastly, yes, let us just roll on everything. Not Need, but Roll. It is a great idea. Because there are no degress of importance. Everyone has a fair chance, and any group leader is free to impose his or her personal rule system. If one does not like them, they can simply move on. No worries.

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Try talking with your group members before doing the content to agree on how you're going to loot to suit your personal preference (whichever that might be). If you don't like what you hear or can't agree then find another group or replace a group member.


We don't need new, limiting systems added to the game to compensate for our inability to communicate and work with people. If that doesn't go well for you, play more with your friends or guild members and PUG less.

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It is slander ,if the person in question sets up the whole community against one person for it


I think you should read the definition of slander.


Slander starts with a false statement. I have never said that I would make a false statement.



If you don't want people to turn against you, then group like a gentlemen and be respectful. It's really that easy. =)

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I can see the point of view that the companions are an extension of your gameplay experience etc., but when an item drops in your solo adventuring that is exactly the same amount of upgrade for you and your companion who do you give the item to?


If you are being honest you give the item to yourself. If you are being dishonest or you are just a bad player then you give it to your companion. I say a bad player would gear their companions better than themselves because they are situational, you don't always have that companion out but you always have yourself out, and you being a thinking human being are better utilizing the increased capabilities of the gear than the terrible AI.


Now that we've established that in solo gameplay you do or should prioritize yourself first, I think it is obvious why this should carry over to a group setting.


Need is for your own character (your highest priority which we've already established).


Greed is for your companions or your bank account which is used to buy gear for you or companions.


Pass is if you don't like money and you have no companions that can use it.


The way you people are needing on companion gear essentially makes it so everyone would need practically everything.




TLDR: You prioritize yourself above your companion so don't prioritize your companion the same as me. That makes you selfish and therefore someone I don't want to group with.

Edited by Loxone
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A solution to this issue could be to add another button on the roll panel.


First a "Player Need" button that supersedes all the others. (Only active for the class that uses the specific item)


Then a "Companion Need" button that only supersedes "Greed" button.


And finally the "Greed" button.


Wouldn't that fix the issue?


Of course people who like to need on everything can still beat the "greeders" using the new button, but at least the player characters can get what is rightfully theirs.


+1 Best solution

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I think you should read the definition of slander.


Slander starts with a false statement. I have never said that I would make a false statement.



If you don't want people to turn against you, then group like a gentlemen and be respectful. It's really that easy. =)



Or be a man and suck it up, ninja looters happened before, ninja looters happen now, and ninja looters will happen in the future , they won't go away and there's nothing you can do about it unless you can convince bioware to make some new loot system.


For the time beeing accept it like a man or leave or do instances with friends/guild.



Beeing childish and "reporting" someone to the public just degrades you to the level of the ninja looter,

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Because "Greed" means that you can profit over it, may it be an item that is BOP which you can still sell for 5000 at the store, or a BOE, which can make you earn at least double that, and if you actually get it, giving others no fair chance at that chance of profit, then you are "stealing" from them a potential profit.


Also this looting things is what create horrible/pleasant communities, games prior to the creation of the need/greed systems have horrendous communities (Ever been in a Hell cow level rush in Diablo 2? As soon as an unique dropped it would disappear instantly and then get a chat spam of 20 lines of insults, followed by "This player has logged off")


As to your first: regardless of what I do with the item, if I win it, I profit. My character has increased stats, more money, better companions. That's profit either way.


I don't understand your next line, there. If 4 people roll Need, and I win, how am I denying people their fair chance for profit? How, also, is that stealing? Please clarify.


With regards to your second paragraph, I am actually inclined to agree with you. Thank you for enhancing my opinion.


As someone else has just stated, simply do away with all rolling for items, because I do agree with you, it creates unnecessary competition. Just give everyone on the team the same item, and let them decide what to do with it.

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Lastly, yes, let us just roll on everything. Not Need, but Roll. It is a great idea. Because there are no degress of importance. Everyone has a fair chance, and any group leader is free to impose his or her personal rule system. If one does not like them, they can simply move on. No worries.



Thank you for proving my point.


"People like you" is exactly what I meant, and exactly what you have demonstrated. I wish I could continue this conversation, but I must get to work. You have a great day, and the best of luck to you in your TOR adventures. =)

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It seems to me that the Jawas out there do not understand what NEED really means.

Get killed while I tank, I won't save you.

Get killed while I heal, again I won't save you.

Be Ignored, if you are worth any salt, I will have your Legacy name.


Maybe you should just roll GREED as that is what you really are, GREEDY.

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Beeing childish and "reporting" someone to the public just degrades you to the level of the ninja looter,


I havent had the issue you speak of yet. In fact, exactly the opposite, thanks!



I will continue to do so. And I am sure by your attitude, one day you will get "reported" as well. gg sir.

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I can see the point of view that the companions are an extension of your gameplay experience etc., but when an item drops in your solo adventuring that is exactly the same amount of upgrade for you and your companion who do you give the item to?


If you are being honest you give the item to yourself. If you are being dishonest or you are just a bad player then you give it to your companion. I say a bad player would gear their companions better than themselves because they are situational, you don't always have that companion out but you always have yourself out, and you being a thinking human being are better utilizing the increased capabilities of the gear than the terrible AI.


Now that we've established that in solo gameplay you do or should prioritize yourself first, I think it is obvious why this should carry over to a group setting.


Need is for your own character (your highest priority which we've already established).


Greed is for your companions or your bank account which is used to buy gear for you or companions.


Pass is if you don't like money and you have no companions that can use it.


The way you people are needing on companion gear essentially makes it so everyone would need practically everything.




TLDR: You prioritize yourself above your companion so don't prioritize your companion the same as me. That makes you selfish and therefore someone I don't want to group with.


To answer your question, no matter whether you give the item to your companion or your own avatar, it affects you nonetheless.


Better companion, better character, no matter how you prioritise them, increasing one, other, or both, improves (arguably) your overall gaming experience and efficiency.

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I havent had the issue you speak of yet. In fact, exactly the opposite, thanks!



I will continue to do so. And I am sure by your attitude, one day you will get "reported" as well. gg sir.



Maybe I will, but my world will not end for 2 reasons:


1. I just continue to play because nothing will change


2. I have a real life, so I also got other things to do

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If in an instance, you should ask "anyone mind if I need for companion?" before doing. Otherwise, if there is someone there who needs it and it is for their class, it usually means "Hey, I absolutely need this now and will put this on right away to better enhance my current performance"


I don't think it is fine or perfect the way it is and does require a solution. So i hope the op makes suggestions to Bioware so they can take this in to consideration. I like what this particular person said. So many adults act like children its sad. If we can use respect and put the current real players need first, great. My opinion is that if someone asks the group about Needing for companion that is the respectful thing to do, more so if someone in group actually needed first. But not every player is going to be as nice and respectful. Which of course will start arguments. I have too been in groups about people needing stuff for their companions. I'm a trooper Commando with assault spec and I do pretty good. don't have serious trouble in PVE, but if this is the NEW looting then now I'm going to start needing for my companion too.

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Thank you for proving my point.


"People like you" is exactly what I meant, and exactly what you have demonstrated. I wish I could continue this conversation, but I must get to work. You have a great day, and the best of luck to you in your TOR adventures. =)


Please feel free to clarify your point, then, because I missed it.


"People like you" is nothing more than an agressive judgement on others whom you do not know, and also quite ignorant.


You seem to be attempting to prove a sense of superiority over others, when surely the discussion needs to revolve around ways to improve this aspect of group-play and sense of community.


You'll notice, that in kind, I have treated you with nothing but polite respect. So please, if you have a point to make, say it.

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To answer your question, no matter whether you give the item to your companion or your own avatar, it affects you nonetheless.


Better companion, better character, no matter how you prioritise them, increasing one, other, or both, improves (arguably) your overall gaming experience and efficiency.


Did you even read my post? You basically just said companions improve your character. Thank you for that insight but it has nothing to do with my post. You didn't even answer the question I asked at the very beginning of the post.


I agree that improving your companion will improve your overall gaming experience, but what I established is that it is at a lesser priority than your own self. Why do you think we have a need/greed system? In order to establish loot priority. If you prioritize yourself above companion (which you should), then you prioritize your need for yourself and greed for your companion. Simple as that.

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I don't understand your next line, there. If 4 people roll Need, and I win, how am I denying people their fair chance for profit? How, also, is that stealing? Please clarify.


What I meant was.. if 3 people have in mind that rolling for a companion is considerated greed, but the forth person of that group sees it as need, once they all click their decision, they will realize too late that they "passed on" an opportunity of profit because this 4th person did not convey to the common knowledge rule of the green/need (Obviously this does not apply if you all roll need).


With regards to your second paragraph, I am actually inclined to agree with you. Thank you for enhancing my opinion.


As someone else has just stated, simply do away with all rolling for items, because I do agree with you, it creates unnecessary competition. Just give everyone on the team the same item, and let them decide what to do with it.


In no way I am trying to pick a fight here, but I think you misunderstood me again.


I think the need/greed is NECESSARY, because it means that you (light armor wearer) will not get a heavy armour which I (Heavy armour wearer), really need to upgrade myself).


If it is always given at random, I will end up with an item you want, and vice versa (which cannot be traded beacuse of the Bind on pickup rule).

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