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Republic Ghost Town


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I am firmly against cross server dungeon finder, as well as legions of others are, it has been debated to death already.


I'm firmly for it, as legions of others are.


Great thing is, already having a test case of multi-million players shows that the legions that want it greatly outnumber those that don't.

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I'm firmly for it, as legions of others are.


Great thing is, already having a test case of multi-million players shows that the legions that want it greatly outnumber those that don't.


I'm firmly quitting if this game has cross server autoqueue bs. It makes problems much worse and solves nothing re: faction balance

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I really didn't want to cancel my sub, but SWTOR feels dead, lonely. I'm sick of soloing, people hardly respond in chat and it seems there's a dozen players on a WHOLE PLANET ?


Sick of soloing and I can't see things getting any better. The appeal of an MMO is gaming alongside the hundreds/thousands of players, SWTOR doesn't deliver on this. :(

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I really didn't want to cancel my sub, but SWTOR feels dead, lonely. I'm sick of soloing, people hardly respond in chat and it seems there's a dozen players on a WHOLE PLANET ?


Sick of soloing and I can't see things getting any better. The appeal of an MMO is gaming alongside the hundreds/thousands of players, SWTOR doesn't deliver on this. :(


Well this is a different issue. Yes the republic side is a ghosttown on pvp servers, but over all the server caps are very low for an MMO, so there really arent many players total on a server.

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I really didn't want to cancel my sub, but SWTOR feels dead, lonely. I'm sick of soloing, people hardly respond in chat and it seems there's a dozen players on a WHOLE PLANET ?


Sick of soloing and I can't see things getting any better. The appeal of an MMO is gaming alongside the hundreds/thousands of players, SWTOR doesn't deliver on this. :(


I switched to empire on my server and the game feels much more like an MMO. What faction are you playing on, and whats your average server population?

Edited by Shade
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I switched to empire on my server and the game feels much more like an MMO. What faction are you playing on, and whats your average server population?


He is obviously talking about the republic because that faction is seriously lacking in numbers.

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people felt that imperials looked better? i'm kind of surprised.


but yes, that is the most important thing for population balance.


I agree, it is important, Bioware didn't help the Republic with races offered to choose from.

They need to act before it is too late, while imbalance can still be fixed with adding one cool alien republic exclusive race or some other incentives.


A little more work and effort on the Republic armor design wouldn't hurt as well.

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A little more work and effort on the Republic armor design wouldn't hurt as well.


This is particularly true for Jedi, it's bland, bland and then even more bland. I mean I know Jedi wouldn't be running around in technicolour dreamcoats but at least some more variety and greater detail on the armour would be appreciated.


Often when I get a new robe or lower robe it's a case of spot the difference.

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oddly enough on my server there is at least as many republic players as empire players, possibly more if you take /who on the fleet as any indication. I would tell you which server it is but it's an RP server and I don't want a bunch of "Jedi Master Leetpwn PwnsNoobs" moving in, there is enough of that already.
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To me, the coolest thing about being evil in something like Star Wars was the fact that in the movies there were only 2 Sith...2. So when somebody picks one it's kind of neat if you are outnumbered. When there is a million tho, it kills that whole idea and just becomes lame.


Therefore, I am Republic to stay.

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I want to re-roll republic but I'm waiting for the legacy system to be implemented. If it will include xp boosts or at least a mount at a way earlier level it would provide more incentive to level one up. I am for one sick of huttball myself. Unfortunately my friend forced us into playing Imperials first because even though hes a 30s something old man, he had the mentality of wanting to be the bad guys and thought the armor looked cooler. QQ.


On my server Mandalore the Indomitable after several checks throughout the night between the 2 faction's stations. Republic station was sitting in the 70s and imp station was around 240ish.

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Make Jawa a playable race. Only available for the Republic.


Fixed. ;)


True :)


Or they could give Lucas a call for his permission to put a selectable race of one particular little green fellow to the Republic force users:D

Now that would be an instant popularity increase.

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True :)


Or they could give Lucas a call for his permission to put a selectable race of one particular little green fellow to the Republic force users:D

Now that would be an instant popularity increase.


:eek: Yodas with emo hair running around.

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:eek: Yodas with emo hair running around.

Without the emo hair please :)


Yoda would put a dense in the Empire numbers so bad that they would start making topics about it instead of the other way around as it is now.


On the serious note, Republic does need something as cool going for them in order to have increase in faction numbers.

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I took rough notes on all players on Niman, on every planet, ship, space, pvp, flashpoint, operation (nobody was opping), then counted pages of all things on the GTM for both factions.


Yeah, at least 600 people online for Republic, 1300 for Empire, 3 times the amount of stuff on the GTM, more people on starter worlds, (100+) vs 30 for republic. There was only one planet where there was 100+ people listed, Dromund Kaas, fleet shows exact number.


53 Republic on Fleet, 223 Empire.


Sorry but, they're going to have to allow servers transfer to let republic players fix it ourselves since bioware doesn't show they care enough. It isn't biowares fault where players go, however they have done zero to help the issue.


Of course I can wait for now, but in the future if things persist, I and everyone else I know will be hoping for a server xfer where republic players will plan to all go to.


I'll be writing a more detailed report, I just grabbed the numbers and need to make them readable.

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I took rough notes on all players on Niman, on every planet, ship, space, pvp, flashpoint, operation (nobody was opping), then counted pages of all things on the GTM for both factions.


Yeah, at least 600 people online for Republic, 1300 for Empire, 3 times the amount of stuff on the GTM, more people on starter worlds, (100+) vs 30 for republic.


53 Republic on Fleet, 223 Empire.


Sorry but, they're going to have to allow servers transfer to let republic players fix it ourselves since bioware doesn't show they care enough. It isn't biowares fault where players go, however they have done zero to help the issue.


Of course I can wait for now, but in the future if things persist, I and everyone else I know will be hoping for a server xfer where republic players will plan to all go to.


I'll be writing a more detailed report, I just grabbed the numbers and need to make them readable.


Bioware already has the numbers and they're aware how bad the faction imbalance is. It's their decision if they want to start caring about the issue.

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Bioware already has the numbers and they're aware how bad the faction imbalance is. It's their decision if they want to start caring about the issue.


They care about the issue, no doubt about it, because they are aware at this point that an issue of this caliber can severely hurt their game in the long run.

They need to address it sooner rather than later.

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They care about the issue, no doubt about it, because they are aware at this point that an issue of this caliber can severely hurt their game in the long run.

They need to address it sooner rather than later.


Well, they care that their Empire characters play 80% huttball, so the next content update (March) will begin implementing more same-faction warzones.


This doesn't show they have any concern for improving the republic experience, only improving the empire experience and playerbase.

I'd think otherwise if Bioware would say something on the subject. But they haven't, so all I can go off of is Bioware's actions. Which speak louder than words either way.

Edited by Auxili
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