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Republic Ghost Town


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Didn't WoW release Blood Elf race on Horde side specifically to draw more players to Horde side?




I know it won't be done, but create Wookie as a playable race for Republic side, and you'll see the imbalance quickly go the other way.

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Didn't WoW release Blood Elf race on Horde side specifically to draw more players to Horde side?




I know it won't be done, but create Wookie as a playable race for Republic side, and you'll see the imbalance quickly go the other way.


Can you imagine hearing wookie growls throughout leveling? I'd shoot myself.

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Just wondering, are Republic populations better on the PvE servers? It's not like world pvp ever really happens anyway.


Just curious as I am currently playing on PvP and it sucks horribly having such an unhealthy community. It's beyond frustrating not being able to do anything other than WZ's

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This thread has 10,000+ views, but so few pages because everyone's talking about PvP. As far as I see it, I get an average open world pvp experience on Saber, which is cool and all - but there's a huge collection of PvE content that I've actually really gotten into, and I was never a SW fan in the past. The population issues have nothing to do wtih PvP warzone availability other than people rerolling to queue for them - and that gives ZERO alleviation to the problem that there are so few Republic players on each of the planets. Republic players aren't concerned about PvP (because their queue times are great!), they're concerned about the elements of the game that actually take hard work to create - the creative content.


Couple that with early access creating a massive level divide, and you've got the situation we're in now. The best first step would be allowing for two specs. This won't help the population, but will improve on the PvE experience all around by allowing each player to fill one of two needed roles in a group.

Edited by Nastjuid
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I literally have not been able to find a Huttball match in over a week. The faction imbalance is a cruel joke.


Republic planets are already ghost towns and it gets worse the higher your level. BioWare has to use carrots and sticks to affect change, otherwise world PvP will suffer in the long run.


I still cant believe that I often am the only republic player on most planets...forget flashpoints, litterally all after Essels have been skipped due to lack of republic players....shocking. At least there are instant pvp Qs that dont involve huttball...

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I rolled Republic simply because the majority of people wanted to be empire and I knew there would be an imbalance and didn't want to add to it. I also convinced 5 or 6 of my friends to start playing on Republic and they all love the game. We're on a PvP server.


I'm enjoying Republic but Empire is better. No doubt. Armour, cities, missions, the whole Natsy (nazi is probably censured) theme is very appealing. A no-nonsense type of empire that does not compromise and takes no crap VS goody goody never break the rules Republic.

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What's weird is that SWG was very balanced in Alliance vs. Imperial...




(Of course, they had a mechanic to switch sides, lol...)



I wish a game company would have the cajones to actually limit how many people can create a certain faction on a server.



Want to join server [xxxx]? Sorry, but you can't make an Imperial because that faction is full.


The QQ would be out of this world, but servers would be balanced.

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Look, everyone wants to be on the Empire side because it's cool being a bad***** who shows no mercy. Imbalance was always in favor of Horde in WoW, especially in the later years.


Also, mature players don't want to play with the pre-pubes who roll Republic so they pick Empire hoping the kids didn't want to be the bad guys. Nice guys finish last right?


These things may never balance out over time. Some servers may be dead while others active. If you don't like the realm or faction you can change.

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Look, everyone wants to be on the Empire side because it's cool being a bad***** who shows no mercy. Imbalance was always in favor of Horde in WoW, especially in the later years.


Also, mature players don't want to play with the pre-pubes who roll Republic so they pick Empire hoping the kids didn't want to be the bad guys. Nice guys finish last right?


These things may never balance out over time. Some servers may be dead while others active. If you don't like the realm or faction you can change.


People switched to Horde in WoW because they were for the most part the superior pvp side, probably due to the fact that more mature players picked horde. I guess people figured the same would happen in this game so they went Empire figuring it's SWTOR's horde.

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People switched to Horde in WoW because they were for the most part the superior pvp side, probably due to the fact that more mature players picked horde. I guess people figured the same would happen in this game so they went Empire figuring it's SWTOR's horde.


and it turned out to be the opposite, how glorious.

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I saw an overwhelming amount of people leaning Empire pre-release, so I rolled Republic. No circumstance before/presently will cause me to re-roll Empire.




Doesn't anybody remember the glaring favoratism for Alliance during vanilla wow? Look how that turned out.


Underdogs for life!


P.S.: I win about 60% of my warzones so ...myeah!

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Republic is less polished. The gear looks awful, the ships look awful, the story-lines are inferior, and I could go on and on. The Republic is supposed to be the power in SWTOR while the Empire is encroaching, yet the Empire is sleek and shiny and smooth, and the Republic is just... well, crappy and everything looks jerry-rigged... but in SWTOR, the Republic isn't a crappy Rebellion. It's a galactic power with dozens and dozens of member worlds. Look at the Senate building and how awesome it looks, then look at the awful gear and ships we get. Doesn't make a bit of sense.


Even looking at the class choices. You can be a Jedi or a Sith. Throw pebbles or shoot lightning. Wow, that's a hard choice. Then you can pick between a rank-and-file soldier with a big gun, and a bounty hunter who takes nothing from nobody and rains down death from the sky with his blasters and a flamethrower. Look at the Smuggler, a guy who is essentially a "criminal with a heart of gold", and place that against the secret agent/sniper/spec-ops feel you get from the imperial agent. Which one would you think would be played more?

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Republic is less polished. The gear looks awful, the ships look awful, the story-lines are inferior, and I could go on and on. The Republic is supposed to be the power in SWTOR while the Empire is encroaching, yet the Empire is sleek and shiny and smooth, and the Republic is just... well, crappy and everything looks jerry-rigged... but in SWTOR, the Republic isn't a crappy Rebellion. It's a galactic power with dozens and dozens of member worlds. Look at the Senate building and how awesome it looks, then look at the awful gear and ships we get. Doesn't make a bit of sense.


Even looking at the class choices. You can be a Jedi or a Sith. Throw pebbles or shoot lightning. Wow, that's a hard choice. Then you can pick between a rank-and-file soldier with a big gun, and a bounty hunter who takes nothing from nobody and rains down death from the sky with his blasters and a flamethrower. Look at the Smuggler, a guy who is essentially a "criminal with a heart of gold", and place that against the secret agent/sniper/spec-ops feel you get from the imperial agent. Which one would you think would be played more?


I agree with majority of the things you said, except the stories.

In no way the Republic stories are inferior to Empire ones, the rest of it you got spot on.

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I re rolled republic after leveling a sorc to 50. The incentive I have is world PvP. I could care a less about queue times on either faction because on empire it only was ever up to about 5 minute wait time maximum. Being able to go out into llum at any time of the day with a small organized group of players will net you a lot of fun massacring the masses of empire.
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And how would you propose they fix the imbalance? They can't force people to play the Republic if they don't want to.


Me and many other have presented various ideas.

It comes down to making the Republic more appealing to new players.

There are plenty of things that can be done by Bioware in the future.

Even ONE exclusive race given to the republic (Togruta, Kel'Dor or Nautolan) would increase it's numbers more than decently.


The way things are now the Republic is on par with the Empire only in the quality of the story department, that aside they presented the Empire as "cooler" faction.


Someone also mentioned how Empire ships are cooler than Republic ships, that is subjective really, Bounty Hunters ship is a heap of junk with rust inside, Smuggler's ship is better by far for example, but Imperial Agent's ship on the other hand is like a luxury stealth bomber.


They obviously put more effort in Empire armor design also, just look at the Consular high level gear, it is horrendous to say the least.

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And yet another problem that would be fixed by cross-server Warzones AND Dungeon Finder.


But nooooo




I am firmly against cross server dungeon finder, as well as legions of others are, it has been debated to death already.

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i agree, leave pvp as it is, giving empire players easier pvp options would just exascerbate the faction imbalance


id give republic cooler races (perhaps take cyborg out and put the togruta in , jedi knight/sith inquisitor companion http://www.swtor-spy.com/companions/ashara-zavros/96/)


but please, do not do the planned pvp changed, at least not yet, till we have balanced the sides and the server populations stabilize then you can open transfers on select servers and maybe we can have a spread out population evenly among servers/factions a couple monhts down the line


i play empire, because i like the Agent storyline, the sniper class appeals to me as ive never played a ranged melee class before, and i will admit, the ship is part of what drew me to the agent too, but mainly its that it can use sniper rifles , also the gear on chiss females looks friggin amazing

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