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Republic Ghost Town


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Taugrim has spoken about this subject tonight during his livestream, so I'll post the video link here once the video goes up.



Here it is: Fast forward to 1h:27m




He speaks about the subject for about three minutes. This should explain the circumstances to everyone.


Edited by Auxili
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It's definitely a problem. Bioware needs to come out with an amazing Republic content to sway more people to play here. Or make people more aware that you CAN be evil as Republic. In a lot of cases, being evil on Republic feels way more evil and morally wrong than it does on Empire, which is awesome. Playing an evil Trooper is probably the most fun I've had in beta and release so far. Edited by Merex
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More threads are popping up about how faction imbalance leads to dead world pvp. Hopefully you've all watched the video I posted 2 posts above, I feel it's really important for us to understand this. Moreso, I feel it's important that Bioware treads carefully and prevents things from getting as bad as it seems they might.
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I have to agree with some of the others.


I'm sure they're looking at faction imbalance, but it would be pretty foolish to start trying to implement anything prior to the end of the first 30 days and seeing what happens after subscription renewal.


The Devs can't just overreact every time there's a dozen threads on a subject, or even 10 dozen. They have to play the long game and seek overall stability over time, and not screw their game system up based on the changing whims of the mob.


The first 30 days is NOT going to be a time of stability and solid numbers.

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They really need to find a solution to this pretty soon. My server is always Heavy and Full in the evenings but i rarely run across any republic players on my server. The most I ever see at one time is like 15 and i can run around for several hours and only see 3 or 4 players while ill see like hundreds of imperials.


A big reason i think is because of the graphical difference in the two factions. Sith does look alot better than the republic and when you compare spell graphics between the two its obvious as to which looks better. Inquisitors get a bunch of awesome looking spells while the Sage can throw a rock at you.. or throw a bunch of pebbles compared to Inquisitor force lightening which looks awesome. Ive also run alot of Warfronts and its not uncommon to see 6/8 players being Inquisitors.

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Never really understood why classes had to be divided by factions while having a dark/light alignement. Jedis and Siths swapped sides in the expanded universe, I dont see why they shouldnt here.
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Lets face it the Dark side has cookies. It is just sexier.


There will be no balance without equal freedom to be sexy on both sides and there just is not. Give the republic some hott companions, get rid of the jedi sexless monk thing (baby jedi come from somewhere no matter what the code says)


I have also heard complaints (rants) from my guild mates in the military ( of various nations) that the republic military quests are unplayable due to the complete wrongness of the military culture and procedures. Maybe some subject matter experts are needed to make this side more realistic to attract more young men (and women who like that sort of thing) to what should be attractive options for them. I don't really know about that since it is second hand info to me and I am not a guy. I have tried to tell them it is in the distant past before military knew anything about how to run stuff but my helpful explanation has not gone over well. Oh well I tried to help!


I usually play the less dominate side of an mmo. I like being the underdog. The republic is just kinda meh.

Edited by sadaria
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Think republic would need something neater than that. Maybe wookie(would have to invent a voice collar so that they speak a language for voice acting), ewok(same as wookie), or yoda race(dont think this will happen ever). Any of those three would likely increase republic numbers.

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there are a lot of reasons Empire has higher pop on most servers. Most people can't be evil in thier daily lives, so they use Empire as an escape. Thats one of the biggest I think.


Races are cooler, gear looks better (for the most part)... I think if Republic had Kel Dor.... a lot of people would have been drawn to them for that race, maybe would have helped the balace a little bit at least.

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Never really understood why classes had to be divided by factions while having a dark/light alignement. Jedis and Siths swapped sides in the expanded universe, I dont see why they shouldnt here.


Yea, I remember talk when the game was first being announced in gaming mags, that some classes would be "grey" sided. Specifically BH/Smuggler would be able to go into Empire/Republic fleets, etc.


I definitely think its weird to be running a darkside JK and not be able to go to the Imperial Fleet (maybe an option to "defect" and do SW quests? lol would be nice)

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So why did they have a beta? Just asking cause it seems they kinda screwed the pooch on some very important parts of mmo's.


I always gotta laugh at having acceptable bugs. If this were a MS OS they would be calling for a government investigation. At least MS only screws you once when you buy the product and doesn't make you continue with a monthly subscription to pacify the continuation of a beta.


Basically no subscription coming from this consumer. The lifeblood of mmo's for you wearing the rose colored glasses.


Now for the norm on these forums-go ahead and attack the poster kiddies and not the post.


Here let me save you time-yes I have a small dingy, no life, weigh 500 lbs, live in my grandmother's basement, never watched a SW movie, think my cousin is hot, WOW is the greatest, 40 year old virgin with very hairy Dorito stained palms, NRA saber toting fanatic, that has no clue on what this "game" is really about etc etc etc.

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how about adding a questline which alows empire to switch factions at lvl 50 end game? What is the point of a sith going light side if he/she still has to be bad? Or give incentives for people to reroll republic. What would it take for me to definetely do it? Let me do a transfer of my pvp gear/commendation reimbursement (to go above 1000) and valor points to a toon on the other side. I am a man of limited time due to a family and all the time I was able to put in to get to 50 and get a pvp gear start is too much for me to switch toons/aliances at this time. (my wife has already pounced on me and I am now limited to a coupld of days per week :) Edited by kuthroat
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I have to agree with some of the others.


I'm sure they're looking at faction imbalance, but it would be pretty foolish to start trying to implement anything prior to the end of the first 30 days and seeing what happens after subscription renewal.


The Devs can't just overreact every time there's a dozen threads on a subject, or even 10 dozen. They have to play the long game and seek overall stability over time, and not screw their game system up based on the changing whims of the mob.


The first 30 days is NOT going to be a time of stability and solid numbers.


They're already taking action by helping empire have a superior pvp and wpvp experience, they're not "waiting"

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Yeah, I don't personally get it. I'm a big fan and advocate and on my server at least and some servers out there the imbalance isn't so bad, it sounds like you might be having a particularly bad experience.


What's done is done though frankly, what can they do now? Forcing people to play one side is obviously no solution and more undecided players will flock to the "winning" side rather than face a challenge.


I think a third faction would have gone a long way to helping this issue but... certainly that is not anywhere in the near future.

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Or people can roll Republic for more PVP then you can shake your fist at. Talk about a target rich environment.


Or you can roll empire for just as much pvp once more same-faction warzones are added. As pointed out in the OP, this is exactly what Bioware is going to do.

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At this point, what point is there to roll and stay a Republic player. If they are going to cater for all the masses going Empire and give more same faction Warzones, why not just everyone roll Empire. It's pretty insane the number differences. Whoing both sides on the two servers I play on, there is double to triple the Empire players to Republic. Finding a group is a pain and I don't want to get to 50 and have trouble finding a group for the content I like to do, PVE.


I can't comprehend how phoned in some of the Republic stuff feels like. I am playing a shadow and the visuals are just piss poor. Force breach, the stun, there is no real graphic for this, Assassins get graphics for their forms with lightning or shadow lightning around their saber, I can actually visually see Discharge hitting all the mob compared to the lackluster graphic of Force Breach. The gear is awful looking, like what the hell. The gear for Empire side is a million times better and they even joke about it with the companion Kira.


So, what is Bioware going to do. Everything about this game just entices to go Empire and they are even helping it along further.



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