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Republic Ghost Town


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That before cross-server LFG it was a royal pain in the *** to find groups if you were on the underpopulated side simply due to lack of people. Now even if its a ghost town you can find groups.


in TOR, all pvp servers have a similarly crappy ratio in empire's favour. The solution is to make the factions balanced, not to implement horrible systems to band-aid it and kill community.

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It's pretty obvious from the start that they've been far more enthusiastic about writing Sith stories and designing Sith architecture and gear etc.


Short of preventing people from rolling Sith characters where imbalance exists they would need to go on a massive PR offensive in support of everything Republic and not even talk about the Sith for an extended period which they just aren't interested in doing.


This game would have been more accurately named Star Wars : The Old Sith Empire.

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It's pretty obvious from the start that they've been far more enthusiastic about writing Sith stories and designing Sith architecture and gear etc.


Short of preventing people from rolling Sith characters where imbalance exists they would need to go on a massive PR offensive in support of everything Republic and not even talk about the Sith for an extended period which they just aren't interested in doing.


This game would have been more accurately named Star Wars : The Old Sith Empire.


If Bioware is going to do nothing, then all they have to do is say so. Then we can move on from this issue, as we'll know what to expect from the game.


Some of us will quit from our pvp servers, because nothing will be fun about being zerged 50-5 by the empire in Illum. Some of us will quit the game because we can't pve on our republic character because people either rerolled Empire for pvp, or they rerolled a pve server with a populated republic faction.

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im playing characters on each side i feel like the imperial voice acting and stories are better. the imperial characters look more ****** too. i mean the sith warrior gets a friggin giant tie fighter and the agent gets the normandy...the coolest ship on the republic side is the falcon. even the agent and smuggler...the smuggler whacks you with his blaster and agent plants a electro knife in her targets chests...yeah ill take the agent thank you very much . sith warriors look like the 2nd coming of vader and the jedi look...well...like jedi.


since there is no functional difference a la paladins/shamans aesthetics is the only deciding factor and imo the empire has coolness in spades.

Edited by imanujakku
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I'll admit, I re-rolled an alt to take advantage of some PvP action as Republic....but yea, OP is TOTALLY right about the patch changes to come.


It's honestly VERY hard on my server (Black Vulkars, usually 2nd-3rd on server pop/wait times) to get ANY flashpoints going during even PEAK hours (off peak is a TOTAL joke, usually 20-30 people or less in a zone). Right now at PEAK hours on the fleet, I'm seeing a grand total......of 85 people, most standing around the PvP terminal (Empire fleet has 200+)

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You want more republic? Ill solve that problem for you.


on imbalanced servers give republic chars a 10% bonus to valor and commendations and maybe even XP.


that will atleast serve as incentive for some to reroll and the extra perks will help balance out being dominated in world pvp

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I'll admit, I re-rolled an alt to take advantage of some PvP action as Republic....but yea, OP is TOTALLY right about the patch changes to come.


It's honestly VERY hard on my server (Black Vulkars, usually 2nd-3rd on server pop/wait times) to get ANY flashpoints going during even PEAK hours (off peak is a TOTAL joke, usually 20-30 people or less in a zone). Right now at PEAK hours on the fleet, I'm seeing a grand total......of 85 people, most standing around the PvP terminal (Empire fleet has 200+)


Yeah people are underestimating how bad it is for us Republic players. And you're right, it will get worse after the future patches. Does Bioware have their eye on the Republic faction at all?

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You want more republic? Ill solve that problem for you.


on imbalanced servers give republic chars a 10% bonus to valor and commendations and maybe even XP.


that will atleast serve as incentive for some to reroll and the extra perks will help balance out being dominated in world pvp


I think everyone agrees incentives are the way to go, and fixing the problems in the republic mirror classes.

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Great post in another thread:


Problem : More empire then republic players.

Actual state of things: With time, pvpers will switch to republic for better queue time.

BW actions : More factionless pvp.

Result : No pvper will switch side...

Imbalanced population kills world pvp.


Enforce player limit and outnumbered buff on world pvp zones might help the problem... Biggest point though is that BW's o****ion to aleviate imps queue is most likely bad for world pvp.

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i have the end all be all solution to this problem.



nerf inquisitor.


and when i say nerf inquisitor i mean just inquisitor, not councilors as well. not because they are overpowered, but because everyone and their mother has an inq. at least 70% of the empire on my server is composed of inquisitors, nerf their class, and most of them will move to something else.


to really balance out the population make patch notes with changes that would make a republic class way OP, but dont actually implement them, most people won't be able to tell the difference and flock to that class anyways.

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To those who rerolled Republic to get better warzone queues, you may have acted too fast.

Today Bioware stated they'll be adding more same-faction Warzones. This will help alleviate the Empire queue times - empire players can play more than hutball and queue up faster.


The downside is that the republic population will drop even lower than it currently is on pvp and rppvp servers (2:1 ratio, at best). Get ready for an even bigger ghost town.


Currently, the promise of better pvp queues is the only benefit the republic has over the empire on these servers. Without this incentive, people will have no reason to reroll republic, get faster queues, and help out the underdog side out.



I know Bioware is aware of this, I'm just curious what they have in mind to make republic an attractive choice for pvp players and guilds. Has anyone heard anything? Thanks for taking the time to read this.


edit: Another question for Bioware:

Bioware is fixing pvp server woes for the Empire by adding more same-faction warzones.

But what is being done to help pvp server woes for the Republic?




I've done quite some population counts on various times on various servers, the worst difference I've seen so far was 2:3. But with a surprising amount of times that the difference between Republic and Sith was less than that.

I did notice though that on several servers the ratio of Sith to Republic players that were level 50 in some cases was 2 to 1, even if the total population numbers were far closer to eachother and sometimes even close to equal.


For example, some numbers that I encountered (Sith vs Republic):


1407 - 1539

1481 - 1022

1382 - 1396

Edited by dyves
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I've done quite some population counts on various times on various servers, the worst difference I've seen so far was 2:3. But with a surprising amount of times that the difference between Republic and Sith was less than that.

I did notice though that on several servers the ratio of Sith to Republic players that were level 50 in some cases was 2 to 1, even if the total population numbers were far closer to eachother and sometimes even close to equal.


This is one of the reason no drastic action should be taken, population is fickle at this point IMO. Ppl are still re-rolling and stuff. But there do be an issue with imps getting huthball all over again... So it's open for discussion :p


P.S.: The only reason imps are better at huthball is cause it's all they do!!!

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You want more republic? Ill solve that problem for you.


on imbalanced servers give republic chars a 10% bonus to valor and commendations and maybe even XP.


that will atleast serve as incentive for some to reroll and the extra perks will help balance out being dominated in world pvp


They just nerfed teams that lose, which makes republic pugs even worse off.

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Quite honestly, I could care less. Ive been playing a Smuggler Gunslinger on the Republic side and I love our community. Everyone is quick to help, chat is always fun, and the people you run with actually know how to play there class :eek:


I rolled an Imperial IA Operative a few days ago so I could start leveling an ALT for our Cross Faction Guild. I logged in to a seemingly normal SWTOR day with my blaster ready. I went to find a group for BT once I reached level 10 (Only takes 2 hours) and was first thrown into a group of seemingly all 13 year olds. (Understandable, I have a younger brother who plays an Inquisitor and he simply thinks the DS options are hilarious.) My suspicions were confirmed soon after the Tank and the Off tank began having a temper tantrum over who "rightfully" deserved the piece of heavy armor that dropped. (Honestly, this is a flashpoint, not a raid.)



After that I did several more runs with what all seemed like pre-teens and soon found myself in Dromand Khass. Later in General chat I noticed a player asking for help on a certain boss. Due to my low level I would be unable to assist him, however I did see several people simply tell him in General "L2 play your class noob."



My gosh, I understand what MMO communities can be like, but that behavior almost out classed the players who played Horde on WoW.


If these are all the players left, by all means, let them stay there

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People really have to start saying what server they're talking about.


Some of the servers that I tested population count on that I can recall were Jung Ma, Trask Ulgo and 'Red' something.

If someone wants to know actual population numbers at peak times for their server, it's actually pretty easy to do, it takes maybe 5-10 minutes tops, you only need to create a char for the other faction to do it for both sides.

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Some of the servers that I tested population count on that I can recall were Jung Ma, Trask Ulgo and 'Red' something.

If someone wants to know actual population numbers at peak times for their server, it's actually pretty easy to do, it takes maybe 5-10 minutes tops, you only need to create a char for the other faction to do it for both sides.


I've just done it for jung ma and confirmed, again, that its a 2:1 server. So your numbers are incorrect. there are 1.7x more empire in their fleet alone, and their chat is MUCH more active. (and out of the 10 servers I routinely check, Jung Ma is definitely the most balanced at 2:1 in favour of the empire)


In short, denying the factions are imbalanced is not a good idea, because its one thing everyone ingame will agree with without hesitation. It really is that obvious.

Edited by Auxili
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The difference on multiple High-Pop servers is staggering. I am on my third 50 (he's almost level 40) and I have YET to see a single Republic character, and I am doing full world questing (no flashpoints/warzones). Albeit my first 50 did do a lot of Warzones, but he was 50 on day 3-4 of release, so I didn't see much of anyone out leveling.
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