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Republic Ghost Town


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On Lord Praven(sp) it's prety typical: Reblic more into PVE Empire more into PVP.

It'd perception- zomg evil i pwn you. The trooper starting zone is a ghost town- while the force user starting zone is lively. The few aqaintences I know that have both republic and empire claim (possibly fastly) that republic players don't have much interest in PVP-

IF that's the case what kind of incentives do you give republic players to PVP then?

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How have they done that, exactly?


They're making more same-faction warzones so the empire can fight amongst themselves, instead of having to wait for the small amount of republic players to queue up.


Instead of fixing the problem, they're patting the problem on the shoulder and giving it steroids.


Once these warzones are in, it won't matter if the ratio becomes 10:1, because the empire will still have a ton of pvp going on amongst themselves. The Republic becomes irrelevant pvp-wise.

Edited by Auxili
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I can't imagine anytning being done about it. It's in no way the games fault..

I frankly find Republic gear and ships pretty cool and would expect the majority to roll Republic.


Many things can be done to fix the problem. Bioware has to show they're willing to fix the problem. They've only shown the opposite, though.

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I can't imagine anytning being done about it. It's in no way the games fault..

I frankly find Republic gear and ships pretty cool and would expect the majority to roll Republic.


The issue is that almost all of the pre-game content is about how gosh darn amazing the Sith Empire is and how the Republic got it's arses handed too it. Heck, even the Faction Selection screen describes the Republic as a squabbling and ineffective democracy and the Sith Empire as this destructive juggernaught that will sweep over the galaxy.

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Many things can be done to fix the problem. Bioware has to show they're willing to fix the problem. They've only shown the opposite, though.


I'll just say right off that part of my personel hesitance to PVP republic comes from "that other MMO" in that one people got prety leastest and snoty if heaven forbid you didn't PVP much before if at all-I don't expect it to have improved atitude wise.

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TBH, while they are unbalanced, I find that the Sith side is a ghost town, and I cannot even imagine how alone you feel on the Republic side. These servers feel like SWG servers about 12 months ago. They simply do not have the technology implemented to have a thriving, large player base on a single server.



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The issue is that almost all of the pre-game content is about how gosh darn amazing the Sith Empire is and how the Republic got it's arses handed too it. Heck, even the Faction Selection screen describes the Republic as a squabbling and ineffective democracy and the Sith Empire as this destructive juggernaught that will sweep over the galaxy.


Spot on IMHO, it's more of a marketing issue, it's all about image. Republic should be described as defender of freedom and ****. Not petty and squabbling. Plus, we all know they are gonna loose, at least make us believe they stand a chance! And finaly, make animations related to dark light side points??? A lvl V dark jedi not shooting lightning? come on....


And pvp wise, i've heard a lot of imp animations feel more responsive...


Edit : Just an out of game example, ppl are known to change voting intentions just to win, imagine with a game!

Edited by Foho
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TBH, while they are unbalanced, I find that the Sith side is a ghost town, and I cannot even imagine how alone you feel on the Republic side. These servers feel like SWG servers about 12 months ago. They simply do not have the technology implemented to have a thriving, large player base on a single server.



^that. right now on Lord Praven on the Republic Fleet there's only 60 people. The other day a guildy said that the planet he was on had only one person.

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They're making more same-faction warzones so the empire can fight amongst themselves, instead of having to wait for the small amount of republic players to queue up.


Instead of fixing the problem, they're patting the problem on the shoulder and giving it steroids.


Once these warzones are in, it won't matter if the ratio becomes 10:1, because the empire will still have a ton of pvp going on amongst themselves. The Republic becomes irrelevant pvp-wise.


Wow. Well I guess this game is all about the Empire! I was sure there was another half of a game around here somewhere...

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Yeah, even as a healer I find it time consuming to find a flashpoint group as Republic. I could spam general chat on the fleet for hours and find no one else interested in the same FP I am. I can't even imagine how much of a pain it is for DPS. And when I do get into a FP there is usually only 1 or 2 groups on the entire realm in the FP on republic side. This is on a server with queues every night.


Cross-server LFG made faction imbalance obsolete in WoW. Now in WoW the only downside to being on a underpopulated side is crappy auction house. You can still do everything else really. In SWTOR you can either go out and continue to level or sit and do nothing in the fleet and spam /general since you can't LFG outside of the fleet effectively.


I wonder if bioware has any plans to improve the population balance issue. You can't exactly force people to roll republic but maybe some kind of incentive for playing on a balanced server (for both sides). I don't know what.

Edited by kabes
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Wow. Well I guess this game is all about the Empire! I was sure there was another half of a game around here somewhere...


Funny line I heard in general chat regarding the faction imbalance:


Star Wars: The Old Empire


sloppy joke but it works, and its true

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What are you implying?


I think he's trolling or joking or something, cross server LFG ruined WoW in more than one way. Bioware is smart to avoid it, one of the many good things they've done with this game.

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What are you implying?


That before cross-server LFG it was a royal pain in the *** to find groups if you were on the underpopulated side simply due to lack of people. Now even if its a ghost town you can find groups.

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