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Republic Ghost Town


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First.. It's very late and my thoughts are racing all over the place..


Jedi are according to Lucas castrated warrior-monks whom are trained that emotions like love are evil.


It's fascinating for those uneducated in Buddhism not to understand that Jedi are NOT "castrated warrior-monks" who are trained to think that "love is evil."


Love is not evil to Jedi. Sex and romantic love are emotional distractions to those who are trained to be calm, meditative and ultimately compassionate (loving) to all living beings and not indiscriminate killers and murderers ... such as the Sith.


Serenity. Harmony. Peace.




The real contemplative beauty of Good vs. Evil is that Evil does not understand that it is ultimately destructive and anti-life.


Oh, but Evil does have red lightsabers and cool armor! That much Evil does understand!



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I really dont know how to stress this enough, but it is not Bioware's fault that there are more people playing empire then republic.


This is the community's choice. Bioware can not force people to play republic. They can try giving republic buffs in pvp, but then that comes down to a balance issue because if it ever does come down to a 1 on 1 the republic will have an unfair advantage. The best thing that can do is take a wintergrasp route with this and give whatever side is outnumbered a buff to even things out. Does this solve the problem? No, not really it still comes down to a 10 vs 50 battle, but that's outside of Bioware's control.


Seriously people ya'll act like this is your first rodeo.

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I really dont know how to stress this enough, but it is not Bioware's fault that there are more people playing empire then republic.


This is the community's choice. Bioware can not force people to play republic. They can try giving republic buffs in pvp, but then that comes down to a balance issue because if it ever does come down to a 1 on 1 the republic will have an unfair advantage. The best thing that can do is take a wintergrasp route with this and give whatever side is outnumbered a buff to even things out. Does this solve the problem? No, not really it still comes down to a 10 vs 50 battle, but that's outside of Bioware's control.


Seriously people ya'll act like this is your first rodeo.


I agree with you to some extent.


What i don't agree with is that Bioware can't do anything about making the Republic more appealing to players, there is much that can be done.


Just the addition of ONE popular alien race being exclusive to the republic would increase the faction's numbers.


Kel'Dor, Togruta, Nautolan all seam reasonable enough and making them republic exclusive wouldn't hurt the lore much, their models are already in game and working properly and they speak common human language so there wouldn't be a problem there either.


The fact is that even currently Empire has 3 exclusive races to choose from while the Republic has only 2, and there were far better choices than Mirialan and Miraluka in the first place.

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So what if the Empire has more players. I know that it's a pain in the arse when everyone on the opposite team rolls with biochem and has 20 buffs so you can literally do nothing to kill them, but I'm still sticking with my Trooper. It's not about which side has more players so you can win, it's more along the line of what you like in SW. I happen to LOVE clone troopers and storm troopers over force users, plus I love the republic and the light side. I have an alt mercenary and I just got really bored of the class and faction. The dark atmosphere and everyone killing this and that and how you must be evil and whatnot just didn't appeal to me. It's more fun when you're the underdog where you're struggling to beat the enemy and you'll still get some wins out of all your losses. Not to mention that the Trooper armor is really cool (yeah, I'm not interested in making my character look like a bug or a witch doctor LOL).


So if you're sick of the PvP, just enjoy the story and play some flashpoints in the meantime.

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I feel you guys. My main is a merc once my story ended and I capped 50 i had to quit my character. world pvp is a no go and the only warzone is huttball... re rolled Republic. All the planets are the same even though class story is different so im not enjoying it as much as the first time and racing to 50 in 8 days.


I made a smuggler went scoundrel. playstyle even at 18 is fun and cait wait to pvp with you guys in other warzones besides huttball. I hope bioware gives a **** about pvp unlike blizzard now but so far it seems they dont care about world pvp or faction balance... a real shame

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I feel you guys. My main is a merc once my story ended and I capped 50 i had to quit my character. world pvp is a no go and the only warzone is huttball... re rolled Republic. All the planets are the same even though class story is different so im not enjoying it as much as the first time and racing to 50 in 8 days.


I made a smuggler went scoundrel. playstyle even at 18 is fun and cait wait to pvp with you guys in other warzones besides huttball. I hope bioware gives a **** about pvp unlike blizzard now but so far it seems they dont care about world pvp or faction balance... a real shame


Yeah I hope they start to care. The only time I even play Empire anymore is just to sell stuff on my alt and wander around, I said before - it got really stale to me. I really enjoy the Republic and my Vanguard and found a better guild than what I had as Empire so that's a plus.

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I have quickly come to learn that cause people can't be ******es in real life, they will gravitate to living out that fantasy.


With the way story and story options come to play in this game it's no wonder so many went to the dark side for the options of being bad to others.


I mean, look at the forums alone and you can see why people are dark sided and why the empire has more people.

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I have quickly come to learn that cause people can't be ******es in real life, they will gravitate to living out that fantasy.


With the way story and story options come to play in this game it's no wonder so many went to the dark side for the options of being bad to others.


I mean, look at the forums alone and you can see why people are dark sided and why the empire has more people.


Agreed, but you can still be a cruel sob on Republic and some of our dark side options are crazy lol.

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Why would I wanna play kindergarten+highschool aka emopire ?


lol, this made me lol


also would love to hear BW officialy made it clear to us of all servers together wich side has more players then the other ..


i would rofl if it was republic

Edited by Genesizs
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I play Republic. I always find plenty of people to do stuff with. Maybe its just my server but this seems to be a non-issue purely driven by hype.


You're exactly like the devs. You DON'T GET IT. Your anecdotal evidence means piss all. Just because you've been able to find groups consistently doesn't mean there is no problems.


Take this from MMO veterans: If you continue to have a lopsided 3:1 ratio on EVERY SERVER, the game will implode. Period.

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You're exactly like the devs. You DON'T GET IT. Your anecdotal evidence means piss all. Just because you've been able to find groups consistently doesn't mean there is no problems.


Take this from MMO veterans: If you continue to have a lopsided 3:1 ratio on EVERY SERVER, the game will implode. Period.


Agreed. :)

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I play Republic. I always find plenty of people to do stuff with. Maybe its just my server but this seems to be a non-issue purely driven by hype.


Hype? Oh roll on Shaltin Tunnels and try that again at 50, come back and post that again.

Edited by Thrones
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You're exactly like the devs. You DON'T GET IT. Your anecdotal evidence means piss all. Just because you've been able to find groups consistently doesn't mean there is no problems.


Take this from MMO veterans: If you continue to have a lopsided 3:1 ratio on EVERY SERVER, the game will implode. Period.


talk about proof right?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I hope to bring some mediating voices to this thread. Some of the extreme opinions offered are very much off-base to what my experience has been.


I play Republic on a very populated (Stayed HEAVY through first 2 weeks of launch, frequent queue times during this period) PvP server. The republic:empire ratio is approximately 1:2 though it can peak at 1:2.5. I'm taking these statistics from people sitting in their respective fleets.


Ilum, during prime time, is dominated by empire very frequently. Yet, in one out of every five times, we can get 40 in there and push from being spawn camped into spawn camping them. These are occasional occurrences, but by no means a once-a-month occurrence. Whatever cap they put per-instance (I've heard 100) of Ilum means that we can get a playable disadvantage in numbers at least twice a week if enough republic pack the "Ilum (1)" instance. In off-hours, the numbers get very similar. Proportionally more Republic are trying to finish off their daily quest and we join up and rule the zone.


The warzones are incredibly great. Once they fix the Warzone-stacking bug (It is now very easy to guarantee your faction an 11-player warzone), I will have no complaints. I queue with a skilled premade, we roll roughshod over every group on the server. I pug, and get close to 50-50 winrate. This is very fun and mediates the extreme Ilum behavior.


I've got my battlemaster gear now, so ganking in Ilum is quite fun. I play a stealth class; this is the main reason. I don't do it for the rewards. I don't care that after every kill, 6 people have shown up to kill me--my primary target still dies. I don't get this world-pvp nightmare because I walked into this server KNOWING that I was outnumbered and COUNTING on having fast queue times and a more elite pvp group. A PvP group toughened by sticking through it being spawn camped, ganked in world pvp, attempting to level by rezzing and killing another 2 quest npcs before death.


To Thread: I still play Ilum, I don't mind the imbalance so much, and I don't see an easily-seekable answer to giving your utopia world pvp. The current instance caps helped a little and I'm sure other small fixes will make the playable-disadvantage faction more breaks. The PvE-coolness side I could care less. I enjoyed consular, trooper, and knight questlines. Sith armor looks ugly. Not everyone here is oppressed and down in the dumps over faction imbalance. The ones that are have, understandably, contributed more whine posts than the, "It's pretty good, all things considered."

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  • 2 weeks later...
This is why they should have made a third faction. The Mercenary faction maybe? With a third faction, things tend to balance themselves out. Plus some of the more popular classes would be in that faction (BH anyone). But alas...the dev team wanted to be more like wow instead of dark age of Camelot. Shame. A third faction could have solved this problem.
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Yes A third faction would be nice, which could attack the dominant side.



I think that BH and Smuggler are not exact for any side.

BW should take BH from Imperial and Smuggler from Republic side with adding a Melee Class as a Underworld Faction like Hutts, Black Suns or whatever.


So would every factione have 3 classes.

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