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Hero Engine: why?


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I work for one of the biggest corporations in the world. I know what goes on in board rooms. Don't try to school me on "million dollar mistakes". This is by no means a sure thing but I don't the hero engine is their biggest concern. Their development may be, but a new engine is going to have issues no matter what. And yes, it is relatively new. Well...this release is. They had previous versions for demo. This engine was built and designed for MMOs specifically. It has an entire toolset dedicated this type of platform.


You weren't there. You don't understand what went on behind closed doors.


Did you ever stop to think for one moment that the reason they chose the hero engine was because it met their list of requirements? Their CTQs perhaps? (If you know project management you know what I am talking about.) What if half the stuff they wanted to do couldn't be built with other engines? What if building a NEW engine was going to cost another 25 million?



You have every right to criticize the bugs in the game but since you weren't on the team that chose the hero engine you have no idea why. If you knew why, then maybe your argument would have some merit. But you weren't.


Oh and for the record, graphically this engine is great. No one can run the full extent of the engine without some serious power, but yes graphically is very good.



You sir, just got yourself a Fan.

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No matter how much you knock on WoW, that game literally plays more smooth than any game I've ever come across. You add a crap load of mods and eat up all the memory you get SWTOR.


It takes a whole hell of a lot of addons to get it as bad as swtor too.


or one addon with an infinite loop bug!

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Wow... we sure have alot of professional programmers here. You really are programmers yes? Because otherwise theres no way you can tell what can and cant be done with this engine.


No, you're right i am not a programmer, but i still dont understand why Blizzard is the only company who ever managed to make the char controls so smooth.


All other games i played moving your character around just feels slow and clumsy compared to WoW, i honostly belive this is the secret to WoW succes, i plan on playing TOR for a long time, but i really do wish my char would move like my WoW char insted of an oversized hutt.

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Why would they Bioware has either A: Already purchased the engine for use or B: has rights to use the engine.


Hero has no reason to do anything with the engine for Bioware.


BW has a close relationship with HeroEngine. It's in both of their best interests for SWtOR to be successful. When you license an engine for a large project you generally also buy support for bug fixes, access to experts, etc... HeroEngine has stated that a lot of the BW engine modifications are going into their official engine.


I would also hope that with a project this big BW has some provisions in their contracts to make sure HeroGames has some skin in the game. In any case EA can flex their legal muscle and threaten to sue HeroEngine into oblivion if their engine issues don't get resolved or even demand a refund. Doesn't really matter if EA is even in the right.

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PCGH: Did you integrate multi-core support into the engine / your game and what Fps benefit can we expect if we take a Quad-Core-CPU instead of a Dual-Core-CPU? Will there be even a performance boost for AMDs X6 Hexa-Core-CPUs?


Bioware: The Old Republic greatly takes advantage of multi-core. Multi-core both improves frame rate and smoothness by offloading work to the extra cores such as disk IO, rendering or audio.




"Best post of the Thread Award"

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You sir, just got yourself a Fan.


I'm just trying to enjoy the game and add to the conversation. So many people act like they work at Bioware and they know everything.


There are a ton of issues right now but I have full confidence they are working on it. It would be foolish to say the Hero engine was a million dollar mistake. For what they built with this game, it seems to have worked pretty damn well considering this is GEN 1.



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A side topic on this particular thread :


Why the f*** does people say 'I work with a major corporation blablabla' and 'I have XXX experience with a major software blablabla'. WHO CARES REALLY? I can say that I have worked 25 years developing a nuclear reactor programme and therefore....?


We are all hiding behind a computer screen anyways, so why dont you state who do you work for? Exxon? Apple? Google? IBM? Oracle? NASA? Boeing? Facebook? WHat? WHAT?


I just find it annoying that people claim they have this and that in rl and then immediately followed by : 'Therefore I should know what I'm talking about, unlike you, you unqualified internet poster!'

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Oh and for the record, graphically this engine is great. No one can run the full extent of the engine without some serious power, but yes graphically is very good.


For the love of... the graphics are not "very good". They are decent. Please just stop. The full extent? Waah? The game looks no where good enough to warrant how poor it runs. You're delusional.

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For the love of... the graphics are not "very good". They are decent. Please just stop. The full extent? Waah? The game looks no where good enough to warrant how poor it runs. You're delusional.


He was referring to the engine's capabilities.

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He was referring to the engine's capabilities.


The version BioWare is running or in general? Because in general who cares. We are still playing a barely decent looking game currently. DX9 is depressing and unless this man of the hero engine knows it supports DX10/11 then the engine and TOR will continue to only ever look decent.

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The version BioWare is running or in general? Because in general who cares. We are still playing a barely decent looking game currently. DX9 is depressing and unless this man of the hero engine knows it supports DX10/11 then the engine and TOR will continue to only ever look decent.


"We are considering plans for DX11 in the future. That’s all we can say at this time." - Bioware


It's not without its issues, but I like the way the game looks.

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The version BioWare is running or in general? Because in general who cares. We are still playing a barely decent looking game currently. DX9 is depressing and unless this man of the hero engine knows it supports DX10/11 then the engine and TOR will continue to only ever look decent.


Decent for you, I think it looks great.

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How can BW legally modify the game engine if the engine does not belong to them?


And where are you getting all your inside info from?


Because a lot of development products come with the option to buy a source code licence that allows you to modify the source code to your own requirements.

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Decent for you, I think it looks great.


Can I have some crack? I run full settings and there's always dark face and the shadowing is not correct. The game looks like crap. Don't look at environment, yes it looks great. The player themselves look like crap.

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I'm sure BioWare can dish out some $$$ to the devs at HeroEngine if they want something improved with it. Even without it, I'm sure the engine is developed, not left at its current state.

It's working relatively good and I use it myself for a game project, I can see why BW likes it!

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I work for one of the biggest corporations in the world.




Did you ever stop to think for one moment that the reason they chose the hero engine was because it met their list of requirements? Their CTQs perhaps? (If you know project management you know what I am talking about.) What if half the stuff they wanted to do couldn't be built with other engines? What if building a NEW engine was going to cost another 25 million?




Oh and for the record, graphically this engine is great. No one can run the full extent of the engine without some serious power, but yes graphically is very good.


Would that be McDonalds or Walmart? I'm not seeing the relevance of this comment. Working for a large corporate doesn't mean anything. A lot of people work for large companies.


Re: requirements: That's exactly my point. They looked at the feature set and decided to assume a large amount of risk by using an engine without a history or proven game behind it. The fundamental features that the game currently provides, many more established engines could have provided without as much risk. I wouldn't propose they build their own engine, but that strategy did work out very well for WoW. They have the most responsive MMO engine that I know of which is a huge complaint with this engine.


By what definition is the engine great? No DX10, DX11 or support for multi-core? Have you seen any moving water, reflections, or atmospheric effects? They had to remove high quality textures because of engine bugs. If you can't run the game at it's fullest extent it's likely because of bugs in the engine and the lack of optimization. I think the quality when it works is acceptable, but I wouldn't go beyond that.

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This thread makes me sad, knowing that the game was doomed before it even began. :(

Even so, they have commited the grave sin of not giving us server forums and that is all on them, so it doesn't really matter to me. If they don't add them before diablo 3 comes out I won't be giving them any more of my money.


This has to be the dumbest thing I've read. I can't believe people are this petty. It's mind-boggling, it really is. My god people...

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By what definition is the engine great? No DX10, DX11 or support for multi-core? Have you seen any moving water, reflections, or atmospheric effects? They had to remove high quality textures because of engine bugs. If you can't run the game at it's fullest extent it's likely because of bugs in the engine and the lack of optimization. I think the quality when it works is acceptable, but I wouldn't go beyond that.


Many puddles have reflections, the game uses all my four cores ... What's up?!

The engine works fine with as high res textures as you want, I didn't see any problems besides the abnormally huge memory use when I tried super high-res textures with the engine (that can't be normal right?)

Skyrim isn't DX10 or 11 either and people praise it like crazy!

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By what definition is the engine great? No DX10, DX11 or support for multi-core? Have you seen any moving water, reflections, or atmospheric effects? They had to remove high quality textures because of engine bugs. If you can't run the game at it's fullest extent it's likely because of bugs in the engine and the lack of optimization. I think the quality when it works is acceptable, but I wouldn't go beyond that.


One of the big stated reasons they chose hero engine was because of its collaborative development environment that would allow them to implement far-reaching changes, bug fixes etc. quickly and efficiently, as well as expanding content.


Bioware's version is multi-threaded, as they've explained. It uses all 8 cores on my machine when I'm playing. TOR does take advantage of (and will only run on) multiple cores, and they have also mentioned plans for DX11.


Let's hope they get it better optimized than it is currently, but at least it runs better on my machine than EQ2 (and that game's ugly).

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Many puddles have reflections, the game uses all my four cores ... What's up?!

The engine works fine with as high res textures as you want, I didn't see any problems besides the abnormally huge memory use when I tried super high-res textures with the engine (that can't be normal right?)

Skyrim isn't DX10 or 11 either and people praise it like crazy!


As far as im aware, swtor only uses 2 cores. Id really like to see a screenshot and system specs of your pc.

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As far as im aware, swtor only uses 2 cores. Id really like to see a screenshot and system specs of your pc.


I will gladly give you a screenshot, or post a video if you wish - I'm finishing work in 8 hours which after you may have them.


However, I don't claim that the game runs great on my system (yet) - Warzones and Imperial Fleet are heavy pain but it's a known issue and not system dependant.

It still does utilize my four cores (while GPU usage stays on super low in high populated areas, what's up with that?)


My system specs are;

AMD Phenom X4 955 @ 3.2 Ghz

4gb DDR3 1333Mhz regular latencies (cheap Kingston)

ASUS GeForce GTX 560 Ti OC @ 950Mhz core, 1gb version

Seagate Barracuda 7200rpm

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