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Hero Engine: why?


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I assume it was a funding thing, so maybe they couldn't afford to build they're own engine from scratch. Or perhaps they simply didn't have a development team capable of doing it, and they didn't want to bring in new people.


Either way it's a real shame, and we're paying for it. The ability lag and the performance problems alone are a nightmare.


Bioware has its own Lycium Engine that they use for all their games other than Mass Effect series, I dunno how hard it wouldve been to modify it to work with MMOs but I guess too hard as they went with Hero Engine instead.

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M8 plz, you can like recode an engine so fast these days.

Adding DX 10/11 support and proper multi core optimization is cake bro.

Just you wait bro,Bioware will just like operate this engine dude and it will be blasting!!!!.


Made me laugh.

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I have had no problems with the engine, it feels just like any other engine I have used in mmo's though perhaps a little better in places..


what are the issues with it? Ability delay does not affect me, nor fps loss that others are having (running on max settings myself).


I would much rather bioware spent the money on plot and character development / content etc.. than on building a new engine from scratch.


cant really think of anything missing from it that needs to be there, someone enlighten me?


Then you have not played WoW or DAOC or Age of Conan, all of which have significantly better game engines.


In fact., couple this content, with the engine from Age of Conan and you have a real winner. Of course, that's too obvious to ever be done...

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There is absolutely zero chance that this is true.




I dunno it does run ok on older stood (of course expectations are much lower too).


It doesn't like older drivers though, so the biggest issue would be if your PC had 5 year old drivers.

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If you have:


1. The permission/rights to do so (just because you use an engine doesn't mean you can modify it).


2. The Developers (engine developers not MMO developers) to do so.


3. The money to pay for the Developers to do so.




You need all three to do what you suggest, it's unlikely that SWTOR has all three.


In the interviews posted in this thread the representative from the company that created hero engine states quite clearly that bioware has a license to modify the source code as they see fit - And that bioware modified the engine to fit their needs because at the time the engine was purchased it was incomplete.


Bioware basically built their own engine based off of the hero engine that existed at that time. Since then the retail hero engine has been upgraded in one direction, and bioware has built their own way of doing things from their version.

Edited by Granrick
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Is there anyone in this thread (or forum) who has actually worked with the HeroEngine?


Or maybe the version that BioWare is working with?




Didn't think so.


Just more FUD spread about by no-nothings who just love to ***** and moan. :rolleyes:

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Bioware has its own Lycium Engine that they use for all their games other than Mass Effect series, I dunno how hard it wouldve been to modify it to work with MMOs but I guess too hard as they went with Hero Engine instead.


From what I understand it was a matter of it not being able to handle large groups of people and they would have to basically build a Multi-player part to then bolt on to it. It was easier to go with a Engine that could handle the Multi-player part and modify that.

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Is there anyone in this thread (or forum) who has actually worked with the HeroEngine?


Or maybe the version that BioWare is working with?




Didn't think so.


Just more FUD spread about by no-nothings who just love to ***** and moan. :rolleyes:


Sorry but i'll believe those no-nothings over people who are apparently on Bioware pay-roll.

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Warhammer did the same thing. If I could kick the guy in the nads who chose Warhammer's engine I would do so gladly.


The hero engine is bad. Champions has the same ability lag this game suffers from.


Champions online does not use the hero engine.

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My pc works fantastic, well done for again not knowing wth you're talking about, this game (or rather this engine) is flawed beyond believe and the people defending it are the same people who think Bioware should lay off the fixes and focus on putting more romances in the game.


Im not specifically defending the engine, I know sod all about the engine and am basing what I say on my experiences with it, which have been smooth and problem free.


If you are having problems with it and I am not, should I base my opinion on the engine around your experiences or mine? Personally I think I will base it on my own which seems somewhat more relevant to me.


The problems you mention dont affect me as far as I am aware, therefore I can only assume something is not right with your configuration or how it meshes with the engine, and I hope you get the "fixes" you need and that they dont cause problems for me.

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Then you have not played WoW or DAOC or Age of Conan, all of which have significantly better game engines.


In fact., couple this content, with the engine from Age of Conan and you have a real winner. Of course, that's too obvious to ever be done...


Yeah, don't forget those 3 games with their state of the art graphics...



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Hero engine is a good engine for MMO development.


What baffles me about TOR, however, is that they aren't using many of the great features that come with the hero engine, like the excellent character morphing system for the character creator (why the heck does TOR use such a stripped down version with premade parts instead will baffle me forever) or chat bubbles.


Current Biowares version of Hero Engine isnt compatible with the version updates from the hero engine's company because bioware has added their own additions to it. Hero Engine wasnt much more than it is now in SWTOR when Bioware licenced it.

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Again do people have to be this Snarky? :rolleyes:


But yeah the quote is in there about how the engine is Modified.....


PCGH: We know you utilized Simutronics Corporation “Hero”-Engine. Did you rework or enhance this engine for SWTOR?


Bioware: HeroEngine provides an excellent platform upon which to prototype our game. During the course of development we have modified HeroEngine as required to support the broad feature set of the game we have undertaken, and to scale to the level of usage we hope to achieve.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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Again do people have to be this Snarky? :rolleyes:


But yeah the quote is in there about how the engine is Modified.....


PCGH: We know you utilized Simutronics Corporation “Hero”-Engine. Did you rework or enhance this engine for SWTOR?


Bioware: HeroEngine provides an excellent platform upon which to prototype our game. During the course of development we have modified HeroEngine as required to support the broad feature set of the game we have undertaken, and to scale to the level of usage we hope to achieve.


Very cool!

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Then you have not played WoW or DAOC or Age of Conan, all of which have significantly better game engines.


In fact., couple this content, with the engine from Age of Conan and you have a real winner. Of course, that's too obvious to ever be done...


Not sure where you make those judgements...


I beta tested WoW and then played for several years, I played age of conan (which I personally though had an awful engine) for some time, have played Eve since beta, city of heros, planetside, swg till they removed creature handlers (and then again some time after that for a while), warhammer, everquests..


You can find years of posts across the internet under this very same username relating to all of the above.


I did not however play Dark age of camelot so cant give opinion on that, though I heard it was a decent game.


What am I missing with the AoC engine? I really found it clunky and slow, really didnt like it (other than some meaty combat bits).

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So MMO's are suppose to be about standing around in one city wearing and outfit that makes you look like a Fabulous Pirate waiting for your Dungeon to pop?



No wonder MMO's are a dying genre. :rolleyes:


No, apparently the new wave of MMO's think you are only allowed to use 1 type of weapon and the only change is it's colors... greatest... design... decision.... ever... oooh my lightsaber is now yellow instead of red!!! wow!!!


But on a serious note. Like i said, wow is old and needs to die. But the game was fantastic the first 2 expansions...then it just became... a raiding game... hopefully they have learned and won't make the same mistake with Titan.

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Some issues with the game yes. But I've been waiting for 3 years or so for the game to come out, so I'm not going to throw a nerd rage and quit. I'll keep playing and give Bioware a chance to fix things up. The game hasn't been out for a month yet, and people are flipping out.


I had high hopes for the SW community, but so far it's proven more childish than most MMO's.

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Well glad it could be cleared up...I think I'm going to take a few days off from the forums; this place is way too Toxic and nothing like the community that is in game; maybe it will have improved by the time I return.


It's already starting to get a little less suck I think.


Not as many people Q_Quitting every day, and the latest news about the PvP additions and tweaks for combat that people have been wanting have alleviated most people's fear... for the time being, that is.

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