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Community Blog Post Discussion: New Year’s PvP Update


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Sounds like some great updates, keep it up. Impressive that such a large majority of complaints are being addressed in the first month patches. Sadly I assume there will only be another round of earth shattering issues and complaints once these are handled.


My only concern is what is meant by a "PvP Tracker". Allowing players to tally and display open world kills encourages bad behavior and such. The behavior in of itself is fine and I love the nature of a PvP server, but actively encouraging it is something else.

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Great update! Can't wait to see how it all comes together, and some valid feedback in this thread too!


But it is kind of pathetic people are saying they are re-subbing because of a post like this. Did you really think they were just going to leave the game as is and not fix it? It requires a blog post for you to re-sub? Anyone with a slightly active brain will understand that they are adding and fixing stuff. Especially common concerns from the community.


Patience young padawans your concerns will be fixed in due time, no need to rush the cancel subscription button, the more people doing that the slower they going to make the game you want. (Granted if you don't like the game at all then no fix will ever help you)

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Thank you, Gabe Amatangelo! Now, when you guys put out a major expansion, include a third faction to solve the open world pvp balance issues (like DAoC). I'm thinking, ewoks, jawa, sand people, and a few other weird alien races.
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DAoC had best open world PVP ... 3 faction open world pvp with keeps and realm items to steal and hold for bonus melee dmg and spell dmg etc etc...


This for truth! i want DAOC RR system to work with the legacy system SO BADLY, I was Krup on Mordred, god i miss them days!

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Expansion of 2013 lol... hey it could happen to spice up the game once it gets stale. I would love to play a JAWA and use leet speak.


Thank you, Gabe Amatangelo! Now, when you guys put out a major expansion, include a third faction to solve the open world pvp balance issues (like DAoC). I'm thinking, ewoks, jawa, sand people, and a few other weird alien races.
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Please o Please dont add Arena's like WoW or PVP Stat tracking that encorages 'ratings'.......


Nice fixes for Illum and all we need now is to sort out pop inbalances!. Why not indicate on Server Select screen faction shortages and give a bonus to xp for leveling and rewards to encourage people to pick a faction?


Warhammer had this option, and it worked out great. (imo). Not saying anything about War as a general, Im saying THAT perticular thing worked. The end.

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Any development on open-world PVP has to take into account that players will intentionally(!) exploit and/or creatively bypass any mechanic that is put in place. The current Ilum area would have worked fine IF people fought over the objectives as intended.


Instead we see Republic standing next to Imperials casually chatting about the weather and checking who has how many ticks of their Daily left.


That is why kill-count dailies are the solution to force people to fight. Server imbalances are irrelevant because where there's fighting, people will die and the dailies will tick away.


An additional solution would be to provide a planet like Outlaw's Den that would be Ilum's counterpart for group-vs-group instead of faction-vs-faction, for those servers where republic/empire just gives up and ragererolls.

Edited by CIRSyndic
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Sad part is, I think I'd rather stay in the 1-49 Bracket than level up to 50 and deal with the Premade PvP gear bracket.



+ That you just said that Imperials already steamroll us in every Warzone there is.


I'd hardly call a 53% winrate steamrolling.

Edited by Abanoth
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Sad part is, I think I'd rather stay in the 1-49 Bracket than level up to 50 and deal with the Premade PvP gear bracket.




I'd hardly call a 53% winrate steamrolling.


Ya that will def hurt, all alts will grind 40-49 pvp from now on...

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In regards to restricting companion characters, why not kill 2 birds with 1 stone and allow the faction with fewer players to summon enough companions to equal the numbers of the opposing faction? It wouldn't completely balance the fight, but they would certainly be an appreciated boon to the overwhelmed faction. Edited by BlazingShadow
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This is not open world PvP... this is trying to funnel everyone into one planet by giving them daily quests to kill other faction members. The thing about real open world PvP that makes it fun is that it's spontaneous, which this is not.


You might as well call Ilum another warzone; the only difference between the two are that 1) you have to take time to fly to Ilum instead of queing from anywhere, and 2) there are daily "quests".

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This is not open world PvP... this is trying to funnel everyone into one planet by giving them daily quests to kill other faction members. The thing about real open world PvP that makes it fun is that it's spontaneous, which this is not.


You might as well call Ilum another warzone; the only difference between the two are that 1) you have to take time to fly to Ilum instead of queing from anywhere, and 2) there are daily "quests".


Stat tracking (aka kill counts, and valor awards) are what is required for open world PVP. Hell we don't even have that now and on Dark Malak we are getting near daily raiding parties of republic players stomping around having a great pvp time on Tatooine.

Edited by LordMorning
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I hope there will be a lvl roof for players like: 10-20, 21-30, 31-40 brackets etc.

Since its very unbalanced atm because you never get a chance to knowing your opponents attacks and ccs when you are meeting different lvls. Plus, if you are a lvl 10 and facing a lvl 40 in Hutt Ball etc, you are doomed to fail even with the buff you got to balance things out.


Sure the buff is great but it's so unfair when some classes has tons of abilitys to their advantage and better gear.

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Stat tracking (aka kill counts, and valor awards) are what is required for open world PVP. Hell we don't even have that now and on Dark Malak we are getting near daily raiding parties of republic players stomping around having a great pvp time on Tatooine.


You are picking a planet to go cruising for trouble that may or may not be there. That is different than the developer telling people, "hey, go to Ilum, because that's where we're telling other people to go who want a sure fight...we've planned it all out for you already."


Again, open world PvP is at its best when it's spontaneous, like what you said is happening on Tatooine -- the problem isn't a lack of rewards. The problems are when people are told where to go, or when they can't try to PvP elsewhere because the opposing faction's NPC guards will kill you in a few hits.

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You are picking a planet to go cruising for trouble that may or may not be there. That is different than the developer telling people, "hey, go to Ilum, because that's where we're telling other people to go who want a sure fight...we've planned it all out for you already."


Again, open world PvP is at its best when it's spontaneous, like what you said is happening on Tatooine -- the problem isn't a lack of rewards. The problems are when people are told where to go, or when they can't try to PvP elsewhere because the opposing faction's NPC guards will kill you in a few hits.


You are overstating the effect of 1 zone.

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I'm really glad to hear about the 50s bracket, I was about to quit PVP'ing until 50, which would suck because I love it.. but man, putting 10-30's in the 40-50's is not cool.....


Also, I agree with the frustrations of "casual" vs. "hardcore". I think the best way MMO's can address those issues is match rank and level, and handle pre-mades differently.


Perhaps if a pre-made wins 3+ matches, with minimal deaths and in record time, then block those players from PVP warzones for an hour, giving other players a chance? Or a daily "win" cap, after which, no more warzones admittance? Or not a "Block" but a special PVE Zone with exotic dancers to keep them away for awhile? :p


In my defense, it's not QQ if ithese are suggestions that might keep more casual players pvp'ing and having at least a chance....

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Great news that PvP is one of the first major systems to be looked at. I've really been enjoying PvP despite a number of issues.


Here's a list of issues I'd love to see addressed


1) Having to rebuff (class buff and sprint) after each death. If the mechanics of the way your buffs work (only apply on cast) then leave that as is, but please don't disable sprint on death in battlegrounds

2) Huttball - need better alert when you've received the ball, it is still unclear and I've played it quite a bit

3) Let players get out of combat quicker. As an Assassin I find myself standing in the corner waiting to get out of combat for an extended period of time.

4) Diminishing returns on stuns - not saying this has the be the answer but it can definitely feel frustrating when being stunlocked.

5) Return us to our group after the round, we don't want to have to constantly re-add to group to play together



All great suggestion Especially #1 or make sprint a passive ability, having to re enable that on every death is damn annoying because half the time when i hit the key i have it bound to it doesnt always activate for whatever reason also. I back all of those suggestions and one other thing I saw that disappointing me in this post "restricting Companion Characters from the area" I was excited to have a "pet" that was actually worth a damn for PVP the AI of the companions in this game is light years beyond pets I have had in past games and they have been valuable allies in pvp allowing me to survive when being jumped by a group, even victorious.


Only other change I would suggest instead of diminishing the returns of stuns, up the stun break refresh time, it takes way to long and give additional stun breakers, sure we have Purge, and abilities to help teammates break free that hardly anyone uses in random pickup war zones but I still feel the need for more stun breaks because when someone can stun lock me and kill me in 5 seconds even after I break the first stun, that is BS and unbalanced.


Some other suggestions that might belong somewhere else but as I dont get on the forums much here is my rant, no other MMO that I have played allows me to pan the camera while holding either mouse button down, its always been only right click, please enable me the option to disable this on my left click, Im tired of looking at a ceiling after trying to click the ground for an interactive ability IE Death Field, pass the huttball, etc.

Also the ability to adjust my clip plane, used to be there before launch please bring that back, that would help the players fps issues alot.



Again excited to see PVP was one of the first major things to be worked on and addressed, still in awe of this game Great Work!

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I'm really glad to hear about the 50s bracket, I was about to quit PVP'ing until 50, which would suck because I love it.. but man, putting 10-30's in the 40-50's is not cool.....


Also, I agree with the frustrations of "casual" vs. "hardcore". I think the best way MMO's can address those issues is match rank and level, and handle pre-mades differently.


Perhaps if a pre-made wins 3+ matches, with minimal deaths and in record time, then block those players from PVP warzones for an hour, giving other players a chance? Or a daily "win" cap, after which, no more warzones admittance? Or not a "Block" but a special PVE Zone with exotic dancers to keep them away for awhile? :p


In my defense, it's not QQ if ithese are suggestions that might keep more casual players pvp'ing and having at least a chance....


I have had no issues holding my own in warzones as I lvled, even topping damage kills or objectives since mid 20s .... except against 50 smugglers and their knock you to the ground stun lock BS

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I was never a huge fan of Battlezones or warfronts or even battlezonefronts. Although I do them in most games cause they seem to be almost the only choice you have to earn pvp gear.


Please more open world pvp. Rewards for killing people would be a nice start. Even a system where it was impossible to gain a competitive amount compared to a battleground... Just a lil something would make me feel like I'm somehow still working towards my goals and not just wasting time.


Diminishing return on rewards for killing a on lvl person to much in a short period of time is great too. Makes it so people don't get over rewarded for stomping one person over and over.


Also please don't forget us on pvp servers will want to pvp in more places than just ilum.

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