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Mercenary- Bodyguard (Healing) Imperial!


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My English typing isn’t perfect, i know but if you need a healing spec i would recommend this.

This is just a little something something i wanted to do so here it goes!


Rule nr 1: Read :D



RULE NR 2: USE YOUR HUNTER BOON! It increases your and your team's Endurance by 5%! ^^ Be a good person and buff us!



RULE NR 3: Use Combat support cylinder if you are healing!



RULE NR 4: Heat bar, pay attention to those 4 arrows, it is your "heat dissipation", it makes your heat recover faster and as long as you stay around 4 / 3 you are safe, but if you get at 1-2 you will most likely end up using a cooldown.


1.Introduction / spells / how to


2. Talents / skill tree


3. Attributes


4. Bindings


So you found out you wanted to be a bodyguard mercenary healer, well that's good.



Mercenary’s have a couple of main spells and there isn’t alot to remember when you first get the hang of it. Here i will try my best to explain how i heal and how I prefer to do it.



You have a couple of "presences" you can use while playing Bounty hunters, you got something called Combat support cylinder. What does it do?

It increases your healing and damage by 3 % it also gives you a stack called Supercharged (which i will explain abit later down in the guide).

Rapid shots is normally your non heat cast. This is something you would prefer to use at all time, it heals your target if you auto shoot on him. Use this at all time if you are able to. What it does is that it gives you a stack called Super charged (you also gain super charged by Rapid scan and Healing scan.) When you have 30 stacks of Super Charged you would prefer to have some heat, and it really depends on the situation. What Super charged does, it gives you 30 stacks which can be used to gain a buff called Super charged gas.



Super charged gas gives you 10 % more healing / damage, and it also removes 16 heat.

It reduces the heat cost of your Power shots and your Unload.

And your Healing scan will have no cooldown (preferably you would use your healing scan 1 time and use your Rapid scan due to a talent point i have in my spec which i will link abit later on). Critical Efficiency gives you 100 % chance if 3 talent points is used to give your next Healing scan 100 % chance to reduce the cost of your next Rapid scan by 16 heat. That's why you would prefer to use your super charged gas and make sure you don’t waste all your heat.



Another great thing by using Super charged gas is Proactive medicine, Healing scan have 0 seconds cooldown which makes a part of your spec another key to succeed. Healing scan has a 100 % chance to apply Proactive medicine which also gives a healing over time effect (there is also an "upgraded version" of this talent which give's 10 % more armor).



Kolto shell, it have 10 charges when the target take's damage he will receive a heal, but this effect will only occur every 3 second. It's great to keep it up on the tank or yourself if you’re running around question etc.



Kolto missile: it's a AoE (Area of effect) heal. If you are playing with friends or there is some heavy AoE damage going on you would probably be using this, there is also a talent point called Kolto Residue, it increases the healing on the target by 5% so it's always great to keep it in your mind / rotation. This might be lifesaving at some point.



Emergency scan: An instant heal that heals ALOT more than any of your casts if you keep Kolto missile and the buffs up on the tank / group or whoever you are targeting. It has a 20 second cooldown so be careful about wasting it, never know when you would need it the most.



Cure; remove negative tech & physical damage. Knowing when to use this ability can be difficult, but look for (EFFECT)


Exampel : Sith Sorcere Affliction you will see a purpel glow on the target



Power surge : Makes your next spell instantly for 15 seconds, which means you can only use 1 spell which have an instant effect on the target. I usually use it on my Healing scan for the reduce cost on Rapid scan, but in some cases if the tank loose health fast you would probably be ending up using your Rapid scan. But have no fear! You got something called Thermal sensor override and Vent heat.


Thermal sensor override: Your next ability generates no heat. This is always great if you got some problems with getting your heat down.



Vent Heat: This is your most important Cooldown, It removes almost all your heat if you’re stuck at 60-90 heat you would be using this to get your heat back to the 3-4 heat dissipation. It removes 50 heat and it have 2 minutes cooldown. So be careful about using this one and keep your heat as low as possible when you are healing.



Kolto overload: Regenerates 15 % of your max health over 10 seconds. It’s always great for pvp and pve if you got problems topping of your group and yourself at the same time.



Energy shield: Reduce the damage you take by 25 % there is also a couple of talent points here which can be helpful but it's not necessary. The talents makes you immune to interrupts and increases the healing you gain by 10- 20 %. But i wouldn’t go for this unless you’re going pvp.



Chaff flare: it removes the threat on all enemies around you, always great when you’re in a flashpoint and struggle with threat, at least i do sometimes. So keep it on your action bars if you got some threat problems.




Talents: There isn’t really many ways to spec if you’re going pure healing but there are 2-3 specs that you can currently have which is good for pve and pvp. I am not planning to explain my pvp build but ill link it up if someone is interested.




This one is just a basic healing spec which probably is most used if you are a pure healing spec, it's great for AoE heals and give's more heal increase / cast speed. Not much to say.





Only difference is, if you struggle with heat you choose the talent tree above, if not you should go for this 1.




This is my currently pvp spec, there isn’t any huge difference in the talents but the more survival you have the better, if you are interested in my pvp spec just pm me if you want to. And i don’t mind to help out.



Attributes: This is the only part I’m not 100 % sure on, but!


Aim and Alacrity!


Aim: Aim: It increases your healing, healing crit and tech power. This is your main priority stat on gear. Not much to say it's great :)


Alacrity: It works as haste or you could say, it makes your casts faster. To have faster heals is always great.


Tech Power also increases your healing which gives you more "healing power" then aim does, but those are only found on weapons, and rarely armor.


You should be aiming for Heavy armor with aim and alacrity those 2 stats have is the best priority in my eyes.


What’s an easy way to get gear? Well you can do pvp and do the weekly's to get gear bag's always great to get some free gear if you are lucky. The gear bags may contain Epic piece tokens that you can trade in at the Combat area in the Imperial fleet. Also do your ilum and warzone daily’s, they give Champion gear bags. And if you reach pvp rank 65 you should be choosing the Battlemaster gear pack.


4. Bindings


I have a coupel of bindings i have been using trough many mmorpg game's


My most common bindings is:


Shift 1-6 Shift-G Shift-H Shift-V

Control 1-6


Mouse button 3, Mouse button 4, Mouse button 5

and of course the button 1-9 but you would prefer to use a short distance on your bindings so you can reach it.



Anyways this is my guide i hope it helps to anyone that is in need of it. It’s the first time I’ve ever written a guide and i might be making one for dps later on.


As for copyrights, i would prefer if you ask me before you use it on your own page or other places.


If you have any questions please ask send me a mail ingame if you’re on the same server :)


I am playing on Hex droid and my name is Shiro ^^


Oh and i would like to add. We are currently a couple of Norwegian mates recruiting so if you’re a fellow Norwegian and are interested in raiding feel free to whisper me and we can discuss it then.


Shiro, Guildmaster of Pandora's Box






Edited by SpartanRat
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what is the point going for alacrity? It doesnt seem to help with 1.5sec casttime abilitys. There are 2 main abilitys which would benefit from alacrity, Unload and Rapid Scan.

Sure, if you are going to be a healer, 0.5 sec of your main healing spell is great.

But how much alacrity would you even need to achieve that? Would it be worth it to sacrifice crit, endurance or any other main stat?


I think it isnt worth it and would instead go with talents which i know are helping a lot:



- skip Improved Vents, it just another security net and is almost never really needed.

- Power Insulators/Protective Field can be exchanged, both are survival talents and usefull. I cant justify going for both, Power Insulators are "always on" and help more in the long run, but your mileage may vary.

- i would go deeper in Arsenal, it would make for a more balanced spec overall and help a lot with damage. Almost every talent in the first 2 Arsenal tiers are helpfull. Pyrotech specialises on combustible gas cylinder early which doesnt help the bodyguard mercenary at all. And the other early talents in Pyrotech are pretty boring/useless

Edited by Micos
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Well, there is some sort of cap on alacrity, but im not quiet sure how much it is,


atm im at 11 % faster cast wich is about 300 alacricity, due to the 4 % from the spec it's pretty nice. and i wouldnt advice to go any further then 300, but to be honest there isnt any other "attribute" that you can go for unless you buy power or crit gear.


i would easly sacrefice some health vs cast speed, but crit is allways welcome.


and about your talent spec, if you got enough time to do dps and are abel to use that spec then you have to be carefull about your heat at all time, so i wouldnt really reccomend, if your dps is to bad to reach the enrage timer and your going with a party full of irl m8's it might be viabel, but with a random group it would be alot more challenging, wich i allways love.


- skip Improved Vents, it just another security net and is almost never really needed.

- Power Insulators/Protective Field can be exchanged, both are survival talents and usefull. I cant justify going for both, Power Insulators are "always on" and help more in the long run, but your mileage may vary.

- i would go deeper in Arsenal, it would make for a more balanced spec overall and help a lot with damage. Almost every talent in the first 2 Arsenal tiers are helpfull. Pyrotech specialises on combustible gas cylinder early which doesnt help the bodyguard mercenary at all. And the other early talents in Pyrotech are pretty boring/useless



I can agree on improved vents, it's not needed but it can be helpfull at some times.

true but it all depends on the situation aswell, even if it's more suited for pvp or pve dosnt matter, all damage reduction and healing increases is allways great. and i would rather go for the Protective field instead of power shield, but im not sure if you lookd at my pvp spec or if the links are abit messed up, ill check it after this.


But the only arsenal talents that would be worth it is Muzzled fluting if so , you would much rather get more healing due to the Supercharged gas, it also reduces the heat on power shot & Unload(the use effect im talking about ofc). that's the part you can spam your damage abilitys, wich also helps when you have alot of alacrity like i do, i got short casts and i do around 1.8-3 k dmg on them. And wasting 3 talent points bcs you dont want to be interupted i would pretty much say that those 3 talent points are usless.

And i dont struggel with heat if i do it at that point. But yes your spec is most likely viabel but i would have done a few changes like this: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300bfRMR0fdkqZMckZb.1


still got 1 talent point left, but that's all up to the user what he would prefer, 4 % alacrity is 4 % of your own alacrity so i would still recomend this.



and if you are disagreeing please respond, who knows we might find out something that both think is better :)

Edited by SpartanRat
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that's the part you can spam your damage abilitys, wich also helps when you have alot of alacrity like i do, i got short casts and i do around 1.8-3 k dmg on them. And wasting 3 talent points bcs you dont want to be interupted i would pretty much say that those 3 talent points are usless.


are there any damage abilitys besides Unload which benefit from alacrity? I couldnt find any, maybe i'm missing something. I guess both of our channeled area attack skills may or may not benefit from it, but i dont know if it's even worth mentioning when Death From Above is a bit quicker.

Any other abilitys including Power Shot are 1.5s and should not be affected because of the global cooldown.


i like having a bit of Oomph behind my attacks and there is arguably nothing worth taking that would increase healing by a noticeable amount. Usually there will be no room for damaging abilitys while healing PvE, but its great when you are on your own questing. And in PvP everything goes, interrupt free Power Shot and Unload are quiet valuable.

Edited by Micos
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are there any damage abilitys besides Unload which benefit from alacrity?

Any other abilitys including Power Shot are 1.5s and should not be affected because of the global cooldown.


i like having a bit of Oomph behind my attacks and there is arguably nothing worth taking that would increase healing by a noticeable amount. Usually there will be no room for damaging abilitys while healing PvE, but its great when you are on your own questing. And in PvP everything goes, interrupt free Power Shot and Unload are quiet valuable.


Well Oomph that would be power / Crit


But alacrity give's you faster dmg on your dots aswell. i did some reasearch around it, and im not sure but the spec i came up with was this :http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300ZMIkMRMdRkcZfG0bz.1


It might see abit weird to be honest, but it might be a viabel spec for the alacrity.


I have been trying it out and if you say you have many dots that does damage over time you would probly benefit alot more from alacrity, but it's still hard to find what's best between crit and power, as for dps it would be Crit. Crit is Doubel the normal damage wich means you get more "Oomph" for you i guess :p


Anyways ill be back on this later, going to bed for now so ill write more when i are awake, thanks for replying and checking up ^^

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  • 9 months later...

Hey spartan great starting guide, i loved reading, and i really like how it was more enjoyable than crunching boring old numbers.


my only concern is you said "having more alacrity is never a bad thing". Well to be honest it kinda is bad in a sense. the fast you cast the more you heal of course, but then you burn through your heat much much faster, i augment for Power augments and crit, that way you heal much bigger heals, and it doesnt make a difference with your heat, the alacrity you get from your base gear is more than enough.


take into account this is from a PvP perspective.


Cheers! - Chris

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Hey spartan great starting guide, i loved reading, and i really like how it was more enjoyable than crunching boring old numbers.


my only concern is you said "having more alacrity is never a bad thing". Well to be honest it kinda is bad in a sense. the fast you cast the more you heal of course, but then you burn through your heat much much faster, i augment for Power augments and crit, that way you heal much bigger heals, and it doesnt make a difference with your heat, the alacrity you get from your base gear is more than enough.


take into account this is from a PvP perspective.


Cheers! - Chris


You necro'd a thread from 10 months ago. Why?


How did you even find this thread?

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