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Reminder: This Isn't World of Warcraft.


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I've just finished hitting 50 along with my Agent class quest line (which was AMAZINGGG) and my motivation to do anything else in the game took a huge nose dive. It feels like I'm just starting over in WoW with an annoying, inverted UI, and awkward ability lag (with 60-70 ms) that makes pvp and pve not something to look forward to. :(


I am genuinely sad my class quests ended, though. I'll miss you Keeper and Watcher Two! Definitely look forward to if/when they continue the story.


After ive finished my Jedi Knight i want to start digging up tail on a bounty hunter or a imperial agent. :( They look so cool!


That awkward moment when you realize you spend 148 hours on level 20 >_<

Edited by Alexzs
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So stop comparing this game to wow. I played wow for years, and stopped playing before Cata. I distanced myself from MMO's for a while so when SW:TOR came out I would have a fresh non-objective opinion of the game (So I can enjoy the game for what it is.)

Do yourself a favor and stop trying to make this just another wow expansion. Erase that part of your brain that constantly compars your Jedi Knight to your Death Knight. Your Rogue to your Smuggler. They're not the same, and they never will be.


If you do this you'll enjoy the game SO much more. Trust me.


It works.





"Use the Force, Harry!" - Gandalf



I played WoW since original beta and have been progressively raiding until Deathwing, so I can completely agree that this game is not wow.


That being said:


WoW did alot of heavy lifting for other MMO's, they created a basic formula for UI's and features that has proven itself to lend to a very competitive and enjoyable game. Does this mean that Bioware should copy them 100%, no. Does it mean that Bioware should have payed attention to features that have become synonymous with a profitable and forward moving MMO, yes.

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Well, we comppare this cause it is actually just like Warcraft, apart from hiding same boring quests with voice acting, its totally same game and doesnt offer anything new or innovative at any aspect. However it s not completely WoW since it has left out many good things that wow had and most things they took from WoW are second hand quality, like combat system and character respnsive+action delay. Edited by Forsbacka
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Read the PVP post. I beg to differ.




, Hello. Since we at BW are innovative in Bioware and dont copy things from WoW and want to offer different kinda MMORPG experience from WoW to players we decided to create these new features in the game:




"We also have other exciting features coming in the near future including Ranked Warzone Matches, PvP Stat Tracking."



"Additionally we’re looking at ways to enable team vs. team, more level brackets and the ability to choose which Warzone you want to play in."



"The planet of Ilum currently allows for open world PvP even on a PvE server, but the mechanics and incentives of the planet are not in as intended yet. We’re working on longer term goals for the planet and for other PvP areas, but expect to see some interim adjustments in January - such as more respawn points to focus conflicts, restricting Companion Characters from the area, and revisions to rewards. Ilum will also become a major source of Valor. Valor buffs will increase and decrease based on the objectives your faction owns. These buffs increase the amount of Valor you receive per player kill. However they do not give anything in and of themselves, so players will still need to defeat other players for significant Valor rewards. Additionally, daily and weekly missions will require player kills to complete. Player kills for quests and Valor credit will have diminishing returns per player killed. So, the more players that are fighting other players, the better it is for everyone."




"Level 50 Bracket Warzones: Level 50 players will have a bracket of their own, playing in separate Warzone matches to lower level players. This is something we have wanted to do for some time and now that there is an increasing number of level 50 players we will be implementing the feature in January."

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AMEN. Problem is a lot of gamers are younger and never experienced the GRIND that EQ was. As much as I am disappointed with the direction WoW is taking (and I do love TOR) I am a bit disappointed that BW didn't try to break rules like Blizzard did.


For instance EQ required a group to gain any meaningful experience. The only thing you were soloing was selling items in East Commonlands. In order to even find a place to level up, you had to yell "camp check" to make sure all the premier XP spots weren't already taken. Quests were really not like they are in WoW- as a matter of fact despite the name, quests were few and far between. Instancing? LOL. If you wanted a Raid Boss, you basically had to fight hundreds of other players to attempt him- Guilds had loose alliances and a raid group could be up to 100 people. crafting was also revamped by Blizzard. No longer did you have to camp a mob for 14 hours to drop one piece of cloth.


Ah Nostalgia. The good ole days.


Exactly, but people try and say wow was just an eq clone.... It kinda was, but it wasn't in the areas that counted.


We don't corpse run or camp check no more because blizzard thought it wise to challenge the old school conventions that soe set.


In what ways has biowares challenged blizzards conventions set by wow? I would argue in very very few ways.


In fact representatives of the company have gone on record to suggest it would be stupid to challenge wow's trends! Can you imagine if blizzard felt the same way about eq's vision of an mmo? Would we still be camp checking to this day?

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You are correct, WOW has had a LFG tool for a while. Bioware has seen this. Bioware chose not to implement one, it was not an oversight. I'm glad that they did not.

Warcraft = Queuecraft

There is a reason we are playing SWTOR and not WOW.


Yes the reason is you prefer to sit in the chat channel asking for a healer or tank for hours on end from what, 20-150 players that can read you. And then having to run through 100 corridors to get near said dungeon. And then do combat with a primitive UI where you have to guess what's happening at best with no combat log, no target of target, no threat indicators and no to so many things missing.


The list of missing features is long and well documented in these forums. And there is no need for that, any fool with a WOW account can see and learn those features in half a day.


Call WOW all the names you like, SWTOR is not even half that good.

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Just cause your an idiot and can't remember a game you played a few years back doesn't mean this game didn't rip 90% of its features from WoW.


I challenge you to tell me what core features this game has that makes it different than WoW?


I'll start you off with Cinematic makeup on old and tired quests from WoW is halfway one.


And then another would be the ship they give you and crew skills, thats two...


Give me more? Cause I'm level 30 right now and every single thing i do reminds me of that game i quit back in 2007 cause i got bored of it then too.


Is this sarcasm? If it is then almost all key bindings are a copy from WOW and mouse movement and camera panning is 100% WOW. Talent systems and the various talents are a rehash of WOW's talents and combat mechanics (at least on paper). I mean seriously. My Jedi consular has battle stances as has my WOW Warrior. He taunts the same too. And some of his abilities trigger off of crits or have some chance to do something per talent point. I stopped comparing there because what's the point.


This is a bad copy of WOW. Even my Mangos private WOW emulator plays better than SWTOR.

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Is this sarcasm? If it is then almost all key bindings are a copy from WOW and mouse movement and camera panning is 100% WOW. Talent systems and the various talents are a rehash of WOW's talents and combat mechanics (at least on paper). I mean seriously. My Jedi consular has battle stances as has my WOW Warrior. He taunts the same too. And some of his abilities trigger off of crits or have some chance to do something per talent point. I stopped comparing there because what's the point.


This is a bad copy of WOW. Even my Mangos private WOW emulator plays better than SWTOR.


I'm not sarcastic at all, I want people to tell me what this game has that wow doesn't.


I can't think of any other than the lame cinematics that's just make up on a pig, and my spaceship with crew.


This game is a wow clone until it has some things that really differentiates it from the same old tired crap we were doing back In 2007. Boriinnggg.

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AMEN. Problem is a lot of gamers are younger and never experienced the GRIND that EQ was. As much as I am disappointed with the direction WoW is taking (and I do love TOR) I am a bit disappointed that BW didn't try to break rules like Blizzard did.


For instance EQ required a group to gain any meaningful experience. The only thing you were soloing was selling items in East Commonlands. In order to even find a place to level up, you had to yell "camp check" to make sure all the premier XP spots weren't already taken. Quests were really not like they are in WoW- as a matter of fact despite the name, quests were few and far between. Instancing? LOL. If you wanted a Raid Boss, you basically had to fight hundreds of other players to attempt him- Guilds had loose alliances and a raid group could be up to 100 people. crafting was also revamped by Blizzard. No longer did you have to camp a mob for 14 hours to drop one piece of cloth.


Ah Nostalgia. The good ole days.


There is a range of players. Those who are devoted to a game and learn to expect very little in return of incredibly long playing time. Those who want very tough challenges and brag points. Those who are casual and only have a couple of hours a couple of evenings a week. Those who prefer PvP and questing/levelling simply gets in the way. Those who prefer to solo everything and rarely socialise. Those who want a pure MMO where crafters make everything, where skill matters in crafting, where grouping is a necessity, where players modify the world, where casual players do not belong.


Most players are in the middle as WOW has taught us. Even though WOW started very "casual" compared say to SWG or EQ, so many (millions) of players complained that it then became even more casual. If you for example raided up to the Outlands and then raided again in Lich King you will know how much they simplified the game.


Currently it has become so efficient : log on, queue, 5 mins - bang! 25 man raid - bosses toned down, free loot, instant gratification. Try to do that 2 years ago, you'd be waiting for hours and you'd need a completely efficient guild (whoever has been running a 25 man raiding guild recently will know what I mean).


So WOW has taught us what most players want. They have the numbers there is no denying. Do we want a game that will only appeal to one of the smaller groups? Say the PvPers, the power levellers, the hardcore raiders, the pure-MMO fanatics?


Or do we want "WOW + something more". I personally want "WOW + skill dependent crafting". I am also open to other ideas.


What I got instead with SWTOR is "WOW less lots of features". I did not expect that, I did not even think anyone in their right mind and a big budget would ever do that. The list of features missing or badly implemented is astounding. Do the new features make up for the ommissions? The voice overs? The light-dark gauge? The companion system (aka pets for everyone). Cool stuff but not enough. Not nearly enough.

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