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Reminder: This Isn't World of Warcraft.


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That's not what I am saying at all, you nerf herder. What I am saying is; You can't expect this game to be as advanced as WoW is. It's going to take time for all the kinks to get worked out. So accept it for what it is, and enjoy that glass of water.


actually, given the amount of time this game has been in the works i actually do expect it to be at least as advanced as wow in the last year or 2. why? because when i buy a game i expect equal or greater play and function of the previous game of the same type i played.


anything less is boring and lazy.

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Just cause your an idiot and can't remember a game you played a few years back doesn't mean this game didn't rip 90% of its features from WoW.


I challenge you to tell me what core features this game has that makes it different than WoW?


I'll start you off with Cinematic makeup on old and tired quests from WoW is halfway one.


And then another would be the ship they give you and crew skills, thats two...


Give me more? Cause I'm level 30 right now and every single thing i do reminds me of that game i quit back in 2007 cause i got bored of it then too.

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You're right. This game is definitely not wow...or rift for that matter. If it was, I wouldn't have hit level 25 and be bored out of my skull.


No, you would with both of those..as I was in Rift and Wow.

I only lasted 1.5 weeks in rift before the boredom crept in.


With wow is was when my Guild split..then after the companionship was gone I was stuck with a lack luster game.

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That's not what I am saying at all, you nerf herder. What I am saying is; You can't expect this game to be as advanced as WoW is. It's going to take time for all the kinks to get worked out. So accept it for what it is, and enjoy that glass of water.


When WoW came out, lets pretend it didn't have quest system. Lets pretend it didn't want to break any rules.


Lets pretend it used a system like the previous great game known as Everquest did and you were expected to get into a group with a puller, a healer, a tank, and an enchanter to mez and slow mobs if you ever wanted a chance to get any XP. All mobs that you can solo give zero xp like in Everquest. Lets pretend thats how WoW was when it launched because thats what it SHOULD have been if they didn't expect to make advances over EQ. It never would have made it. It wouldn't be known as the game that brought MMO to the masses through accessibility because games before it were anything but that....


We can only pretend for so long though. We don't "camp check?" anymore do we when we want to XP? We go to our quest hubs now and eat our precious little personalized wrapped quests because WOW made this the primary means of leveling up in MMO's. And guess what? We're still doing it today? SWTOR didn't try and break any conventions like WoW did with EQ in any meaningful way other than trying to put makeup on a pig (old and tired kill x, gather this, click that quests from circa 2004). If you wanna be the best you gotta beat the best, and Bioware hasn't really tried to take WoW on at all IMO. They've made a game thats at best the same dang thing, and at worst, the same dang thing.


Stories helped for a little while, but again, its still the same tired quest system till you raid system we've seen for far too long now.

Edited by kalexkhan
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ZOMG I LOVES WoW. They never rehash content (Ony, Rag, DM, Troll stuff, etc). They never only release a 6 and a half boss raid for an entire tier. They never say they will give content then don't (Abysal). Their classes are perfectly balanced. They will has pandas. They will has Pokemon. They put out new content sooo fast.




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When there is a standard to follow, whether official or unofficial, everything will be compared to that standard. I am note saying it is correct or even wrong to do so but WoW is currently that standard. Live with it.



However, I find it interesting that when most people start bringing up issues with "this" game and no mention of any other game it seems that the vast majority of people automatically "assume" someone is thinking WoW. That is your short coming not theirs. Get over your limited view of the gaming world.



Frankly swtor along with wow are behind the eight-ball when it comes to several things. For example both have a limited view of the UI. I have played many F2P games that simply allow you to "unlock" the UI so that the user can scale and move the ui around to fit their play/design style. I do not like they "size" of the UI or the fact that i cant move things around to fit my needs and play style of both this game or wow. The developers really should allow us to move our ui around; a simple option in the preferences.


DOH i just compared SWTOR and WoW! Oh wait no i was comparing them against a couple of F2P games i play when the P2P games get old and I no longer see value in giving them my money.



Get over your limited MMO view

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Thursday during the keynote panel at the DICE Summit in Las Vegas, BioWare's Greg Zeschuk admitted that Blizzard's World of Warcraft has established MMOG standards in which BioWare will follow with Star Wars: The Old Republic.


"It is a touchstone," Zeschuk told the audience. "It has established standards, it's established how you play an MMO. Every MMO that comes out, I play and look at it. And if they break any of the WoW rules, in my book that's pretty dumb. If you have established standards, WoW established them."



yeah. its nothing like wow. nothing at all. :rolleyes:

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You're right. This game is definitely not wow...or rift for that matter. If it was, I wouldn't have hit level 25 and be bored out of my skull.


It's almost as if you're so bored of leveling that you can't stand to do it, even when the gameplay is fun...

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People aren't comparing DKs to Jedi or Rogues to Smugglers. They're comparing the lag, ability delay, rock bottom UI, the general lack of "standard" quality of life MMo features etc etc.

Ability delay is a non-issue if people know what they're doing. I had ability delay for a few days. Then I forwarded the proper ports and bam, no more delay.

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I went back to WoW today, after a year off.


Nostalgia is a powerful thing.


I like my smuggler.


Yeah it's painful every time I have to log in to WoW to help a freind I can't wait to get back to my Jedi and a quest that doesn't involve a pop culture reference or poop. Thankfully my sub expires in two days then it's getting deleted from my HD forever.


I mean yeah WoW is great if you are a hipster they are all about that stuff but I find it lame.

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People aren't comparing DKs to Jedi or Rogues to Smugglers. They're comparing the lag, ability delay, rock bottom UI, the general lack of "standard" quality of life MMo features etc etc.





Who's been complaining that Smugglers aren't enough like Rogues?

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When WoW came out, lets pretend it didn't have quest system. Lets pretend it didn't want to break any rules.


Lets pretend it used a system like the previous great game known as Everquest did and you were expected to get into a group with a puller, a healer, a tank, and an enchanter to mez and slow mobs if you ever wanted a chance to get any XP. All mobs that you can solo give zero xp like in Everquest. Lets pretend thats how WoW was when it launched because thats what it SHOULD have been if they didn't expect to make advances over EQ. It never would have made it. It wouldn't be known as the game that brought MMO to the masses through accessibility because games before it were anything but that....


We can only pretend for so long though. We don't "camp check?" anymore do we when we want to XP? We go to our quest hubs now and eat our precious little personalized wrapped quests because WOW made this the primary means of leveling up in MMO's. And guess what? We're still doing it today? SWTOR didn't try and break any conventions like WoW did with EQ in any meaningful way other than trying to put makeup on a pig (old and tired kill x, gather this, click that quests from circa 2004). If you wanna be the best you gotta beat the best, and Bioware hasn't really tried to take WoW on at all IMO. They've made a game thats at best the same dang thing, and at worst, the same dang thing.


Stories helped for a little while, but again, its still the same tired quest system till you raid system we've seen for far too long now.


AMEN. Problem is a lot of gamers are younger and never experienced the GRIND that EQ was. As much as I am disappointed with the direction WoW is taking (and I do love TOR) I am a bit disappointed that BW didn't try to break rules like Blizzard did.


For instance EQ required a group to gain any meaningful experience. The only thing you were soloing was selling items in East Commonlands. In order to even find a place to level up, you had to yell "camp check" to make sure all the premier XP spots weren't already taken. Quests were really not like they are in WoW- as a matter of fact despite the name, quests were few and far between. Instancing? LOL. If you wanted a Raid Boss, you basically had to fight hundreds of other players to attempt him- Guilds had loose alliances and a raid group could be up to 100 people. crafting was also revamped by Blizzard. No longer did you have to camp a mob for 14 hours to drop one piece of cloth.


Ah Nostalgia. The good ole days.

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So stop comparing this game to wow. I played wow for years, and stopped playing before Cata. I distanced myself from MMO's for a while so when SW:TOR came out I would have a fresh non-objective opinion of the game (So I can enjoy the game for what it is.)

Do yourself a favor and stop trying to make this just another wow expansion. Erase that part of your brain that constantly compars your Jedi Knight to your Death Knight. Your Rogue to your Smuggler. They're not the same, and they never will be.


If you do this you'll enjoy the game SO much more. Trust me.


It works.





"Use the Force, Harry!" - Gandalf


I agree that they're very different games, and I enjoy them both for different reasons.


I don't think trying to objectively look at areas where WoW is superior and learn from them is a bad thing. I'd actually seriously consider leaving WoW completely if this game offered: Comparable combat quality, comparable UI customization, comparable "basic" features, and perhaps a dungeon tool.

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You ever heard of Dungeons & Dragons?

So what does WoW have to do with that?


Stop comparing, it's mental.


If you go like THAT.

Every current MMO is a Dungeons & Dragons clone. DOT

Edited by Alexzs
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''World of Warcraft is currently the most popular MMORPG, counting its members in the millions. While the world has a unique style and storyline, many of the character classes, races, quests and playing styles in World of Warcraft are very similar to Dungeons & Dragons. While MMORPGs have become more popular than pen-and-paper RPGs, the MMORPGs ultimately owe their success to Dungeons & Dragons. And now, Dungeons & Dragons Online is available, bringing fantasy full circle, from tabletop to desktop. ''




here for the smart people around us!

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I've just finished hitting 50 along with my Agent class quest line (which was AMAZINGGG) and my motivation to do anything else in the game took a huge nose dive. It feels like I'm just starting over in WoW with an annoying, inverted UI, and awkward ability lag (with 60-70 ms) that makes pvp and pve not something to look forward to. :(


I am genuinely sad my class quests ended, though. I'll miss you Keeper and Watcher Two! Definitely look forward to if/when they continue the story.

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actually, given the amount of time this game has been in the works i actually do expect it to be at least as advanced as wow in the last year or 2. why? because when i buy a game i expect equal or greater play and function of the previous game of the same type i played.


anything less is boring and lazy.


Then go back to wow and stop trolling the TOR forums.

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