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Significant HP cap issue. anyonw know what this is?


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My unbuffed hp with gear when i fully equip it is 11.1K (level 40 shadow tank) with 930ish endurance (got out a calculator to verify that the bonus endurance on my character sheet with this hp level is correct.)


Occasionally, when zoning in (via elevator or to a new planet, what have you), my hp will drop to 7.98k hp and my endurance will drop to the 600ish range. I can fix the issue by unequipping all of my armor and then re-equipping it, but This seems like a bit much to do whenever i go to a new zone/planet/instance/floor



Anyone else experiance this issue? Is bioware aware of this bug?


edit: I've noticed wierdness and decided to run tests. in the tests, i clear all buffs and perform this out of combat (orbital stations are the biggest place this bug occors)

Edited by artilleryshell
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My unbuffed hp with gear when i fully equip it is 11.1K (level 40 shadow tank) with 930ish endurance (got out a calculator to verify that the bonus endurance on my character sheet with this hp level is correct.)


Occasionally, when zoning in (via elevator or to a new planet, what have you), my hp will drop to 7.98k hp and my endurance will drop to the 600ish range. I can fix the issue by unequipping all of my armor and then re-equipping it, but This seems like a bit much to do whenever i go to a new zone/planet/instance/floor



Anyone else experiance this issue? Is bioware aware of this bug?


edit: I've noticed wierdness and decided to run tests. in the tests, i clear all buffs and perform this out of combat (orbital stations are the biggest place this bug occors)



No it is a problem with the coding and the mods in your armor aren't being recognized.

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What You may want to look at is to see if its any specific piece of gear that is not displaying stats when you zone might be a pain to narrow down. But I am sure that you are taking more of an over all reduction and not just that stat.


Edit seems that someone else was on same track as me

Edited by Lamentari
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What You may want to look at is to see if its any specific piece of gear that is not displaying stats when you zone might be a pain to narrow down. But I am sure that you are taking more of an over all reduction and not just that stat.


good idea. i'll try to hammer out what the problematic peices are next time i get in game.

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Same happens with the slave girl outfit pieces, endurance is completely ignore upon login in, zoning into/from the ship. Reported the problem ages ago.


did you get any kind of response? this is kind of game-breaking for me. having to equip all of my gear every time i zone means i need two lines of bags clear just so i can be competitive.

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I have been doing flashpoints with a group of people and in our group there is one person that also has this bug. He has to constantly be taking his armor off and putting it back on for the game to recognize his stats. It gets really annoying when we start up a battle and he forgets to do this first because he gets killed very quickly.
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On further investigation:

This bug is applying specifically on every load of a new zone (ship, elevator, airlock, log-in)

It applies to: Orange gear, not just my social gear. my light saber takes this hit too.


To fix: you have to manually remove the peice of equipment and put it back on. Hotkeying isn't working for me as it will only recognize re-equip on click, but not unequip. simply easier to manually remove.


You can remove one peice at a time and it will recognize stats correctly.


Bioware: get on this. This is one of your lauded features and at current it takes way too much effort to use.

Edited by artilleryshell
adding instances of occorance
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inb4 fanboy response


1. The hp issue is normal, this isn't wow it's different.


2. go back to wow


3. this game is perfect.


I'll go ahead and address the fanboi response before someone not being sarcastic posts it.


This is definitely a problem. I got out a calculator and did the math. I can fraps it to evidence it. The gear says it does something that it has to be manually equipped to do every time you load anything. This is not good.


Edit: for all wow's failings, this never happened to me there, not even a little bit. This is like half of my gear we're talking about. If bioware can't get this done right, then i'll not be playing mmorpgs.

Edited by artilleryshell
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