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No love for the "Light Side" players...


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Lorewise you follow the Light Side in order to help the galaxy to come to a balance not for personal gains.


The need for personal gain, feel different than others etc are all signs of the Dark Side and the need to be (and look) a superior being from the pack.


after all this is SWTOR :p not a circus with "glowing" people running around :p

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The other day, I saw this Commando standing at the Trade Center and went WOAH! "Look at that dudes face!!!!" He looked pure evil!


So, I had this discussion with some guys at work about "dark side corruption". Basically, every character starts out on a level playing field. Alignment = 0.


As a character progresses towards the Dark Side, their physical appearance CHANGES. Pale skinned... exposed viens.... dark red eyes...

What some players might think of as a "cool factor", while other may go "ewwww" (me, I go ewwww).



That said, Here's the problem.



What about us players who progress towards the "Light Side"?? Why do we get no physical appearance change????


Doesn't really seem fair.


I can walk by a player and just KNOW by looking at them they are Dark Side... I have NO IDEA if a player is Light Side unless I inspect them, and find them wearing gear that "requires Light 3" or something.



I am patitioning that Light Side characters receive some sort of physical appearance change as we progress towards the Light!


Maybe instead of "Dark Red" eyes, our eyes have a Glow to them?

Maybe instead of "Pale" skin, our skin has a shimmer to it?


No, I don't want a Halo. LOL.




But.... Something, please?




How about some Love for the Light Side players? :hope_06:




Shimmer shimmer ya' !!

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Well being as kotor was a single player game there probably wasn't much need for the physical change, but it was in the character panel. I don't think there is a need for it I just think the OP may have a fair point. If you dont want your lightside glow or whatever you can turn it off just like you can for the sith corruption. Seems like a pretty cool feature to me.


It's not just a matter of being fair. The game is based on Star Wars lore and in Star Wars there IS NO physical appearance change for being Light Side.

Edited by Vesperascit
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What needs to happen is the removal of sith corruption for characters that HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO CONNECTION TO THE FORCE MAKING THEIR ALTERATIONS LORE BREAKING. I spend most of my forum time trolling the trollers but its small things like this that I dont get; especially for a game with such a strong story emphasis. In regards to this thread lightside appearance changes will never and should never happen.
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That is, in around 3-4 months (unless other classes proof highly superior mechanic wise), we will have an incredible bias towards the sith class, which not only rises a faction imbalance, but also a intra-faction (class) imbalance.


A cosmetic difference between light side and dark side players is not an "imbalance." It's just a difference.


Changes that fly in the face of lore fore the sake of coolness are not a good idea. I'm sure the SWG players among us could cite several examples of where stuff was added because someone thought it'd be cool and they ended up being ridiculous.


We don't need a bunch of glowy light-side angels running around. Star Wars just doesn't work that way. And, no, I don't want it to be an option that can be disabled, because it doesn't make sense. Jedi just don't glow.

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What needs to happen is the removal of sith corruption for characters that HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO CONNECTION TO THE FORCE MAKING THEIR ALTERATIONS LORE BREAKING. I spend most of my forum time trolling the trollers but its small things like this that I dont get; especially for a game with such a strong story emphasis. In regards to this thread lightside appearance changes will never and should never happen.


Actually this is true. Someone with no connection to the force wouldn't be corrupted since they aren't tapping into the Dark Side. They are just making evil decisions.

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It isnt his job to come up with the idea... Let Bioware figure it out. But I agree with him 100%.. Light side deserves something. Obviously a sparkly skin twilight look would be completely idiotic, but there is plenty of other things that you could do.
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A cosmetic difference between light side and dark side players is not an "imbalance." It's just a difference.

I'm quite confident that I was talking about a more general aspect of the game, i.e. population/class imbalances created by the complete pale faction (read: republic) and class imbalance, by completely pale non-Force classes (Sith/Jedi use the FORCE after all).


Changes that fly in the face of lore fore the sake of coolness are not a good idea. I'm sure the SWG players among us could cite several examples of where stuff was added because someone thought it'd be cool and they ended up being ridiculous.

If we go by Lore we'd have but a Jedi Knight and a Sith class.

The SW IP doesn't have a lot of room for "cool" classes.


We don't need a bunch of glowy light-side angels running around. Star Wars just doesn't work that way. And, no, I don't want it to be an option that can be disabled, because it doesn't make sense. Jedi just don't glow.


But it's ok to have an option disabling dark corruption? Yeah, right.

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There is a way of knowing if someone is light side..


They don't look dark side.




True an'all, unless;


- They have show sith corruption turned off

- They're 'grey' (no one is, well my Jedi is, but it isn't feasible unfortunately..)


So in summary, if they aren't evil, they look normal, ergo - light side looks normal. That's your way of telling pal.


You can thank me in anyway you see fit.

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What needs to happen is the removal of sith corruption for characters that HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO CONNECTION TO THE FORCE MAKING THEIR ALTERATIONS LORE BREAKING. I spend most of my forum time trolling the trollers but its small things like this that I dont get; especially for a game with such a strong story emphasis. In regards to this thread lightside appearance changes will never and should never happen.


their explanation is that everyone can be affected even if they aren't a force user. they're connected to the force, they just don't use it.

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There's no lore basis for it and as any game that uses a license is limited in what they can do with that license, BW wouldn't be able to add lightside appearance changes without upsetting the license holders which could lead to a loss of license and then the shut down of SWTOR due to legally being unable to run a Star Wars game without the Star Wars license intact.
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It's not just a matter of being fair. The game is based on Star Wars lore and in Star Wars there IS NO physical appearance change for being Light Side.


Doesn't the game break the lore in few different ways anyway? How does a non-force user get corrupted by the darkside to the point he has a physical appearance change, where is the lore to back that up? Never heard of a stealth tank in star wars lore before this game.

Edited by Zerothreat
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There's no lore basis for it and as any game that uses a license is limited in what they can do with that license, BW wouldn't be able to add lightside appearance changes without upsetting the license holders which could lead to a loss of license and then the shut down of SWTOR due to legally being unable to run a Star Wars game without the Star Wars license intact.


This is a pretty valid reason if it is true. I'm sure they had to tip-toe around the license quite a bit, but just show me where it says it would be breaking the license. I myself have no clue what BW is allowed or not allowed to put in thier game.

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This is a pretty valid reason if it is true. I'm sure they had to tip-toe around the license quite a bit, but just show me where it says it would be breaking the license. I myself have no clue what BW is allowed or not allowed to put in thier game.


Certain companies are notorious for pulling licenses. I am not sure about Lucas' track record, but Gamesworkshop is an example of a company that used to pull licenses at the drop of a hat.


It is all but confirmed that the first Warcraft RTS was being made as a Warhammer RTS, but they went too far off fluff/lore and the license got pulled. They changed enough stuff to avoid getting sued (which there's evidence they got sued anyway) and hence Warcraft was born.


MMO licensing does work slightly differently though, and I'm not entirely sure how differently, since SWG was able to remain open even though Sony were not the current license holders.


I think the Star Wars license is tied directly to LucasArts, which is why they're involved in any Star Wars game ever made, so if they pull out that's where the problem arises.


It should be noted though that light-side players get access to two exclusive colour crystals while dark-side players only have one exclusive colour.


People can argue whether having red eyes and veins is anymore cool than being able to use both blue and green lightsabers.

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The other day, I saw this Commando standing at the Trade Center and went WOAH! "Look at that dudes face!!!!" He looked pure evil!


So, I had this discussion with some guys at work about "dark side corruption". Basically, every character starts out on a level playing field. Alignment = 0.


As a character progresses towards the Dark Side, their physical appearance CHANGES. Pale skinned... exposed viens.... dark red eyes...

What some players might think of as a "cool factor", while other may go "ewwww" (me, I go ewwww).



That said, Here's the problem.




What about us players who progress towards the "Light Side"?? Why do we get no physical appearance change????


Doesn't really seem fair.


I can walk by a player and just KNOW by looking at them they are Dark Side... I have NO IDEA if a player is Light Side unless I inspect them, and find them wearing gear that "requires Light 3" or something.



I am patitioning that Light Side characters receive some sort of physical appearance change as we progress towards the Light!


Maybe instead of "Dark Red" eyes, our eyes have a Glow to them?

Maybe instead of "Pale" skin, our skin has a shimmer to it?


No, I don't want a Halo. LOL.




But.... Something, please?




How about some Love for the Light Side players? :hope_06:




I made almost the exact same suggestion a week or so ago.

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Light side characters have no need to alter their appearance. The easiest way to know someone chose light side options is to notice they don't have pale skin or red eyes. Mind you, I understand that dark side players can turn off this corruption effect if they want, but the point is that in the Star Wars universe there has not had anything like that for the light side.


Personally, I think that only force users should get the corruption turned on. Since it is the Dark Side of the Force that is causing your corruption, non-Force users shouldn't be effected by this corruption effect. Grand Moff Tarkin, the guy that gave the order to destroy a peaceful planet, didn't have pale white skin, veins throughout his face, and red eyes, now did he? :-)

Edited by kenundrum
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You get 2 options:


1- Twilight vampire mode on. Notice they have orange eyes too.

2- Green skin like Yoda


Seriously, the Jedi Council was not famous for the display of light and colors that went thru the windows and need of sunglasses if you wanted to look some Jedi directly to the eyes.

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I can't remember a single case where the light side visibly changed your appearance to other people (except maybe to Miraluka, but they already have functionality for that in the game).


Does that Miraluka social emote actually show anything different between the alignments? I haven't gotten a Miraluka past Coruscant yet or run across any obvious Dark Siders. How about the Cyborg scan emote?

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