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What could have prevented 90% of the rage?


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The people whining the loudest for letting everyone in at once are most likely the ones who preordered the latest. Had they actually preordered and registered on day #1, they'd already have been at the front of the line and wouldn't be giving a damn about the "injustices" being put on the people behind them.*


They also are the ones who cry about how only the people who camp out in line for 2 days to get Black Friday deals got the limited quantity sale item, but only after showing up 5 hours after the store opens and demanding the same deal.


They also think it isn't fair that people who are born before them get to age first, when everyone is going to be aging eventually.


They have been known to think that even if they ignore the clearly stated rules, that if you throw enough money around, they are entitled to be forgiven for their stupidity.



*(That being said, I know married couples and even some guildies who got in today who are holding off leveling up until their friends/spouses/guildies get in on their own time. Or are at least only experimenting around with alt characters and holding off on their mains so they can play along with the folks they want to experience the game with.)



I procrastinated and waited for a couple of paychecks to come in before I preordered. I figure I have at least another 2 days before I get to play the game (the one I haven't paid for yet, days before anyone else who didn't already order it can even go into a store to buy it.)

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I agree with alot of what you said but there is quite a bit of whining going on as well. But I think that Bioware's relative inexperience with a MMO has a large part of the rage. I don't think you'll see a staggered launch again in an MMO.


there is ALLOT of whining but honestly, you cant say one side or the other is whining more.


Those that got in have been every little bit as whiny (maybe even more in hindsite) on the forums as some that didnt


And I agree I doubt we ever see a staggered launch again because its just not fair in the long run (and that comeing from someone that doesnt care a spit about 50, world firsts, who levels fasted, non of that nonsense).


And you might be right about the inexperience of Bioware


but here is the reason why thats scary


They do the staggered launchs and then go home at 3:30 pm. by 5:30 pm est all hell has broken loose (and it had) and we know the uppidy ups got phone calls telling them the inmates were rioting in the streets....


and they stayed home


THATS the scary part to me.


I worked ALLOT OF YEARS, decades in cust service and when something like what happened here yesterday happens, you (the boss) get your butt into the office and you do SOMETHING, ANYTHING to settle the inmates back down.


In a Restraunt you promo some food/drink

In a Hotel, you comp something

Here, you up tommorrows morning wave to tonight so everyone knows your on the job.


And yet that never happened, no one came, they masses vocalized themselves into a frenzy and left


Who here really beleieve all of them just left quietly to come back tommorrow?


So if Bioware doesnt care about them, why should they care about me when I run into a problem? Why should they care about you? About him? About anyone?


THATS the message I got yesterday from what happened and Id be lieing if that didnt worry me ALLOT.

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It would have been prevented by letting us play.....we've been waiting years.....now they just stopped letting us in even tho they have probably hundreds on staff even now at this time of night.....Tsk tsk tsk........Do i feel a blizz in here.....ooops i meant breeze


People named Vegetalink should be kept out at all costs anyway :p


Nontheless, it couldn't have been avoided. No matter what you do or how you do it, there'll always be ragekiddies. to be honest the information was reasonably clear, but then again that was mostly because i checked the forums. People that pre-ordered without checking the forums aren't getting what they expected, no. Kinda bad.

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Nothing could have stopped the rage. If they told everyone a week in advance what hour and date they would get in, a large vocal group, but still a minority, would be on the forums up in arms, because this game is very fun and we are all excited.


Lets face it. This is the ultimate compliment from a group of people that obviously have difficulty expressing their excitement. Every time I see "I will quit!" or "You are going to pay for not letting me in first because I am the most important!" what I read is "I can't wait to play, and I really wish I was in the first group" from a person who can't seem to maintain enough control over themselves to put it that way.


This isn't the death of SWtor, this is its baby steps into what could be a bright future, and I can't wait for a week or 2 from now when we are all playing and raging about pvp balance, the odd bug, soandso's guild claiming worldfirsts and someone else calling them a liar.

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I prefer to believe there are many Bioware employees yucking it up at all the whining right now, sifting through the hundreds of pages of QQ posts to find the choicest bits of nerd rage to pitilessly mock.


But in all seriousness, I don't know what all the fuss is about. Go outside, toss a football around with some friends. Take a walk. Read a book. Spend a few hours pouring over random Wiki articles. I don't know...just do something other than this. I say it for your sake, not mine.


It's a game, people. We'll all be in soon. Chill.

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