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What could have prevented 90% of the rage?


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It would have been more profitable and reasonable if they would let in the collectors edition first, followed by the deluxe, and then the standards. But just placing thme by preorder dates has been a PR nightmare. I understand the situation but I would imagine being 10 years younger and hadnt learned patience like most of the players I would be upset also.
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So if they do that an the servers crash and launch is pushed back a week or two and no one can play for that long how is that going to solve the rage?


You think there will be less stress on servers after the 20th? When there is general downtime after which everyone will log in at the same time?

The mass log in scenario will happen multiple times in the future.

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Was it so hard to just say, "Our general plan is to do (X) number of people on the first day accepting a range of preorders that were placed on date (X) to date (Y), and leave a disclaimer that its subject to change depending on extenuating circumstances?


When you tell people a percentage chance, or any indication of when they can expect to be entered into the game, most people would fall into a submissive acceptance even though some trolls would persist.


Instead the only information Ive seen is vague at best.

You could only get 1 day, but we wont tell you *trollface*

Have fun wasting your days longing for what wont come.


You've seen the outrage of people who didn't get in on day 1 even when they were told that it wasn't guaranteed... could you imagine how bad it would get if for some unknown reason BW had to delay a day's invites that they had already announced? I'm pretty sure the internet would just break.


BW explained they did this to keep flexibility, sure, its annoying not knowing, to agonizingly keep hoping for that email... my f5 key is begging to be put out of its misery, but patience is a good virtue to have for life as well as video games.

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Hyperbole, much? They don't have to let everyone in at once, both point 1 and 2 would be mostly taken care of if they told people beforehand when they were getting in or even when they hoped to get everyone in.


Simple communication, all problems solved. Bad communication, despite how strangely and abrasively people are posting their concerns about it, is a legitimate complaint.


After playing WoW for 5 years, i can tell you right now that it isnt hyperbole. People still massively whine on MAITENENCE days being down for crying out loud.


The mature people would have taken the communication thankfully, but there would still be a ton of whining with or without it. You just wouldn't have the well constructed posts like i saw here occationally today. Very little of what i have seen today has actually been about the lack of communication, which granted is a fairly decent issue.

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It would have been more profitable and reasonable if they would let in the collectors edition first, followed by the deluxe, and then the standards. But just placing thme by preorder dates has been a PR nightmare. I understand the situation but I would imagine being 10 years younger and hadnt learned patience like most of the players I would be upset also.


Actually i disagree with this. It would be even worse, because it would pit the people who had the money for CEs against those who didnt or just plain didnt want it. That is much more "class warfare" than this situation due to money involvement.

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It would have been prevented by letting us play.....we've been waiting years.....now they just stopped letting us in even tho they have probably hundreds on staff even now at this time of night.....Tsk tsk tsk........Do i feel a blizz in here.....ooops i meant breeze


I dont think bioware cares for anyone but themselves and EA. All they make is excuses, early access supposed to mean Early access for those who pre orders it, as a fixed DATE and not stagger it.


Sure they give us 2 extra days, for july/august pre-orders, and NOT all can get those precious 2 extra days (like july ones). Early Access should be 5 days and not staggered I would be most happy with that. Or even the days is counted depends on your type of Pre order. CE gets 7 days, Digital Edition gets 5-6 days, SE 3-5 days. It would be much much simpler and I think it would make everyone happy. Its fair, no CE pre orders would've been left out (even those who pre orders since july, most of CE orders are from july).


But noo, bioware has to screw EVERYTHING up. I am willing to wait an extra 2 weeks (because as an australian I will get the game at 25-29th of decemenber and its the priority speed, lucky me!). But at this poor, POOR service they giving us is just out of hand. When they give us something, its bunch of BS and very little informations. Just excuses why they need to stagger it.


They dont want to server to go overload, but then why were the stress test there for? For lollipops and rainbows? Jesus Bioware has absolutely no clue what they are doing. They had a really good Beta, but they have the WORST Launch in MMO history (the worst in my experience only).


I wonder what they gonna do for future content...

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Prevent? There is always rage in the air.. BUT...


what would have been "more welcome", would have been waves 50/50

not like they are rolling atm


like.. hey, lets put 50% of pre-orders in, config and see if it works, then rest of pre-orders.

If servers goes down... so what, almost every mmorpg crashes during launch, that's what people are already got used to.


If this plan would have stress the server, lets fix them in first maintenance.



The end, everyone happy


sry for crappy english, hope you understand some of it

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Prevent? There is always rage in the air.. BUT...


what would have been "more welcome", would have been waves 50/50

not like they are rolling atm


like.. hey, lets put 50% of pre-orders in, config and see if it works, then rest of pre-orders.

If servers goes down... so what, almost every mmorpg crashes during launch, that's what people are already got used to.


If this plan would have stress the server, lets fix them in first maintenance.



The end, everyone happy


sry for crappy english, hope you understand some of it


From experience, being able to play a day and then suddenly not able to for several due to server overload creates much more rage than never playing in the first place.

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So if they do that an the servers crash and launch is pushed back a week or two and no one can play for that long how is that going to solve the rage?


They will crash now or on the 20th so what's the big deal. So a few servers crash; that I can live with. Not allowing everyone in that is unsettling.

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What could have alleviated the rage is if they invited waves from 8 am to 12 mindight


Could even be same amount of players as were invited today but the image would have been of them working around the clock to get up and running


Stopping at 3;30 pm est was the ENTIRELY WRONG MESSAGE TO SEND and has honestly caused most of the back lash.


What could haver prevented the rage


Equal access to all - simple


Treat everyone equal and most rage goes away!


Oh sure you will still have a acceptable amount of anger over servers/lag/ even names in some cases but over all, most of this would be gone.


But Bioware/EA made artificail social status for groups and the people have played them to a t


Those in the launch posting here, man you cant get much more self satisfied and arrogent then they been


And some of those out have railled like end of world is happening


they played their social status roles to a T


So what could have prevented 905 of the rage, BETTER CHOICES BY BIOWARE/EA!



I agree with alot of what you said but there is quite a bit of whining going on as well. But I think that Bioware's relative inexperience with a MMO has a large part of the rage. I don't think you'll see a staggered launch again in an MMO.

Edited by Starwitch
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After playing WoW for 5 years, i can tell you right now that it isnt hyperbole. People still massively whine on MAITENENCE days being down for crying out loud.


The mature people would have taken the communication thankfully, but there would still be a ton of whining with or without it. You just wouldn't have the well constructed posts like i saw here occationally today. Very little of what i have seen today has actually been about the lack of communication, which granted is a fairly decent issue.


WoW is kind of known for it's bad community, isn't it? Maybe I'm just temperate (is that the right word?), but I would like to believe that it would be a lot easier to separate the trolls from just disgruntled customers if communication were fixed. A lot of posts seem to be extremes, mostly with those that are defensive of BW. Anyone and anything complaining is immediately labeled a troll, or a child, and refusing to admit that they may have a point.


May not being going about it the right way (a lot simply aren't, and are doing themselves a disservice) but there is one. There seem to be very few clear heads on both sides, which is a shame.

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Here's how they can prevent rage:


By actually pushing their servers tomorrow to see how many people they can handle. Instead of just letting in a couples days worth of people. I mean look at the servers right now, I know it's late but most are reading "Light".


tl;dr - a proactive approach instead of "okay, job's done for today!"

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Here's how they can prevent rage:


By actually pushing their servers tomorrow to see how many people they can handle. Instead of just letting in a couples days worth of people. I mean look at the servers right now, I know it's late but most are reading "Light".


tl;dr - a proactive approach instead of "okay, job's done for today!"


They are bunch of lazy groups. I am sorry, but thats what I think about it. You have a JOB to do, you have to do it RIGHT and to the VERY end. 2Pm and just take off? I thought a job is supposed to be till 3-5pm.


Bioware really could push one or two more wave for the day.

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I think a lot of the raging(not all, there will always be those that feel they were slighted) would have been avoided, had they did continuous waves throughout the day, instead of doing 4 or 5 or whatever it was, and then saying "well, that's it folks, see you tomorrow"


Now most of this flaming is really beyond my comprehension.


I played in the stress beta, and thought this game was a lot of fun.

My preorder date is Aug 12.


I have played many MMO's (EQ1 and 2, Vanguard, Lineage, LoTRO, AoC, and probably a couple of others I can't recall right now)


Here is my playing style:


A) Do not care about being the first person to Level Cap.


B) Loved the class Story Lines


C) Try doing all the quests and side quests in a particular zone.


D) While I am doing quests, I take the time to look at some of the artwork and detail that went into making the scene.


E) Spend time Chatting with Guildies.


Will I get in the game tomorrow? Don't know, Don't care. But when I do get to play it, I am sure I will enjoy it and that will keep me entertained for a long time.

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Allow guilds into deployed servers first.


Fairly high chance that those guilds are going to go to those servers as a collective group and as a result you have an good idea of how many people will be on that server.


Step 1: Build a database of all the guilds on a server: Check

Step 2: Register how many members are in each guild: Check

Step 3: Add up the number of each guild....

Step 4: Figure out how many people you want per sever wave....

Step 5: Relegate guilds to servers to balance out the population: Check

Step 6: Open up the servers to those guilds...



BW went to the trouble of pre-planning where guilds were going and building a guild database then completely screwed themselves out of the most SIMPLEST way to handle the staggered access.

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