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This is to ask a MAIL-BOX to be added in Player SHIPS


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Mail on ships might be cool, but petitions are a waste of forum space (which is why they're forbidden by the forum rules). A discussion might be nice, but a bunch of "/supports" here is completely meaningless, skewed, and will probably end up closed or removed eventually.
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From a lore standpoint, barring delivery of physical items, I don't see a problem with it. Weren't credits kept electronically?


I loved the The Pride of Chanur. The merchant ships received money transfers as well as scanned spaceport messages from within ship. Kindof a cool idea especially for letters from NPC's concerning quests.

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seems kind of lore breaking to have a mail box on your ship. AND, how would the mail man ever know exactly where to deliver your mail???


Convenient? yes.


Necessary? no. You need to get out of your ship from time to time so the Droid can clean the cheetos off your bed. :)


That stupid ships droid would have to fetch it as one of his regular ships duties.


I'm impartial. There are enough mailboxes around the zones that one more on the ship would hardly matter.


What I'd really like to see on my ship is a class trainer!

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MAIL? That moves magically through the ETHER? What do you think this is, some sort of jetpack/spaceship/hovercar techno world?


To be fair, most of my mails are actually -email- like responses from the auction house notifying me how many credits just hit my bank balance so to be fair, not all mail receiving would be having things magically appearing in my ship.


Granted the alternative point of view being you buy something from the auction house and then receive it in your ship is absurd, not because of the fact 'how did that item magically get inside my ship' (however you forget, your ship's robot is MORE then capable of retrieving it for you) there is no AH inside the ship, which means to receive anything you've bought inside your ship you will have had to be dumb enough to WALK PAST an actual mail box in the first place just to go to your ship to receive it.



so /support, its nice to be able to quickly grab my credits from something selling before jumping off my ship onto my next planet, even if it is only a minor aesthetic.

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I would like to ask community what they think about implementing a Mail Box that could be available in every Player Ships.


If you support this idea just reply below with a :




or if you don't like this idea with a :




If you have suggestions feel free to share.


Thank you for participating.

Apparently reading English is not your strong I see.


Petition posts are frowned on. If you have an issue with the game, please discuss it in a civil and informed fashion.


That or you're making a deliberate choice to misuse the forums.

Edited by The_Eyesight
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If you consider how obserd the mailbox system currently is... You can get your mail, complete with attachments, from ANY mailbox in the game, on any planet and any town, How does it know that you will be at THAT box?


Putting a mailbox on your ship is hardly a stretch, considering.

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Oh yes please!


I don't care how it's justified, intergalactic mail has always been weird, just let me check mail from my ship.

How are you going to get the mail on your ship? Personally I don't want some random courier walking up to my ship and messing with it. Therran and my droid are always making stuff, so no one can guard the ship.

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From a lore standpoint, barring delivery of physical items, I don't see a problem with it. Weren't credits kept electronically?


I loved the The Pride of Chanur. The merchant ships received money transfers as well as scanned spaceport messages from within ship. Kindof a cool idea especially for letters from NPC's concerning quests.



Mail wouldn't be delivered unless docked at either a space station or a planet if you want to have continuity in regards to physical item inclusion. Seems more likely than sending a chestplate through the tubes that you purchased at the market at a random mailbox.


Certainly I don't see this as even close to being pressing concern but it would be a nice touch.

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I think this is a very poor idea. Convenience isn't always a good thing.


The obvious effect of having mail access in one's ship is that we'd all land on planets less often, spending more time in our private instanced ships. That is in no way good for the game's community.


If you're one of those people who simply doesn't care about the community, ok. Fair enough, your view is valid, but then so is mine. I LIKE seeing people in the world when I play; that's part of what I enjoy about online games - the feeling of being in a shared space.


No mail in ships please. No GTN in ships please. No trainers in ships please. These are all terrible ideas. To be perfectly honest I'm torn about whether it's even a good idea to give us rest exp for being in a ship; I'd kinda prefer if we all logged in and out while in cantinas.


Increasing the instanced and private nature of this game is undesirable. Enough people already complain about it being too much like a single player game. Let's not exacerbate that.

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This is a given IMO. Funny thing is now in RL I walk around and get mail on my android phone. I think being a game set in modern times I should be able to send and recive messages anywhere in the game. I cant tell C2-N2 to come get this package and deliver it for me? Its not outside realistic. Or C2-N2 bring me the gloves my friend mailed to me. Mail should be ecerywhere.

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