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Datacron perm stat bonus


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So I've been focusing on power questing to 50 and only just came across a datacron by accident in my 30s. They only give +3 or so to stats. Do you think it is worth it to go back and find them all? I found a list of all of their locations: http://www.swtor-spy.com/datacrons/ , though I think the time it would take to go find them all would not be worth it. Maybe once I hit 50. Thoughts?

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True but its a trade off, the time it takes to find these vs. the time the increased stats would save from leveling. I might be able to get 100k experience in the time it takes to hunt these down.


It could be fun though. Finding the burred treasure.

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Well I've been collecting the Data Crons since the beggining. Yes it's worth it. If your just trying to hit 50 and the level and the levelling content is not worth it. Then hit 50 and go back to get them. If your enjoying the content that bioware designed the whole game around(leveling with the dialoge). Then spend the time to get them.


From what I understand there are 5 datacrons per planet.

1 for each of the primary stats( think)

and one matrix shard. I'm not sure what matrix's due. Maybe a stat bonus?


The early ones are only +2 and later +3. If they go higher i'm not sure. but let's assume that they are +3 average.


There are 15 planets?

So your Prime stat will get a +45(apx) stat bonus.

I think it's worth while in the long run.


You also get stat bonuses to presence(companion buff)

and endurance.

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True but its a trade off, the time it takes to find these vs. the time the increased stats would save from leveling. I might be able to get 100k experience in the time it takes to hunt these down.


It could be fun though. Finding the burred treasure.


or you can do it at 50 where you will have more time :)


i have found only 1 and i will search them when i reach 50 :)


ofc they are a must :)

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Doing them as I level, the stat increases are brilliant. That and I like the exploration side to finding them too. Even if some are out of the way/hard to get etc, they are usually where you are missioning at that stage, so makes no nevermind to spend a shortwhile to get them. Unless of course you are really ocd about efficient levelling...
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I collected all of them up through the second planet (and even sidetracked to the other starting planet in my faction for a few more), but since then I started to lose interest. Once you get into the 20s the minor stat boost gets less and less significant and hardly worth the bother except for completionists. When you get your relevant stats over 500, why spend time for a +3 or +4 when the same amount of time questing will get you commendations to exchange for a mod that gives an incremental +6 or more?
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Do it as you level. You basically walk pass, by, over, under, ever datacron in the game as you level.


If you missed them then it's your call as to whether it's worth your time to go back...not my call. At a minimum I'd try to get the two that apply to your class (endurance and _______) as well as the matrix shards.


Be warned, some are in heroic instances or require 2 people to get to or 30-60 minutes to get (Tatooine balloon ride. If you screw up the jumps it can take hours to get).


Most people in general chat on planets are clueless about datacrons when I ask them if they want to follow me to get one...and no one ever follows. /shrug Their loss.

Edited by Thradar
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Since I don't want to spoil anything but wanted to comment on the FUN part. For the most part they are fun. Most of the time you will spot one then have to back track halfway around the map to figure out the path to it. But there are a few that you just will not find unless you either 1) get the list or 2) like crawling on top of everything. This is because not everyone is visible a few are actually tucked away in places that only diligent explorers looking at every inch of every map will every find. Not that is bad I brake out the list if I have not found them all naturally when I have completed a planet. So far its only been a few that have made me bust out the FAQ.


All that said and trying to be spoiler free as possible I want to murder the guy that thought it was a fun idea to make getting to 2 datacorns should be a one shot deal every 40 minutes or so. Even then you got to waste 20 minutes sitting on your butt even if you got all the timing down.

Edited by Saice
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Let me just say without spoiling anything.There are also data crons that give out plus 10 to stats.So yes its a big part of the game when it comes to content and its one of the things I look forward to doing in my free time.This is quit frankly brilliant content.
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As long as we can go back and find them all when we're 50, I'll get them all. Right now, Im only getting the ones i see on the way to an objective, or if Im in a group and they want to get one.


Otherwise the LAST thing i need is to be even more distracted on my way to 50 than i already am hah! :p

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I collected all of them up through the second planet (and even sidetracked to the other starting planet in my faction for a few more), but since then I started to lose interest. Once you get into the 20s the minor stat boost gets less and less significant and hardly worth the bother except for completionists. When you get your relevant stats over 500, why spend time for a +3 or +4 when the same amount of time questing will get you commendations to exchange for a mod that gives an incremental +6 or more?


because a better base value to start with.

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Are they worth getting? That is up to the person. Do you want +40-50 in every stat? I do. If you are just plowing through levels so you can quit the game in a month when you hit 50, then no, it's probably not worth it. I honestly don't understand the post, your goal in the game is to power level to 50 as fast as you can ... why would you ever think searching the maps for hours on end would help in that goal? It will take some time to get them all, that is for sure.


The 5-6 datacrons I have found were pretty fun for me. It is a good idea to promote exploration as well as breaking up the quest grind. I wish there was more content like this in the game. It reminds me of doing tomb unlock hunting in WAR.


I know I won't get them all by 50 (I have missed some already), but will be fun to go back and look for them at some point. Your best bet would probably be to cheat and find a guide online showing where they are all located. As then you can just pick them up as you quest and be done with it. But for me, finding them is most of the fun.

Edited by Vidrak
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