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The Majority of us are having a great time!


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Bro, your signature says it all...you're just a negatorian. lol


I beta tested the same game, for just about as long as you have...sure there were frustartions, then and now...but I've remained positive throughout and continue to do so at my own benefit (having hella fun regardless).


Being concerned with the direction of the game is one thing, crying out for attention...as your sig clearly demonstrates a whole new set of issues.


No offense.


(I'm referring to to text in RED)


because bw's cut and paste response to my 75 tickets is clearly acceptable. as is theeir silence on virtually every bug untill the thread asking for help get to be OVER 100 pages long..:rolleyes:


and im not your 'bro'

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The game is ok, best release I've ever experienced and I expect that they'll add more to it as it matures.


One thing though, what is with theese people, who claim that the game is utter crap, will go f2p next week, Bioware are the most evil people on the planet, and they sleep with the devil, which seems to be EA in this case.



Look, if you don't like something, just leave it be, who in their right mind, would spend so much time complaining about something they hate, and according to their opinion, never will like?


I hate Mcdonalds, but I don't pay them a visit every day, telling them how disgusting their food is, that's exactly what some of you whiners are doing.


SWTOR obviously won't be for everyone, heck WoW werent for everyone, I know a good amount of mmo players who thought it was just terrible, and stuck with their EVE, EQ, SWG or what have you.


But they didnt spam the forum with "lawl this game sux!!11 and EA are pure evil!"




In all honesty, you people are either:


1, lying and still playing the game


2, need to get a freakin life

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there is a very very big difference b/w having a positive attitude and COMPLETELY ignoring every issue in this game simply because it doesn't affect you.


fact: ui is a buggy piece of junk

fact: there are a TON of EGA folks that cant continue companion quests because of a bug found in JULY!

fact : crew skills at this point are more useless now then they were in beta

fact: there are numerous grahpical issue that are still present in game...even though they were bugged in beta



Nobody ignoring the issues, they just realize that in the grand scheme of things its not a big deal. There are many other things to like about this game that far and away trivialize your "facts." They are not a big deal man. Here is some real release bugs and lack of content that you probably are too young to remember...


Anarchy Online - This was ten years ago, but the developers had the bright idea of putting every player on one freaking server. Long story short, the game didn't work for its first 3 months.


Age of Conan - Every freaking class started at the same town and wore the same armor until level 20. And there were no quests from about lvl 35 - 45.


Warhammer Online - Once again, same armor till Level 20. Nobody doing area event quests. Ridiculous lag in PvP that was never fixed until I quit 4 months later.


Eve Online - Large fleet battles are still lag fests and this game has been out for years. Bugs and exploits are never ending. Involves the worst grind in MMO history.


WoW - This game is great. However it rakes in $100 million month and is 7 years old. To be making that much money for that long, the game should be a lot more than what it is.


Seriously dude...SWTOR rules. Can't say that enough.

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I didn't say anything about the buggy issues. I too am affected by several issues. But I'm not going to endlessly complain about it. I think the OP was just trying to make a positive statement amid a ton of belly aching. It's entertainment. It's an mmo. Why do people have to taint the forums and general chat in-game with their negativity and "THIS GAME SUCKS!" rants? It ruins the community for everyone and helps NOTHING and SOLVES nothing.


I don't believe the OP ever said anything about there NOT being legitimate issues that should be addressed. I think the REAL issue is the crappy attitudes people have.


I got sick of it in WOW and I'm fed up with it here.



i dont think anybody at least from the posts i have read, has said the game sucks. by and large people like the game. however the communications from BW on major bugs like kira carson, like broken guild chat, like broken guild rosters (which still isnt fixed though the patch notes say it is), like ability delay is game breaking and needs adressed.


heres how bw fixes this


1) the stop with the protocol droid reponses to tickets, it gives false hope. just respond to the tickets like they did in beta with a pop up saying thank you. thats it.

2) stop with the hot fixes, if your going to patch, then go big or go home. not some bs 20mg patch that really only fixe two things.

3) communicate more often and more effectivly with the player base. people want to know if things are being addressed, when things are going to be fixed and so on. this goes with #1. item one makes people think they are taking the tickets seriously. when the track record shows that they clearly are not.

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Nobody ignoring the issues, they just realize that in the grand scheme of things its not a big deal. There are many other things to like about this game that far and away trivialize your "facts." They are not a big deal man. Here is some real release bugs and lack of content that you probably are too young to remember...


Anarchy Online - This was ten years ago, but the developers had the bright idea of putting every player on one freaking server. Long story short, the game didn't work for its first 3 months.


Age of Conan - Every freaking class started at the same town and wore the same armor until level 20. And there were no quests from about lvl 35 - 45.


Warhammer Online - Once again, same armor till Level 20. Nobody doing area event quests. Ridiculous lag in PvP that was never fixed until I quit 4 months later.


Eve Online - Large fleet battles are still lag fests and this game has been out for years. Bugs and exploits are never ending. Involves the worst grind in MMO history.


WoW - This game is great. However it rakes in $100 million month and is 7 years old. To be making that much money for that long, the game should be a lot more than what it is.


Seriously dude...SWTOR rules. Can't say that enough.


I keep losing rolls to others when i find a life :/

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Nobody ignoring the issues, they just realize that in the grand scheme of things its not a big deal. There are many other things to like about this game that far and away trivialize your "facts." They are not a big deal man. Here is some real release bugs and lack of content that you probably are too young to remember...




do you play a jk?


if no then yeah not a big issue...to you


are you in a guild?


if no then i can see how not being able to communicate with your guildies who arent on voip's is no big deal


do you ever group and have you ever had party chat break so you could see or talk to your pug?


if no then obviously you dont know how hard it is to communicate then

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Seriously, I'm having a great time, as are hundreds of thousands of other players around the globe. Are there bugs/glitches that need to be addressed? Absolutely...


However, I have faith in Bioware's ability to get this stuff sorted out. The vitriol on this forum is dreadful, and a serious indicator that many people posting have not experienced an MMO release prior to this one. All in all, things are pretty darned good.


I understand complaints regarding necessary elements of the game which need to be addressed, but threatening to leave, condemming the developers and throwing a hissy fit...is just juvenile, and not in the slightest way conducive to bringing about positive change.


That being said, keep up the great work Bioware.


We, the majority believe in you...


I agree 100 percent. :D

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I feel for those having troubles...I really do. I know I'd be pissed off as well (after so long waiting specially)...but this is more of my kind of thread.


Enjoying the game. Loving the story (JK end of chapter 1 was EPIC and it kept me on till 2:30am on a Tuesday...falling sleep at work now :$ )


Thanks, and keep up the good work!.


PS: To those having issues, I trust they will be resolved, and hope to see you here (still, or latter when they are resolved). Don´t dispose of the game based on current despair...you´ll regret it latter.

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I feel for those having troubles...I really do. I know I'd be pissed off as well (after so long waiting specially)...but this is more of my kind of thread.


Enjoying the game. Loving the story (JK end of chapter 1 was EPIC and it kept me on till 2:30am on a Tuesday...falling sleep at work now :$ )


Thanks, and keep up the good work!.


PS: To those having issues, I trust they will be resolved, and hope to see you here (still, or latter when they are resolved). Don´t dispose of the game based on current despair...you´ll regret it latter.



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because bw's cut and paste response to my 75 tickets is clearly acceptable. as is theeir silence on virtually every bug untill the thread asking for help get to be OVER 100 pages long..:rolleyes:


and im not your 'bro'


Relax tough guy.

Edited by frankachino
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I just find it odd that so many people are willing to ignore the major amount of bugs and issues the game has. You can acknowledge that they exist, and still be able to enjoy the game. But it seems like so many people are either on the side of total complacency or complete dissatisfaction.
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nope the majority of us have nothing to do are tired of the bugged out instances and boring pvp that includes huttball 90 % of the time and the fact that cc is broke to all hell so yeah all you people under 50 need to stay quite till ur 50 tired of reading i love this game but I am only 36. Yes the game was fun leveling up no it snot fun the second time around.
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I just find it odd that so many people are willing to ignore the major amount of bugs and issues the game has. You can acknowledge that they exist, and still be able to enjoy the game. But it seems like so many people are either on the side of total complacency or complete dissatisfaction.


Neither...most people are playing the game. We're actually ALL just a small vocal contingent of over 1 million plus subscribers.

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nope the majority of us have nothing to do are tired of the bugged out instances and boring pvp that includes huttball 90 % of the time and the fact that cc is broke to all hell so yeah all you people under 50 need to stay quite till ur 50 tired of reading i love this game but I am only 36. Yes the game was fun leveling up no it snot fun the second time around.


Sounds like you made up your mind then.

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Neither...most people are playing the game. We're actually ALL just a small vocal contingent of over 1 million plus subscribers.


There is a large amount of talk in-game about bugs and such too, no matter where you are, though.

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Neither...most people are playing the game. We're actually ALL just a small vocal contingent of over 1 million plus box purchases.

Fixed that for you. Be interested to see the subscriber numbers in two months though.


Might be a /popcorn moment if they release them.

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