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It's not the bugs that are killing it for me, it's the lack of urgency to fix them.


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I'm not trying to excuse them actually. I am just trying to explain what may or may not be going on :)


I guess, I work in a different environment, but we don't do holiday releases when nobody is in the office to fix big issues. As the matter of fact, we don't even do anything super major on Fridays, because if $#@ happens during weekend, nobody's going to be around to resolve it.


What really surprises me is the amount of bugs and unfinished or poorly thought out features that made it to the release through beta cycle. It just screams unprofessional. An unpaid intern can design a better UI....


Yes, unfortunately that's not an option at our company. If something is broke that needs a fix and a holiday happens to fall that day so be it, people are working :/

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Anyone that has played Warhammer Online over the last 1.5 years that Bioware has had complete control knows only full well that bug fixing is not their strong point.



They do it.













to the point that many, many simple bugs in WAR have now been there since release (and will probably never be fixed).


Also they often don't fix them in the order of importance.





It seems they are taking a similar path with SWTOR.

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TL;DR: Sorry OP. I am not going to respond to your novella, instead I will reply to the title. You assume you know what goes into fixing coding. It takes a while to fix a bug. Sometimes when you fix one thing it breaks 5 others. It takes time. They will get it right.


The assumption that Bioware could care less about game breaking bugs has been perpetrated by far too many trolls on these boards. Most are upset that their weekly WoW raids broke up because half of their guild is leveling characters for SWTOR.


If you consider the game unplayable, don't play it. Go play another game and check back on us in a few months. We will still be here. That's a fact!

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Anyone that has played Warhammer Online over the last 1.5 years that Bioware has had complete control knows only full well that bug fixing is not their strong point.



They do it.













to the point that many, many simple bugs in WAR have now been there since release (and will probably never be fixed).


Also they often don't fix them in the order of importance.





It seems they are taking a similar path with SWTOR.


this is really sad to hear, actually

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TL;DR: Sorry OP. I am not going to respond to your novella, instead I will reply to the title. You assume you know what goes into fixing coding. It takes a while to fix a bug. Sometimes when you fix one thing it breaks 5 others. It takes time. They will get it right.


The assumption that Bioware could care less about game breaking bugs has been perpetrated by far too many trolls on these boards. Most are upset that their weekly WoW raids broke up because half of their guild is leveling characters for SWTOR.


If you consider the game unplayable, don't play it. Go play another game and check back on us in a few months. We will still be here. That's a fact!


...actually I do know what goes in to fixing coding. I program, I fix my bugs and errors.


Again, I don't work at a video game company so my scenario of being in the software industry isn't a 100% fit. However, that being said, my experiences and credentials are a hell of a lot closer than the majority of you who have absolutely zero backing.

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GD more programmers...they are everywhere...the amount of programmers alone in the SW:TOR forums could start their own gaming company and create the perfect game, have it balanced and patched within hours BY THEMSELVES...so *** are you guys waiting for?


Oh, you mean writing a 200,000 line program isn't the same as developing an MMO? What? It has to be close, I mean...it has to be close amiright? you said so yourself it should take no less than a day....



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People think there is some instant push button to fix bugs. Many things in these games are tied together so a change in one may have multiple changes elsewhere.


The game has "officially" been out now since 12/20/11.


Today is January 4th.


I won't type any more than that because people with critical thinking skills do not need much more than that to make an appropriate conclusion.

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I would personally rather have the developers working on fixes rather than penning personalized responses to everybody who sends in a bug report.


Well it's two different groups of people -- GM types who do the tickets, and programmers who do the programming. Obviously there are many levels between there too.

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I really don't know what would make you happy, OP, besides everything you want being given to you at the exact moment you want it.


There's only 2 options here. Bioware intentionally doesn't want to fix bugs and wants everyone to quit because they hate to work and are lazy....OR....Bioware is working as fast as they can with the resources they have.


If I could put you in a meeting room with their team and they explained everything that is going on that you have NO idea about, I guarantee you would have your mind changed. The problem is, we don't have that luxury. We all have to wait in the dark because that's the way things go.


Please, share with us your job so I can sit here and tell you you don't know what your are doing and make demands on you that, to me seem completely reasonable, but to you would be ridiculous.


Perspective. Get some.

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I really don't know what would make you happy, OP, besides everything you want being given to you at the exact moment you want it.


There's only 2 options here. Bioware intentionally doesn't want to fix bugs and wants everyone to quit because they hate to work and are lazy....OR....Bioware is working as fast as they can with the resources they have.


If I could put you in a meeting room with their team and they explained everything that is going on that you have NO idea about, I guarantee you would have your mind changed. The problem is, we don't have that luxury. We all have to wait in the dark because that's the way things go.


Please, share with us your job so I can sit here and tell you you don't know what your are doing and make demands on you that, to me seem completely reasonable, but to you would be ridiculous.


Perspective. Get some.


I could tell you the same thing about getting "perspective". Your fast food job isn't giving you much in to this debate, is it?


I'm not saying I want everything and every bug fixed NOW. I just want to see some...or any progress outside of ridiculous little things that don't really concern many people -- again, back to the emotes while in a vehicle.

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I graduated twice with a degree in Computer Science and a degree in Computer Information System...and from my experience writing programs with 150 lines of code...there is NO WAY IN HELL that this game should be in the state it's in right now.


Hell I could fix my programs drunker than a skunk, while snorting cocaine off my wife's ***, so I have NO IDEA why BW can't get these small little bugs smashed almost INSTANTLY...it doesn't even make sense.


Oh, I forgot to mention...I also have my masters in business management and a phd in criminal law, and I'm telling you now. BW shouldn't even be a company...From the top down it's a horrendous mess. Customer support is horrible, they have no idea *** they are doing..this must be their first game...I was ripped off and not to mention the false advertisement claims I could put on this company with a civil lawsuit is mind blowing. Forget the fact that I clicked right past the terms of service and didn't read the minimal specs, so I'm trying to run this game off my Commador64..that has nothing to do with anything...so who's with me?


You people are stupid.

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I graduated twice with a degree in Computer Science and a degree in Computer Information System...and from my experience writing programs with 150 lines of code...there is NO WAY IN HELL that this game should be in the state it's in right now.


Hell I could fix my programs drunker than a skunk, while snorting cocaine off my wife's ***, so I have NO IDEA why BW can't get these small little bugs smashed almost INSTANTLY...it doesn't even make sense.


Oh, I forgot to mention...I also have my masters in business management and a phd in criminal law, and I'm telling you now. BW shouldn't even be a company...From the top down it's a horrendous mess. Customer support is horrible, they have no idea *** they are doing..this must be their first game...I was ripped off and not to mention the false advertisement claims I could put on this company with a civil lawsuit is mind blowing. Forget the fact that I clicked right past the terms of service and didn't read the minimal specs, so I'm trying to run this game off my Commador64..that has nothing to do with anything...so who's with me?


You people are stupid.


yay 12 year olds.

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yay 12 year olds.


Far from 12 good sir. Fact of the matter is, everyone claims to be something, everyone claims to know everything, and everyone claims they know EXACTLY how to fix the issues, how a company should be run, and how or how not to code a game. When in all actuality, unless you work for BW, have coded this game and no the interworkings of the business, you don't know ****, just like Bo don't know snow. Have a nice day.

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I suspect we're seeing the same thing with post-release bug fixes as we saw with the early access: they are taking it very, very conservatively at first because they would rather go slow than screw things up badly. The problem is that the communication is very poor, and so it looks like they are doing nothing.


It could also be that the nature of the engine or perhaps the lack of tools is slowing down the bug-fixing process. Some of the bugs could be related to much deeper issues that are not easily fixed. We simply don't know because they don't tell us anything. However, I think it would be pretty far-fetched to think that they lack urgency.


If they fix a dozen or so bugs every week then the game will keep getting better, but with a game this size it's going to take forever to make any real headway. At some point--hopefully soon--they are going to have to pick up the pace considerably.

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Also I love how he says nothing is being fixed yet we have had a patch already with a lot of fixes. Nevermind the public test server which I am sure he never uses to help provide feedback on these bugs. These self entitled kids just like to sit around talk about how they could program a 300 million dollar MMO while eating hot pockets in mom's basement.



I also love the people who sit and blindly defend Bioware even tho the bugs still exist in game after the patch that was said to fix them i.e unharvestable nodes............but hey at least we can wave while in a taxi!

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Far from 12 good sir. Fact of the matter is, everyone claims to be something, everyone claims to know everything, and everyone claims they know EXACTLY how to fix the issues, how a company should be run, and how or how not to code a game. When in all actuality, unless you work for BW, have coded this game and no the interworkings of the business, you don't know ****, just like Bo don't know snow. Have a nice day.


Does everything you say have to rhyme?


Anyway, I'm not claiming to know everything. I was just stating I do have at least somewhat of an idea what i'm talking about.


I never claimed to know "how" to fix their bugs. I don't know their code, so that'd be a ridiculous assumption. What I do know, is if i wrote a bit of functionality, it'd be easy enough for me to find that functionality, know what it was doing, and correct it if need be. Infinitely easier than writing it entirely from scratch.


I also do have my own side business, but i'm sure you won't believe that either.

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I also love the people who sit and blindly defend Bioware even tho the bugs still exist in game after the patch that was said to fix them i.e unharvestable nodes............but hey at least we can wave while in a taxi!


Or maybe, people are playing the game and enjoying it, have run into a few minor bugs that haven't ruined said enjoyment and don't cry over every drop of milk sitting on the counter like others. Or just maybe, some people don't over exaggerate the living **** out of certain issues nor want a game be exactly like another game (because that wouldn't make any gd sense)....nope, that has no baring on anything...your right! they are just blind fanbois and not objective thinkers! ******ES!

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Does everything you say have to rhyme?


Anyway, I'm not claiming to know everything. I was just stating I do have at least somewhat of an idea what i'm talking about.


I never claimed to know "how" to fix their bugs. I don't know their code, so that'd be a ridiculous assumption. What I do know, is if i wrote a bit of functionality, it'd be easy enough for me to find that functionality, know what it was doing, and correct it if need be. Infinitely easier than writing it entirely from scratch.


I also do have my own side business, but i'm sure you won't believe that either.


Didn't say I didn't believe YOU specifically, but you could tell me your the Pope or Donald Trump and it really doesn't make a bit of difference. I've read..today alone about 20 threads all started by "programmers" that know exactly what it will take and exactly how to fix SW:TOR and exactly how easy it would/should be. Not to mention everyone knows business law and dabbles part time as a CEO of some of the most renowned fortune 500 companies, and it gets old simply due to the fact that 99.9% of it is all ******** and internet stupidity in it's finest form.


So basically that was an over exaggerated call out to tell everyone to ****, let Bioware fix their game, and if it's really that big of a deal, unsubscribe, go play a bug free MMO...wait there isn't one..so that won't work.


What I meant was..go play a game you have fun with and stop crying over every little damn thing that in all actuality you, me, joe, jake, and john HAVE NO WAY OF CONTROLLING, or apply at BW..take over their programming dept and fix the game then come back and brag about it. Those are really the only two options, because if whatever game everyone came from that is/was sooooo fun and perfect in the first place they wouldn't be here crying now would they?

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I think this has to do a lot with the release date. I mean, does your company ever release a product around holidays, when your devs most likely want to take time off? Probably not. The release date makes sense from marketing point of view but not engineering. It also narrows the window of opportunity to fix major issues before the end of the first month. If there's no major patch before January 21st, I believe they'll lose large chunk of subscribers.


No, it has to do with some things not being simple to fix and that it has to be rigorously tested before it's patched on live servers to make sure it doesn't decimate something else when it's patched in. Devs don't all take time off at once for MMOs . There's always teams working.

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Didn't say I didn't believe YOU specifically, but you could tell me your the Pope or Donald Trump and it really doesn't make a bit of difference. I've read..today alone about 20 threads all started by "programmers" that know exactly what it will take and exactly how to fix SW:TOR and exactly how easy it would/should be. Not to mention everyone knows business law and dabbles part time as a CEO of some of the most renowned fortune 500 companies, and it gets old simply due to the fact that 99.9% of it is all ******** and internet stupidity in it's finest form.


So basically that was an over exaggerated call out to tell everyone to ****, let Bioware fix their game, and if it's really that big of a deal, unsubscribe, go play a bug free MMO...wait there isn't one..so that won't work.


What I meant was..go play a game you have fun with and stop crying over every little damn thing that in all actuality you, me, joe, jake, and john HAVE NO WAY OF CONTROLLING, or apply at BW..take over their programming dept and fix the game then come back and brag about it. Those are really the only two options, because if whatever game everyone came from that is ************ was sooooo fun and perfect in the first place they wouldn't be here crying now would they?


I still do enjoy the game quite thoroughly, I just wanted to vent. Like i said, i'm by no means cancelling my sub anytime soon. Quite frankly, i'd be at home playing if i didnt have to sit here at work for a few more hours :(.


But yes, i do agree people throw out false credentials quite a bit. It's the internet, people lie like it's their job.

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Or maybe, people are playing the game and enjoying it, have run into a few minor bugs that haven't ruined said enjoyment and don't cry over every drop of milk sitting on the counter like others. Or just maybe, some people don't over exaggerate the living **** out of certain issues nor with a game be exactly like another game....nope, that has no baring on anything...your right! they are just blind fanbois and not objective thinkers! ******ES!



Or it could be people are just willing to lay down and take it, they said things were fixed in patches they weren't and those things they DID say they fixed (that they didn't) were such small things of no importance (mounted emotes anyone?).

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