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Illum is a masterstroke.


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Wait until there is more 50's running about, then come back and say how crap it is.


Then they should have waited a month or so to release it.


Because right now a bunch of people are getting stuff done through win trading, and that isnt right.


It will make the planet dead by the time people do level IE "Guys dont bother going to Illum, its just win trading and no real pvp"




They will do something to change it, so a bunch of people got to grind it out, and then when the new 50s come in, they cant do such an easy grind, creating a gap.


Kind of the way the current 50s get to grind out warzones on a bunch of lowly 10-30 level people, and when they release the level 50 bracket, the new level 50s will be facing the levels fiftys that got to lol all the way to their gear.

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I recently came across a lot of quotes from the Devs about how Ilum was going to blow us away, was awesome etc.


Omg did they mess this up or what. The sad thing is they have learned literally none of the lessons from PvP in previous MMO's. At best you can describe it as naive.


It s mindbugging that freaking zero mmo tried to copy daoc RvR features. God this game is always bringed up whenever people need a good RvR example. Get a clue ffs.

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Players expect BioWare to develop a system that forces them to Open World PvP and not be lazy/take the easiest route.


More news at 11.


Lol of course i expect something that drives me toward RvR. Get real.


Beside, blizzard made the same mistake with tol barad they fixed it within one week. So first they could have seen it coming if they were half knowledgable about mmo and second how long will that take to fix it ?


Maybe its on purpose so republic players can actually get a chance at finishing the quest.

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Then they should have waited a month or so to release it.


Because right now a bunch of people are getting stuff done through win trading, and that isnt right.


It will make the planet dead by the time people do level IE "Guys dont bother going to Illum, its just win trading and no real pvp"




They will do something to change it, so a bunch of people got to grind it out, and then when the new 50s come in, they cant do such an easy grind, creating a gap.


Kind of the way the current 50s get to grind out warzones on a bunch of lowly 10-30 level people, and when they release the level 50 bracket, the new level 50s will be facing the levels fiftys that got to lol all the way to their gear.


And thats is exactly what happened when I played age of conan!!

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make a daoc 2 for player killing and people will love it. As far as Ilum goes, get rid of the gd capture quest dailies and make the dailies about player killing. People like myself will reroll to a lower-populated side when I get bored of zerging.
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And thats is exactly what happened when I played age of conan!!


Im telling you again, this is age of conan all over again



Rarely have I seen such a masterfully constructed sandbox for sarcastic scorn. Thanks Thelongroad.


Hope you love sand, it is all you will get to play with soon enough.

Edited by Vindor
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Wait until some mega-guild rolls toons on both factions, dominates Illum, and just trades objectives all day. That's when I quit. BW's decision to allow a player to roll toons on both factions on the same server, especially a PvP server, was, well, just moronic. The potential for exploitation of the system is huge.

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Wait until some mega-guild rolls toons on both factions, dominates Illum, and just trades objectives all day. That's when I quit. BW's decision to allow a player to roll toons on both factions on the same server, especially a PvP server, was, well, just moronic. The potential for exploitation of the system is huge.


Amen to this.... anyone with a brain should know that allowing people to roll characters for both factions on the same server is like opening Pandora's box. Congratulations BioWare you just implemented something in your game that can and will be abused thus causing more headaches for everyone.


The thing is bioware could change around Ilum so that killing players would net you some sort of reward but people will still avoid true open world pvp because it would be much faster to kill farm their guildy or friends alts on the other faction, that is until they are geared to the teeth and can easily faceroll new level 50's trying to gear up as well.


In order to have a game with some truly great pvp it is going to take some dev's with half a brain to factor in the absolute worst things players would try to get away with and then try to prevent that from the very start, because once pandora's box has been opened it is pretty much game over.

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