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Sorry Bioware, it's over between us.


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It's not me, it's you.


I enjoyed the PVE questing, but the lack of any sort of sensible PVP (plus tickets being closed leaving obvious bugs in the game) has taken the shine off of the game for me.


It seems like the PVP has not been tested very thoroughly at all - there's no DR system (resolve does not work) and far too much CC, knockbacks, pulls, knockdowns etc to make PVP fun.


I'm cancelling my sub for now, and will check back in a few months to see if it's fixed.


inb4 ******* saying "bye then". I'm only leaving as this game doesn't work well for me at the moment - once it's fixed I'll return.



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No kidding, what are you kids crying about? How about you play and have fun. WoW was JUST like this when it first came out.


I don't understand why I see this rebuttal so often. The difference here is that WoW has had over seven years now to perfect its style of gameplay. New releases need to aspire to loftier heights than WoW did when it first came out, there's a lot more competition now.

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No kidding, what are you kids crying about? How about you play and have fun. WoW was JUST like this when it first came out.


The status of World of Warcraft, on it's release some seven years ago, is completely irrelevant to whether or not the OP is enjoying Starwars. You obviously misread, his post does indicate he is not having fun, so saying "just play and have fun" is kinda silly.


In this game, if people do not enjoy it, they will leave. And customer base, is probably the biggest measure of whether or not a game flops. :)

Edited by Soazak
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(resolve does not work)


I suspected this too but after spending a great deal of time over the last week or so in warzones testing resolve, I'm no longer of that mindset. Resolve works fine, there are just certain types of things that it doesn't (and shouldn't) affect like roots and snares.


Either way, I hope you return and find the game to your liking.

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Their hasnt been 1 not ONE mmo ever that has been released with real skilful pvp it takes time for companies to build a game around the communities needs where wow was a prime example its took them at least 3 years till the game got decent and competitive deal with it.
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So OP is adressing a thread to BioWare, he has got a message for the company but he is posting it here?


Like mentioned above, just seeking attention because if this was really for BioWare , there are proper e-mail adresses for this.


So again like it was mentioned above - nobody cares OP so you did not have to post 34567th thread about the same thing like so many before you.


I think this already can be called spam, therefore it is a subject to the rules of the forum right?


I will go ahead and test if reporting this thread under the 'spam' basis will work because if it will work, then we will have a solution to the threads about exactly the same thing appearing over and over again.

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No kidding, what are you kids crying about? How about you play and have fun. WoW was JUST like this when it first came out.


It's true.


I won't quit just yet, God knows I feel like it sometimes, but the game needs some time. One thing that really bothers me is that the game was in beta testing for months. The imbalance was known, yet nothing changed. I assume, no, I hope, it's because they have more serious issues to deal with, which considering what the messed up PVP is costing them already, seeing how people are starting to cancel because of it, so whatever they are doing now must be pretty damn vital.


But balance is needed, Bioware you are getting real close to the point of no return, don't let your game have the same fate as Warhammer online because your PVP designers did a poor job.

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I suspected this too but after spending a great deal of time over the last week or so in warzones testing resolve, I'm no longer of that mindset. Resolve works fine, there are just certain types of things that it doesn't (and shouldn't) affect like roots and snares.


Either way, I hope you return and find the game to your liking.


I get stunned constantly when the bar is full - and I stun people constantly when the bar is full.


It's a piece of ****.

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looks like enough people cared to keep this post bumped... despite all these "no one cares" replies when they cared enough to reply lol.


And yeh, pvp needs some work on it, SOON. There are too many MMO's out there now, compared to when wow was launched (which seems like the MMO everyone loves to compare with).

Edited by YooJaeSuk
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Adapt.. or die...


That is the way of things...


adapt to what ? boredom ? theres nothing to do once you reach lvl 50, specially if you want to pvp


this game will be dead by the end of the month

Edited by Shortcake
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WoW its not the only example of a MMO launch. Rift says hello (most polished game ever at launch)


While that is true people use WoW as the MMO benchmark. Hell, WoW didn't even have pvp besides random world skirmishes at release. So its totally relevant when people use it as comparison. I would certainly hope a game with 7 years of development would net a better product. This is just a classic example of the instant gratification generation showing their colors 3 weeks after a games release. Not one single MMO has ever been released with a static flawless product. EVER!

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