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Thank you for the excellent patch!


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Stop brown-nosing Bioware until they fix the very real issues facing the community. Brown-nosing Bioware at a time like this helps NO ONE, not even you.


Its a start, even if they aren't MAJOR changes they are still changes which affected the game negatively. Big issues take time to fix, so at least atm they are addressing some of the smaller issues whiles looking into a fix for the bigger issues. If you ever worked a day in your life , or have done any form of IT work ud understand that big issues take a long time to fix, but its better to do smaller issues (whiles still handling the bigger issues) to show the customer your doing something and at least making some form of progress than remaining at a standstill.



Also we aren't brown-nosing Bioware, it's showing appreciation for the fact that they are trying and heading in the right direction. The game has came out for about a week now + it came out during the Christmas/ New Years week....cut them some form of slack...they do have lives and families.


Btw its better to praise/be nice to someone than to be a d!ck to them, you'd benefit more in the long run because theyd be more willing . Manners 101, presume your parents didn't teach you this.

Edited by Agent_Kestrel
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How is it brown nosing for praising them in making steps in the right direction? At the same time, I could criticize you for being so very negative, and ignoring the fact that they're trying to fix everything. I'm not sure why everyone expects some magic patch right out of the gate that fixes absolutely everything. They've said they're working on it, give them time, and in the meantime stop being so negative, it helps NO ONE.


half of their 'fixes' still don't work


the bugged nodes have been here since beta and THEY'RE STILL NOT FIXED



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OK, here is the thing. Most things in life are a matter of perspective. The 'delay' is only a 'serious' bug if one is trying to define oneself as a 'hardcore, leet ' PvP person. If one doesn't, it isn't. It still isn't if you remove the ability queue. Since I don't define myself that way, the fact that there may be 1/100th second delay doesn't bother me even a little and it doesn't bother most folks. It isn't that I'm a 'fanboi'. I just don't care.


It’s a serious issue for BW if it’s going to put people off paying the first months sub.

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You don't have the problem. For people who do have the problem, warzones run at 15 to 20 fps and there's as much as a 1 second input lag. THIS is unacceptable.


that sounds like hardware. my 9800 GTX does that, but it's an old card. I'm fine basically everywhere but Warzones, but with all the players/effects, that's to be expected.

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You don't have the problem. For people who do have the problem, warzones run at 15 to 20 fps and there's as much as a 1 second input lag. THIS is unacceptable.

There is a PvP forum. PvP issues and feedback should be posted their to make sure that the right folks in Bioware see the message. It is absolutely impossible to make the PvP crowd happy.


The other thing to consider is that I have actually gone into Warzones to try them out. My FPS never dropped below 55 and I saw no discernible lag in skill input. Now, that is not to say that there isn't an issue, but it is saying that not everyone is having the same issues, which means it is going to be much harder to fix. Patience is a virtue.

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