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Thank you for the excellent patch!


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Agree with the OP.


The patch has addressed a heap of issues that were affecting a large % of people.


Just because *your* problem wasn't solved does not mean the patch is useless.


*You* do not represent the community as a whole.

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Guys please stop. What has the world come to if we no longer have common sense?


The bigger issues......take longer to fix. Geez, these small fixes are perfectly fine, as the bigger issues are still being worked on.


As a game developer, I find it very difficult to read these forums. I do not blame the developers of this game when they avoid the forums. You are not very grateful.



  1. We just had two major holidays, give the developers some time
  2. Patches and fixes require testing. The bigger the issue, the more time it will take to test
  3. Ability delay: As a game developer, they need to look at the entire ability code as a whole. It MIGHT seem like an easy fix, but the coding might make it even more difficult.
  4. Graphics issues: You realize one of the disadvantages of PC gaming is that there are millions of combinations for hardware? They have to test on as much as possible before the patch was released.



Ok, we get it, you want the bigger issues fixed first. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE! The fact that they are bigger issues mean developers need to spend more time looking at the code and TESTING.


Maybe we should have NO PATCH for 4 weeks until these issues are fixed. Would that make you guys happy? Having this patch does NOT slow down the other development. There is more than one developer on the team.


Everybody needs to stop being such whiners and be PATIENT.

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Hence, putting pressure on them is the only way to get results.


Ummm no?


The world doesn't work like that. You insult someone, they have tendencies to hate you for it and in the future ignore you.

Your literally cranking the whip thinking it will make bioware somehow "work" faster like their some kind of slave.


Your clearly not thinking straight.


If you wanna "help" bioware then give them some useful info instead of blatantly insulting them or threatening them.

Edited by flunkorg
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add lfg system or cross realm pvp, on basilisk as imperial we hardly get anything else than damn huttball or at least a option to choose wich warfront we want to play


Maybe more people should have rolled Republic - like I did. Just saying... :)

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What's this then?


"Corrected an issue that caused poor performance on some machines in indoor areas with shadows enabled."

That's the big one for me! My FPS suffers immensely on my Fury starship when I look in a particular direction. Hopefully that will get fixed!


They didn't fixed it.

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the shadow was a major problem. made it unplayable with that bug. without shadow on i run at 60-70 FPS with on i got 5 and barely that.




im so pleased to see them fixing problems. unlike what the community may think they are working on fixing everything they can. this game has hundred of thousands if not million lines of code it aint like fixing a squeaking hindges on a door they aint got any WD-40 for video game bugs


You may just have stumpled upon the solution for all bugs, we all know WD-40 can fix anything. Off to the hardware store, BW! :D

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We love you Bioware! you're the best company ever!



This thread is useless. Seriously.


It just shows how much of a fanboy the OP is LOL!


Every MMO releases a patch almost weekly... so what's so special about this patch? I've seen thousands of patches before in my many years of MMO gaming.

Edited by xioix
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and still nothing for the horrid FPS and lack of graphics options, but we can emote on mounts guys.


I get 120 FPS in every area I go to. Ever think it's on your end? Maybe upgrade to a better PC? Commodore 64 was so 20 years ago...


Honestly...So many people cry about performance when the reality is...It DOES NOT cost a lot to upgrade PC's anymore. I mean I can build a PC from scratch that runs every game on max settings for under 700$. So to upgrade an existing PC it should be a heck of a lot cheaper. That is unless you bought a "World of Warcraft ready computer" 7 years ago.

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He's seen it on 5 different computers so obviously out of over 1 million people playing at launch, he knows that everyone has FPS issues. :p


Yes and dont forget, not only is every one of those customer having the same issue, because Mannic says so...


But Mannic also says the graphics are ugly too...therefore its a fact.



Edited by ImperialSun
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You shouldn't poke fun. You're the one thanking Bioware for the excellence of a patch that fixes your ability to /wave while sitting on a speeder.


And your the one who thinks 5 machines is representative of the millions of players and their minefield of different builds / specs / driver combinations.


Go figure...



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I'm happy with the patch. Mainly because I expect many of the 'bigger' issues to be contained in the large patch coming up later this month.


There is a lot of stuff that still needs fixing but BW seems to be moving in the right direction.


This is a critical stage for them, and by no means should they slow down, but at least they are getting stuff sorted. I couldn't be happier.

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Could the "Do not disturbed" be abused by AFK'ers?


I think they fixed it so it couldn't.


the patch note says it no longer prevents them from being kicked if they are marked as do not disturb.


i.e. pre patch put DnD on and you can't get an inactivity server kick. Post patch you can.


At least that's how I read it.

Edited by Exothermix
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