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Thank you for the excellent patch!


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Because you obviously have a lot of experience in this matter and know that hard issues are easier to fix than simple coding errors.




If a game is releasing with "hard issues" that are going to take months to fix, that by itself is a problem.

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and still nothing for the horrid FPS and lack of graphics options, but we can emote on mounts guys.


There are people who have no issues at all. Like me, i have between 50 and 120 fps anywhere in world.


Meaning that it is not a problem needs fixing in the swtor base software, but rather something regarding to hardware or driver issues. or both.


Let someone knowledgable have a good look at your pc.

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Lack of high res textures and AA mainly.


Because that's a high priority and crucial game-breaking bug preventing people from playing the game at all?


I'd love better graphics, as mentioned my modest computer has no trouble with the existing 'high' settings, but frankly I'd rather they fixed other more troublesome problems first. The above list is a good start, and comparatively with other MMO releases Bioware have done and are doing a pretty great job.


The bile and venom on these forums about one tiny thing in a fricking computer game not quite working properly from so many people is mind-boggling.

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add lfg system or cross realm pvp, on basilisk as imperial we hardly get anything else than damn huttball or at least a option to choose wich warfront we want to play


Do you understand how the warzones work? Lack of an oposing team leads to huttball. Because all you empire lovers wanted the OP class at launch..you must suffer unevenly populated servers. Don't like huttball, Join the republic!

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If a game is releasing with "hard issues" that are going to take months to fix, that by itself is a problem.


In retrospect, we were informed of this in 2010 by EA Louse:


And Bioware? Don’t make me laugh. They’ve spent more money making the Old Republic than James Cameron spent on Avatar. ---- you not. More than $ 300 million! Can you believe that?

And you know what they’re most proud of? This is the kicker. They are most proud of the sound. No seriously. Something like a 20Gig installation, and most of it is voiceover work. That’s the best they have. The rest of the game is a joke. EA knows it and so does George Lucas,they’re panicking , and so most of Mythic has already been cannibalized to work in Austin on it because they can’t keep pushing back launch.


Old Republic will be one of the greatest failures in the history of MMOs from EA. Probably at the level of the Sims Online. We all know it too.


Time will tell, I'm not saying he's 100% accurate, but it hit home when I had the game in my hands.

Edited by AlkalineKitten
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There are people who have no issues at all. Like me, i have between 50 and 120 fps anywhere in world.



No you don't. Turn on FPS and actually watch it. Guaranteed your FPS is spiking and sporadic. You just personally can't tell the difference. I've seen this game being played now on 5 different machines-- they all have exactly the same problems. The only way to make the problems go away is to turn everything to "low," do not attempt to force AA or AF, and turn shadows off.


Doesn't matter if you have a dual core processor or an 8 core processor because TOR doesn't use more than 1 processor, and that is a fundamental problem.

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Because that's a high priority and crucial game-breaking bug preventing people from playing the game at all?


I'd love better graphics, as mentioned my modest computer has no trouble with the existing 'high' settings, but frankly I'd rather they fixed other more troublesome problems first. The above list is a good start, and comparatively with other MMO releases Bioware have done and are doing a pretty great job.


The bile and venom on these forums about one tiny thing in a fricking computer game not quite working properly from so many people is mind-boggling.


Ugly graphics are absolutely game-breaking for many people. Get out much?

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No you don't. Turn on FPS and actually watch it. Guaranteed your FPS is spiking and sporadic. You just personally can't tell the difference. I've seen this game being played now on 5 different machines-- they all have exactly the same problems. The only way to make the problems go away is to turn everything to "low," do not attempt to force AA or AF, and turn shadows off.


Doesn't matter if you have a dual core processor or an 8 core processor because TOR doesn't use more than 1 processor, and that is a fundamental problem.


He's seen it on 5 different computers so obviously out of over 1 million people playing at launch, he knows that everyone has FPS issues. :p

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Stop brown-nosing Bioware until they fix the very real issues facing the community. Brown-nosing Bioware at a time like this helps NO ONE, not even you.


i'd rather see positive posts instead of the endless negative useless posts that are filled to the brim with entitlement issues more than constructive solutions.

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i'd rather see positive posts instead of the endless negative useless posts that are filled to the brim with entitlement issues more than constructive solutions.


Customers buying something and expecting a product that at least meet expectations of functionality does not qualify as "entitlement issues." The only people who use that overused term are people offended that other people don't unconditionally love or support something.

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He's seen it on 5 different computers so obviously out of over 1 million people playing at launch, he knows that everyone has FPS issues. :p


You shouldn't poke fun. You're the one thanking Bioware for the excellence of a patch that fixes your ability to /wave while sitting on a speeder.

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They're working on it calm down. Imagine how many dxdiags they have to go through to pinpoint that kinda problem. I managed to fix my FPS issue by reverting to old ATI drivers. Probably gonna wait a little while before I get the newest version.


Hold on, this is important. Which version did you revert to ?? I want to try it as well !



(also, "fixed emotes while on mounts" = now you get an error that you can't emote on a vehicle?)

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It's a good thing Bioware is on top of things! I can't tell you how awesome it will be not seeing the repetitive threads complaining about being unable to log out while in DND! And this should silence the thousands of members who were complaining, day after day, about being unable to emote from their speeders! I got so tired of seeing thread-after-thread about that!


people were complaining about queues. obviously those who abused DND added to the problem. This obviously partially fixes the problem


you are so 33 percent to Lucas, dude, as always.

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Have they fixed slicing yet ?

Certainly would be appreciated if they fix that after braking it.


Fix what? It's no longer blowing every other skill out of the water in terms of gaining credits. It's fine now, almost everyone was slicing before it got fixed, they knew it was coming.

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You clearly don't know how to read.


He can, its just the cause he is here not to read, but to write. If you read his comments, they are following only one scenario - negative comments brought in a somehow "intelligent" manner. He never actually argues, and whenever his arguments are deflected he simply eludes the conversation all together.


He once said that 33 percent goes to Lucas and thats why EA will never be profitable. I asked him for proof, he gave me the link to an article second paragraph of which started with "Lucas will get 33 percent of revenue after EA covers its expenses". When i in a rather confused manner pointed it to him, he refuses to talk to me altogether and since then reports my every comment for deletion, because he somehow feels offended.


Everything i wrote here is truth and can be easily proven - i think those threads are still on forums and googlable. He never listens to his opponent.

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No companions skill fix (yeah, i like to switch off harpoon skill every time) after zoning/dismounting.

No bugged numbers fix in craft window.

No green walls glitches fix on Tatooine.


Patch sonds like - "We fixed something here, there and over there."

"There, I Fixed It" © Failblog


P.S. But thanks for fixing covers and using skills from it. Im going to check my gunslinger now.

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I just wanted to thank you for a great patch. I feel like a lot of people who are complaining about the patch completely overlooked some key issues that deserve a lot of credit. So anyway, thank you for fixing...




i have not overlooked the fact my class quests are bugged being a dark side Bounty Hunter and killed the guy at the end of Act 3 and i cant finish them now and because of this i cant move to Ilum and only get 2 dailies from there, but hey, as long as you lot r ok its fine.


as far as im concerned a class not being able to finish his class quest is a bloody big deal in this game.

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i have not overlooked the fact my class quests are bugged being a dark side Bounty Hunter and killed the guy at the end of Act 3 and i cant finish them now and because of this i cant move to Ilum and only get 2 dailies from there, but hey, as long as you lot r ok its fine.


as far as im concerned a class not being able to finish his class quest is a bloody big deal in this game.


Finish reading my post next time before you comment, kthx.

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Stop brown-nosing Bioware until they fix the very real issues facing the community. Brown-nosing Bioware at a time like this helps NO ONE, not even you.


Stop being so damn negative and show a little patience. Gen Y I swear, all insta grats.

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