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Interactive Quest Objective Respawn Rate


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This absolutely must be fixed. I am almost certain it was an intentional design decision by Bioware, and I genuinely have to question whether their testers were idiots or not because of it.


Interactive world quest objectives take far too long to respawn. I just had to stand in front of a computer console in Hoth for 5 minutes while I waited for the objective to respawn. I completed my bonus mission to kill a certain number of mobs before it respawned, and still had to stand around and wait.


This is highly problematic, as not everyone is willing to party up so everyone can get credit together. I had a similar problem on Taris with a quest which had an objective to plant an explosive on a transport ship. It took at least 5 minutes for that objective to respawn as well.


Interactive world quest objectives should never take more than 30 seconds to respawn. Mobs are an entirely different story, of course. I'm sure it was done like this to increase immersion, as I'm sure Bioware thought it would look silly for the thing you blew up to suddenly be there in working condition after only a few seconds, but the reality is that function must always take precedence over form.

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I would have to agree with the OP. Waiting for a quest objective item to reset/respawn takes away from the game completely.


So much for Dynamic Gameplay:mad:.


Whilst waiting I go and make a cup of tea only to find when I come back items have yet to respawn.


All other game companies recognised this issue back in 2007/2008.


I am sure Bioware developers have been living in a timeloop as much of the problems in this game were prevalent in other games 4 years ago.:eek:

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