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Retaliate Broken?


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I'm doing my dailies on Illum tonight and my retaliate isn't working at all. The button goes active, but doesn't follow through. It says in red on my screen "the required effect is not present", and my guy reels back, but doesn't actually do the strike.


This happening to anyone else?

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I've gotten something similar a few times. Not with the red error message, but where my guy whips his arm around but doesn't follow through. Pushing it multiple times just makes him spin his arm around like some kind of drill team dancer.


It seems to be tied to the GCD. Sometimes I can use Retaliate and it works like it should, and with some moves (mostly Assault and Impale it seems) it doesn't always like to fire off. I'll have to wait for the animation of the first move to end before I can Retaliate. Same thing happens with Disruption sometimes. Seeing as these moves are supposedly to be off the GCD, it's very annoying.

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I have experienced the same thing as the above poster and faguely remember having an issue where something that should have worked showed "the desired affect is not present".


Also, last night channel hatred started showing like it had a 15 minute cooldown. I was able to use it correctly, even when the 15 minute timer expired, but that was freaking me out a bit. This was on corellia, where i started running into several issues (retaliate issue has been ongoing).


My point is that maybe it is part of that UI bug. If you start getting the message, but the icon is lit, just do nothing but spam it to see if maybe the UI is showing you the wrong thing. As for the twirl animation, I've found that stopping everything, so as to reset the animation and GCD, seems to let retaliate work correctly. And then it seems to be good for awhile. I know it's difficult seeing as we have to spam a ton, but just give it a second to breathe, and it'll catch up :)


Edit: To add a bit, I have mapped my second bar to be Shift+1,2,3.... etc. Sometimes, I'll be holding shift and spamming #3, for instance, and it will trigger the abilities on #3 AND Shift+3. I would theorize that it might be polling the keyboard twice, which could explain this, the above problems, and possibly other things.

Edited by Blahdee
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I somehow seemed to be out of synch with the server when that happened. My guildies told me in vent that I was fighting stuff that was still dead, but my ping was 31ms.


After I closed out the client and restarted the issue was gone. So simply restarting seemed to fix it if it happens to anyone in the future.

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Only thing I can think of is, it's tied to the general combat irresponsiveness.


You push the button, nothing seems to happen, ability is not fired.

You push again, but the client says, that you have already used up the needed effect, AND the button is still lit, meaning you can use it.

Problem with this is, that the ability is not done, damage doesn't show.


It's just a communications issue between the client and the server.


Generally: you push the button, your client registers and starts the animation for the skill, but the server responds, that the ability could not be used, mostly due to movement (out of range). What you see next is your target suddenly jumping 10 meters.

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I've gotten something similar a few times. Not with the red error message, but where my guy whips his arm around but doesn't follow through. Pushing it multiple times just makes him spin his arm around like some kind of drill team dancer.


It seems to be tied to the GCD. Sometimes I can use Retaliate and it works like it should, and with some moves (mostly Assault and Impale it seems) it doesn't always like to fire off. I'll have to wait for the animation of the first move to end before I can Retaliate. Same thing happens with Disruption sometimes. Seeing as these moves are supposedly to be off the GCD, it's very annoying.


lol, My friend was busting up laughing when my guy was doing this. He had fish arm or something.

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After I closed out the client and restarted the issue was gone. So simply restarting seemed to fix it if it happens to anyone in the future.


Thanks, I'll try that next time. I've been playing my Jugg since release and haven't had problems until after the Dec 30 patch.

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