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The real reason people post "i am leaving"


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most of the people who dont like this game are people who dont want to lose their groupies in WOW who worship their high level toons. They just want everyone to stay on a game where they are beyond powerful and everyone can stroke their ego about it.


Thats why u see so many I am leaving posts. Its a subtle way they are hoping that everyone sees that people are leaving and then go back to WOW. I bet in all the posts somewhere it says I hate swtor but will be going back to my awesome X game and so should anyone reading this. I.E they want their fans back to worship them.

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most of the people who dont like this game are people who dont want to lose their groupies in WOW who worship their high level toons. They just want everyone to stay on a game where they are beyond powerful and everyone can stroke their ego about it.


Thats why u see so many I am leaving posts. Its a subtle way they are hoping that everyone sees that people are leaving and then go back to WOW. I bet in all the posts somewhere it says I hate swtor but will be going back to my awesome X game and so should anyone reading this. I.E they want their fans back to worship them.


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most of the people who dont like this game are people who dont want to lose their groupies in WOW who worship their high level toons. They just want everyone to stay on a game where they are beyond powerful and everyone can stroke their ego about it.


Thats why u see so many I am leaving posts. Its a subtle way they are hoping that everyone sees that people are leaving and then go back to WOW. I bet in all the posts somewhere it says I hate swtor but will be going back to my awesome X game and so should anyone reading this. I.E they want their fans back to worship them.


I'd see a doctor as soon as possible. I think you got a major concussion when you bumped your head.

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My friend has been doing it, and he is 26 years old.

Not here ofcourse, but in Aion and in Warhammer.

I know... 26 years old, we are not friends anymore. He has anger issues, but i'm pretty sure he just hasn't come out of the closet yet.


Maybe it gets better when they.. come out?

Are you listening out there, come out already!



Don't see anything else.

Edited by Tiriensoul
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most of the people who dont like this game are people who dont want to lose their groupies in WOW who worship their high level toons. They just want everyone to stay on a game where they are beyond powerful and everyone can stroke their ego about it.


Thats why u see so many I am leaving posts. Its a subtle way they are hoping that everyone sees that people are leaving and then go back to WOW. I bet in all the posts somewhere it says I hate swtor but will be going back to my awesome X game and so should anyone reading this. I.E they want their fans back to worship them.


Or people that have jobs and actually care about spending money on a worthwhile product.

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most of the people who dont like this game are people who dont want to lose their groupies in WOW who worship their high level toons. They just want everyone to stay on a game where they are beyond powerful and everyone can stroke their ego about it.


Top 10 dumbest things I've read on these forums so far.

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Thinking people worship you in any game setting is a kin to that 300# woman walking down the street in spandex a halter top. the only one who thinks she is looking hot.








Me likey the analogy. :D


I agree with the OP as well. :)

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Or people that have jobs and actually care about spending money on a worthwhile product.


"Worthwhile product" is a matter of opinion. I actually do disagree with the OP though, i would say most of those "i am leaving" threads are posted by people who are simply personally disapointed that they don't love the game the way they hoped to and want to vent to anyone and everyone that will listen. They are upset, they want to let everyone know about it, plain and simple. If people really want them to go away (relatively speaking), they should just ignore them. The more misery the threads cause others the better they feel about being miserable themselves (in regards to the game).

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Or they do it in hopes of the Devs seeing WHY they left.


The problem with this one is that, while the logic is sound in theory, in practice its nonsense. People forget, its not your game, its theirs (BW). Could mass complaining about a specific aspect spark future change? Sure, it could, especially if the company is already planning to address it, but it is in no way shape or form even close to a certainty. So, if they feel the need to state to the devs what they hated and why they left, ok, thats their opinion and perfectly fine. Just don't expect it to bring about change, ok. Your venting about your individual likes/dislikes isn't going to make the devs do anything. Its their game, they will do what THEY think is best, not what you do. It is possible it fails as a game because of this, yes, that could happen, but make no mistake, they will fail doing what they want, not what you want.

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most of the people who dont like this game are people who dont want to lose their groupies in WOW who worship their high level toons. They just want everyone to stay on a game where they are beyond powerful and everyone can stroke their ego about it.


Thats why u see so many I am leaving posts. Its a subtle way they are hoping that everyone sees that people are leaving and then go back to WOW. I bet in all the posts somewhere it says I hate swtor but will be going back to my awesome X game and so should anyone reading this. I.E they want their fans back to worship them.


You should probably rethink your entire post because..it's....not right.

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most of the people who dont like this game are people who dont want to lose their groupies in WOW who worship their high level toons. They just want everyone to stay on a game where they are beyond powerful and everyone can stroke their ego about it.


Thats why u see so many I am leaving posts. Its a subtle way they are hoping that everyone sees that people are leaving and then go back to WOW. I bet in all the posts somewhere it says I hate swtor but will be going back to my awesome X game and so should anyone reading this. I.E they want their fans back to worship them.


I don't agree. In a game when you can be max level in a week or so the investment is pretty small to 'get back to the top.'

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most of the people who dont like this game are people who dont want to lose their groupies in WOW who worship their high level toons. They just want everyone to stay on a game where they are beyond powerful and everyone can stroke their ego about it.


Thats why u see so many I am leaving posts. Its a subtle way they are hoping that everyone sees that people are leaving and then go back to WOW. I bet in all the posts somewhere it says I hate swtor but will be going back to my awesome X game and so should anyone reading this. I.E they want their fans back to worship them.


Or they're upset that a game they've been following for 2 years was released too early and they're afraid fixes won't come out as fast as the game bleeds subs.

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the real reason people post I am leaving is becuase they are disapointed with the game. They decide to leave some feedback to relieve some of that disapointment and to warn others from getting ripped off.


So you are saying they don't understand their opinion isn't the same as everyone elses. That people want different things in games?


That fits right in with what i said, they post this drivel because of narcissism.

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